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of Donegal, who then resided in London, and the following year went over with her family to Belfast in Ireland, where she was shortly afterwards married to Sir W. Franklin.
Here he continued for some years in his capacity of chaplain, with a liberal salary, and was treated with great respect and distinction.
Sir W. Franklin, who had a large property in the west of England, offered to present him to a considerable living in that part of the country; but he declined it, not in consequence of any scruples on the doctrine of the Trinity, respecting which no difficulties had as yet arisen in his mind, but from a dissatisfaction with the prescribed terms of ministerial conformity.
That he was not, however, at this time a rigid Nonconformist, appears from his not only attending regularly the ordinary services of the church, but frequently officiating for the neighbouring clergymen, having a license for so doing from the bishop of the diocese, facultatis exercendoe gratui. The disturbances which took place in the north of Ireland in consequence of the landing of James II.
in that country, occasioned the breaking up of the Countess of Donegal's establishment, and Emlyn retired to England; previously to which, however, he received an overture through Mr. Boyse, one of the ministers of the Presbyterian congregation in Wood-street, Dublin, to become his colleague as successor to Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Daniel Williams, who had been driven from his charge by the violent and tyrannical proceedings of the popish administration of the time.
But he declined the proposal for the present.
Having no immediate engagement in England, he accepted an invitation from Sir Robert
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