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[576] S. C., 10 July 1850;] Jonathan the f. inherited the homestead, and succeeded his father also in the business of tanning. He accumulated a large estate, on which his wid. Sarah took administration, 20 Aug. 1742.

6. Samuel, s. of Samuel (3), m. Hannah, dau. of John Marrett, and d. 28 Sept. 1699. Their son Samuel, prob. posthumous, was bap. 4 Feb. 1699– 1700, and d. 15 Aug. 1700.

7. Stephen, s. of Samuel (3), m. Hannah, dau. of Thomas Stacy, 28 Oct. 1708, and had Samuel, bap. 16 Ap. 1710; Thomas, bap. 24 Feb. 1711-12 (and prob. a 2d Thomas, b. about 1717, called 70 years old at his death in 1787); Stephen, bap. 7 May 1721. Stephen the f. was a currier, inherited the homestead, corner of Brattle and Ash streets, which he sold in 1707, and afterwards res. on the north side of Mount Auburn Street, between Brighton Street and Brattle Square. He d. 24 Sept. 1726, a. 57; his w. Hannah survived.

8. John, s. of John (4), was described as a ‘husbandman’ residing in Cambridge, when he was appointed administrator of his father's estate 1 Nov. 1720, also when he sold the homestead to Stephen Palmer 23 May 1733, after which date I find no trace of him on our records or elsewhere.

9. Joseph, s. of John (4), by w. Elizabeth, had Elizabeth, b.——, m. John Allen of Walpole 22 June 1725; Mary, b. 1708; Joseph, b. 1710; Hannah, b. 1713; Abigail, b. 9 Sept. 1716, d. young; Matthew, b. 18 Sept. 1718; Esther, b. 6 Ap. 1721, m. Samuel Boyce of Medfield 13 Ap. 1744. Joseph the f. was a weaver, and resided in Reading in 1699, when he petitioned the General Court for relief, describing himself as ‘late of Cambridge,’ and representing that in 1690 he was in an expedition against the Indians, and that near Exeter he ‘was wounded by a shot close by his eye,’ which destroyed its sight. The Court granted him £ 10, money. In July 1716 he rem. to Weston, where he d. 27 Feb.. 1724-5.

10. Daniel, s. of John (4), m. Abigail Cooksey 13 Nov. 1701, and had Abigail, b. 9 and . 27 Aug. 1702; Walter, b. 24 Mar. 1703-4, and d. in Hardwick 6 July 1792; Abigail, bap. 19 May 1706; Daniel, b. 8 Jan. 1708-9; Sarah, bap. 9 May 1714. Daniel the f. was a blacksmith, and his house and shop were at the easterly corner of Brattle and Mason streets. He removed to Marlborough before 6 June 1722, when he sold his Camb. homestead to Dr. Samuel Wheat of Needham; he was residing in Sudbury 1727, in Oxford 1732, after which he rem. to Hardwick, where he d. 25 Jan. 1755.

11. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan (5), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. John Cotton of Newton, 30 Oct. 1750, and had Jonathan, b. 2 Aug. 1751; Walter, b. 25 Sept. 1752; John, b. 23 Mar. 1754; Rebecca, b. 16 Sept. 1758, d. unm. 20 Sept. 1846. Jonathan the f. grad. H. C. 1730, was Justice of the Peace and Steward of Harvard College. In 1742 he purchased the estate on the easterly side of Holmes Place (afterwards owned by Rev. Dr. Holmes and his family), which was thenceforth his residence. He was an ardent patriot in the War of the Revolution, and his house, the same which is now standing, was the Headquarters of Gen. Ward in the early part of 1775. From this house, the last probably which he ever entered, Gen. Joseph Warren departed, on the morning of 17 June 1775, to the field of glory and of death. Mr. Hastings d. 16 Feb. 1783; his w. Elizabeth d. 10 July 1782, a. 60.

12. Samuel, s. of Jonathan (5), m. Mary, dau. of Deac. Samuel Whittemore (pub. 7 Nov. 1746), and had Sarah, bap. 22 Nov. 1747, d. young; Sarah, b. 18 Oct. 1749, m. James Hill 29 Jan. 1791, and d. in the following March. Samuel the f. was a glazier, res. on the easterly side of North Avenue, near Mellen Street, and d. 16 July 1785.

13. Samuel, s. of Stephen (7), m. Hepzibah, dau. of Daniel Dana, 8 May 1735, and had in Camb., Hepzibah, bap. 11 Ap. 1736, d. young; and in Newton, Hepzibah, b. 1 Ap. 1737, m. Alexander Sampson 1754; Samuel, b. 1 Aug. 1738; Hannah, b. 20 July 1740, m. Caleb Aspinwall 1763, and Stephen Winchester; Mary, b. 1 Dec. 1742, m. Howard; Joseph Stacy, b. 9 Feb. 1745, grad. H. C. 1762, was ordained at Northampton, N. H., 11 Feb. 1767, removed to Boston about 1774, and d. at Middlebury, Vt., 30 June 1807;

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