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By the Governor

--A Proclamation The military forces of the Government at Washington having invaded the territory of Virginia, and shed the blood of its people, and committed other acts of outrage and aggressing, thereby evincing a purpose, on the part of that Government to subjugate the people of Virginia, and subject them to a tyrannical control against their consent: Therefore, I., John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth aforesaid, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the same do hereby require all the volunteer companies which may have been formed in the several counties and corporations of the Commonwealth, not already mustered into the service, to repair forth with, and without awaiting any further orders, to the places of rendezvous designated by my Proclamation of the 3d day of May, 1861, there to be mustered into the service of Virginia.

And I do further invoke the good people of Virginia to organize themselves into volunteer companies, and arm themselves with such arms as may have been furnished to them, or they may be able to procure, and repair promptly to said places of rendezvous.

And I furthermore require the Militia of the line to hold themselves in readiness for immediate service, and arm themselves with such arms as may have been issued to them, or they may be able to procure; and the company officers are required to assemble their companies, at least once a week, at their usual places of mustering, for inspection and drill that they may be prepared to repel the invaders of our soil.

And I furthermore enjoin upon all the good people of this Commonwealth to deport themselves with the calmness and composure becoming a free people, conscious of their rights, and resolved to maintain them, nothing doubting, that by the patriotic devotion, concentrated energy and determined will of the people, in firm reliance upon the blessing of Divine Providence, we shall be able to maintain the liberty, independence and integrity of our ancient Commonwealth, and the safety, honor and welfare of the Confederate States.

Given under my hand, as Governor and and under the Seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this third day of June, 1861, and in the 85th year of the Commonwealth.

John Letcher.

By the Governor: George W. Munford.

Secretary of the Commonwealth. The several newspapers throughout the state will insert the foregoing Proclamation three times in each of their papers, and forward their accounts to the Executive Department for payment. je 3--d&c3t

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