Worthy of Emulation.
--The Governor, on Saturday, received two letters covering remittances from Virginia citizens, as their contribution towards the support of Government and the expulsion of the invaders from the Old Dominion. In Virginia and the other Confederate States, all contributions have been free will offerings; in New York and other abolition localities of the North, whatever has been given by ‘"merchant princes,"’ ‘"retired wealthy snobs, "’ and others, has been doled out under the influence of a panic which threatened the disruption of the whole social Fabria. The Yankees would rather part with their blood than gold. They had reluctantly to yield a little gold to save much. Of the two letters alluded to as having been received by the Governor, one was written by Dr. J. Prosser Tabb, of Gloucester, and pledges the writer to give $1,000 this year to the cause of Old Virginia, enclosed was a check for $250, the balance to follow in quarterly instalments. We may remark that Dr. Tabb offered to give the $230 during every three months the war should continue. The second letter received by the Governor was from Andrew White, Esq., of Lynchburg, enclosing his chock for $500 for the use of the State.