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‘ [71] and, for the matter of it, was not very different from what divers learned men and dignitaries of the church had published. I could have shewn that men of great probity and character differ very much about these matters; and that, if a mere error must be judged blasphemy by a party of the contrary opinion, then may any thing be judged such, let but the adverse party have the drawing of the consequences. But my counsel would say nothing on this head on my behalf, and they would not let me speak for myself: when I offered it, the Queen's counsel turned upon me, and cried, Speak by your counsel.’

The Chief Justice seems to have acted the part of an accuser rather than of a judge; and the jury, intimidated by his representation, and probably overawed by the unwonted presence of so many dignitaries of the church, brought in, but with apparent reluctance, a verdict of guilty. When the verdict was pronounced, the Attorney-general moved that the prisoner might have the honour of the pillory; but sentence was deferred till the last day of the term, and in the mean time he was committed to the common gaol. During this interval, Mr. Boyse, who, if he had not been actively concerned in the previous arbitrary and violent proceedings, certainly did not express that dislike of them as carried on by others, nor of such methods of persecution in general which might have been expected of a Christian minister, seems to have shewn more concern for his former friend and colleague, and exerted himself to prevent the rigorous sentence the Attorney-general had moved for. Mr. Emlyn himself also addressed the following letter to the Chief Justice an his own behalf:—

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