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Lot. Acres.
33. Rich. ffrances 60
34. John Parker 10
35. Jonath. Padlefoote 15
36. Edw. Hall 70
37. Ri. Oldam 60
38. Gilbert Cracbone 90
39. Robert Stedman 90
40. Tho. Swoetman 70
41. Wm. Bordman 60
42. John Betts 90
43. John Shepard 60
44. Daniell Stone 50
45. John ffrenches children 30
46. John ffownell 100
47. Samll. Hides 80
48. Tho. Marret 200
49. Edw. Winship 200
50. Goodm. Hammond 15
51. Steven Day 50
52. John Gibson 80
53. Edw. Goffe 450
54. William Man 70
55. Ri. Jacson 200
56. Willm. Dixon 80
57. George Willowes 60
58. Tho. Chesholme 100
59. Mr. Edmund ffrost 200
60. John Hall 20
61. Edw. Michelson 150
62. And. Belcher 50
63. John Swan 20
64. Phil. Cooke 80
65. ffr. Moore, junior 50
66. Widd: Sill 40
67. Robert Parker 60
68. Willm. Manning 60
69. Richard Hassull 60
70. Nicho. Withe 90
71. Willm. Hamlet 60
72. Willm. Towne 70
73. Samll. Greene 80
74. Robert Browne 40
75. John Boutell 20
76. John Bridge 250
77. Tho. Beal 100
78. Richard Parke100
79. franc. Whitmore50
80. Jonas Clearke60
81. John Hasteings80
82. Henry Prentise 80
83. Elder Champnis 350
84. Nath. Sparhauke140
85. John Stedman300
86. Willm. Russell60
87. William Patten 90
88. Ben. Bower20
89. Tho. Briggam 180
90. John Russell80
91. Will. Bucke20
92. Richard Ecles70
93. Mrs. Sarah Simes50
94. Mr. Jacson400
95. Mr. Andrews150
96. Abra. Errington70
97. Widd: Cutter40
98. ffr. Moore, senr.50
99. Mr. Josseph Cooke300
100. Wm. Wilcocke90
101. Christopher Cane80
102. Rich. Dana20
103. Mr. Angier300
104. Vincet Druse15
105. Rogr. Bancroft100
106. John Cooper 140
107. Edw. Shepard80
108. Tho. Bridge50
109. Ranold Bush10
110. Tho. Prentise150
111. Math. Bridge 80
112. Golden Moore100
113. Robert Brodish30
Memo. There is these two persons overslipped, viz.
28. Richard Robbins80
91. Daniell Wines10
These two lots must come in their due order.
The town do give to Gregory Stone, adjoining to his farm, one hundred acres.100

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