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not conceive that their principles laid them under any obligation to come out of the church.
On the contrary, they even pretended to prove the agreement of Unitarians with the Catholic church; and availed themselves with great ingenuity of the controversy at that time prevailing between Sherlock and South, and their respective adherents, to shew that, while the former were no better than Tritheists, the latter, whom they represented as constituting a great majority, differed in nothing essential from the Unitarians; so that they themselves were to all intents and purposes good sound orthodox churchmen.
In all this, it must be confessed that logical dexterity is much more conspicuous than honesty or consistency.
If Mr. Biddle, to whom they sometimes profess to look up as their master, had learnt in their school, or had been disposed to act upon their principles, he might never have gone to the Scilly Islands; nor would he now have been remembered as an illustrious and venerable confessor, who ‘on evil days though fallen and evil tongues,’ did not hesitate to contend manfully for the truth, though called upon to sacrifice station, property, liberty, and, finally, even life itself, in its cause.
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