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[639] 24 July 1768. His w. d. and he m. Lavina Bond, and had Joseph, bap. 3 Feb. 1771; Edmund, bap. 13 Sept. 1772; Lydia, bap. 14 Ap. 1776; John, bap. 21 Mar. 1779.

14. Joseph, s. of Jacob of Woburn, b. 1748, m. Eunice Cook of Camb. 4 July 1775, and had Joseph, b. 7 Ap. 1776; Eunice, b. 1 Ap. 1778, m. Ebenezer Jenkins, Boston, 15 Oct. 1801; Reuben, b. 9 Nov. 1785, chaise maker in Boston, d. 17 May 1873; Elizabeth, b. 22 Nov. 1787, m. John Rayner, Boston; Sarah, b. 22 Dec. 1790, m. Abel Baker, Boston, 1807. Joseph the f. d. 23 Feb. 1816; his w. Eunice d. 1 Oct. 1825, a. 76.

Mercy, dau. of Samuel, bap. 5 Dec 1697. John, s. of Timothy, bap. 15 Ap. 1722. Hannah, m. Downing Champney, Jr., 4 July 1765.

Redding, Joseph (or Reading, and Readinge), here in 1633, owned house and land 1635 on the easterly side of Holyoke Street, between Mount Auburn Street and Holyoke Place. His name disappears early; and Farmer says he was of Ipswich in 1638.

Redfen, William (or Redfin, and Redfyn), owned house and four acres on the south side of the river in 1642, which he sold to Edward Jackson 8 Sept. 1746, and rem. to New London, Conn.

Remington, John, of ‘Newbury 1637, freeman 1639, rem. to Andover, and thence to Rowley and to Roxbury.’ (Farmer.) By w. Elizabeth he had John; Thomas; Jonathan, b. 12 Feb. 1639-40; Daniel, b. 2 Oct. 1641, was prob. of Boston 1680; Hannah, b. 19 June 1643, prob. the same who m. Thomas Larkin of Chs. 13 Sept. 1666; Elizabeth, b. 5 Ap. 1645, d. 16 Mar. 1646; prob. a second Elizabeth, b. about 1648, m. John Stedman of Camb. 14 May 1666, and Samuel Gibson 14 June 1679, and d. 1680, naming Jonathan Remington in her will, as her brother; Mary, b. 31 Mar. 1653, d.—Mar. 1653-4. These chil. except the first two were b. at Rowley, where Elizabeth the mother d. 24 Oct. 1658. John the f. was Lieut. of militia 1647, and removed to Roxbury, where he d. 8 June 1667.

2. John, s. of John (1), by w. Abigail, had in Rowley, John, b. 12 Mar. 1650-51; Abigail, b. 14 Sept. 1652; Prudence, b. 14 July 1657. John the f. rem. with his family to Haverhill as early as 1667.

3. Thomas, s. of John (1), by w. Mehetabel, had in Rowley, Thomas, b. 17 July 1659; John, b. 2 Nov. 1661; Jonathan, ,b.—; Dec. 1663; Mary, b. 14 July 1666; Sarah, b. 8 Dec. 1668.

4. Jonathan, s. of John (1), settled in Camb. and m. Martha, dau. of Andrew Belcher, 13 July 1664, and had Martha, b. 18 Feb. 1666-7, d. 23 Ap. 1669; Jonathan, b. 17 Mar. 1668-9, d. 16 Ap. 1669; Martha, b. 28 Oct. 1674, m. Capt. Nicholas Bowes of Boston 29 Jan. 1718-19; Jonathan, b. 25 Sept. 1677; Samuel, b. 11 July 1679, d. 3 June 1680; Anna, b. 30 Jan. 1680-81, m. John Hill 24 June 1708; John, b.——, d. 6 Ap. 1689; Mary, b.——, d. 3 Dec. 1690; Elizabeth, b.——, had share of estate; Sarah, b. 10 May 1688, m. John Biscoe of Watertown 1 Feb. 1710-11. Jonathan the f. was a carpenter, but from an early period much engaged in public affairs. He resided near the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets from 1665 to 1682, when he exchanged that estate for the original Blue Anchor Tavern, which he kept during the remainder of his life. He served in Philip's War, 1675, as Corporal; was appointed Lieutenant 27 June 1689; and served in a later Indian War, during which he was stationed at Groton as Commissary, Sept. 1689, and at Wells as Lieutenant, May 1691, at which last place he had command of Capt. Josiah Convers' Company. He was Selectman nine years between 1688 and 1700, and Town Clerk 1693, 1698, 1699, 1700. He d. 21 Ap. 1700, a. 61; his w. Martha d. 16 July 1711, a. 67.

5. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (4), m. Lucy, dau. of Rev. Simon Bradstreet of New London (whose wid. had m. Daniel Epps, and at the time of this marriage was residing in Medf. being a second time a widow), 5 Sept. 1711, and had Lucy, b. 17 Aug. 1712, m. Rev. William Hobby of Reading 21 Oct. 1734; Martha, b. 24 July 1714, m. Judge Edmund Trowbridge 15 Mar. 1737-8, and d. without issue 31 July 1772; Jonathan, b. 11 June 1716, grad. H. C. 1736, d. unm. 24 Dec. 1738; Mary, b. 22 July 1718, m. Rev. Benjamin

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