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1 1 Mass. Arch., LXVIII. 114.
2 Ibid., p 228.
3 So imminent was the peril, that on the 27th of March, 1676, ‘at a public meeting of the inhabitants of the town to consider about fortifying the town against the Indians, it was agreed upon by a public vote of the town as followetlh: It is by the inhabitants jointly agreed, that they judge it necessary that something be done for the fencing in the town with a stockadoe, or something equivalent; and in pursuance thereof do nominate and empower the militia of the town and selectmen to set out the place where, and to each one their proportion, and to do whatever shall be necessary for the completing thereof.’ The stockade was commenced; but before it was completed the danger so far diminished that the project was abandoned, and the timber which had been gathered was used for the repair of the Great Bridge.
4 Mass. Arch., LXVIII. 247.
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