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[211] within this period. ‘In this work,’ says Dr. Amory,1 ‘besides illustrating throughout the history of the Acts and most of the Epistles by a view of the history of the times, the occasion of the several epistles, and the state of the churches to whom they were addressed, he hath established the truth of the Christian religion on a number of facts, the most public, important, and incontestable, the relation of which we have from eyewitnesses of unquestionable integrity, and which produced such great and extensive alterations in the moral and religious state of the world, as cannot be rationally accounted for without admitting the reality of these facts and the truth of these relations.’

In the preface to a later edition of this work, the author expresses himself as follows:—

If I had believed Christianity to be false, no worldly considerations whatever could have induced me to have wrote so much to make the world believe that it is true. And if it be true, it is not an indifferent matter whether men receive or reject it. As for my own part, I have studied the books of Scripture, and more especially the New Testament, for above thirty years. From thence I have taken my notions of Christianity, and of the evidence of it. I have read the objections of the infidels, and have found that their acquaintance with the Scriptures is but very superficial; that they have no steady principles of their own; and that their design is to pull down Christianity, without giving the world any other scheme of religion or morals instead of it. I am, indeed, convinced

1 Memoir, Prefixed to the ‘life of Christ,’ p. XI.

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