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Needham, John, of Boston (otherwise written Neadom, and Nedam), m. Elizabeth, dau. of Zechariah Hicks, 10 Oct. 1679, and had Elizabeth, Hannah, Margaret, Zechariah, and Mehetabel. The mother d. 4 Feb. 1690-91, a. 36; the chil. were placed under the guardianship of their grandfather Hicks, and some or all of them probably became members of his household. Elizabeth, m. John Maynard of Sudbury 7 Dec. 1713; Mehetabel, m. Jonathan Maynard of Sudbury 10 Dec. 1714.

Newman, Patience, m. Nathaniel Sparhawk 3 Oct. 1649. Samuel, of Rehobotll, m. Hannah Bunker 2 May 1689; the same Samuel (probably), m. wid. Theodosia Wiswall before 1709.

Nichols, Thomas, owned house and nine acres near Fresh Pond in 1638.

Norcross, John (otherwise written, Norcrost), in 1642 had 22 acres on the south side of the river.

Nutting, John, one of the earliest inhabitants of Groton, by w. Sarah, had Sarah, b. 29 May 1663; Ebenezer, b. 23 Oct. 1666; Jonathan, b. 17 Oct. 1668.

2. Ebenezer, S. of John (1), was probably the same who res. in Medf. and by w. Lydia, had Lydia, b. 5 Nov. 1692; Jonathan, b. 31 Jan. 1694-5; Sarah, b. 11 Aug 1698; Ebenezer, b. 9 Aug. 1700; James, b. 31 Jan. 1703-4; Josiah, b. about 1706; John, b. 23 Mar. 1708-9; Benjamin, b. 7 Sept. 1711; Mary. Ebenezer the f. was a blacksmith, and was described in a deed, as of Camb. 1697. His estate was settled 6 July 1733.

3. Jonathan, s. of John (1), by Elizabeth had Hannah, m. John Gross of Boston, 17 Ap. 1710, and——Shepard of Boston, and was living in 1746; [616] Sarah, m. John Gay, and d. 1772; John, b. 1695, grad. H. C. 1712, Master of the Grammar School at Salem 1719-1749, Ruling Elder of a new church at Salem 1736, Notary Public 1755, Collector of Customs at Salem and Marblehead 1768, and d. 20 May 1790; Jonathan; these four were bap. here, 18 July 1697; Elizabeth, bap. 9 Oct. 1698, d. unm. between 20 Ap. and 2 June 1785; Samuel, b. 1 Aug. 1701; James, bap. 25 Ap. 1703; Ebenezer, bap. 25 Mar. 1705; prob. d. young; Mary, m. Paul Nowell of York, living in 1785. Jona-than the f. was a gunsmith and locksmith; in 1695 he bought house and land at the N. E. corner of Bow and Holyoke streets, but at a later period he owned and occupied the square inclosed by Dunster, Winthrop, Holyoke, and South streets, except the southeast corner. He d. 1735; his w. Elizabeth and seven children survived.

4. Jonathan, S. of Jonathan (3), settled in Wrentham, where he d. before 1735. His children were Jonathan; Elizabeth, b. 1726, was placed under the guardianship of John Gay of Camb. 30 Nov. 1737, being then described as in the twelfth year of her age, m. John Hicks 26 Ap. 1748, and died Dec. (buried the 22d) 1825, a. 99; Hannah.

5. Samuel, s. of Jonathan (3), was a brickmaker, resided a few years in Medf., where two of his children were born, afterwards in Camb., and removed to Wat. as early as 1746. His children were Samuel, b. 16 Oct. 1729; Elizabeth, b. 7 June 1731; Jonathan, bap. here 15 June 1735; Joseph, bap. 14 Aug. 1737,d. young; Joseph, bap. 6 May 1739.

6. James, s. of Jonathan (3), by w. Mercy, had Ebenezer, b. 15 May 1728; Mary, bap. 15 May 1730; James, b. about 1734, d. 1758, and his mother administered 1 Jan. 1759; Ebenezer, bap. 30 Jan. 1736-7, was of Salem 1799; John, bap. 21 Jan. 1738-9; Jonathan, bap. 14 June 1741; Samuel, bap. 15 Ap. 1744. James the f. was a locksmith, and resided on the westerly side of Dunster Street, about midway between Harvard Square and Mount Auburn Street. He d. about 1745, and his w. Mercy who was appointed administratrix 27 Jan. 1745, remained a widow, and dwelt on the homestead more than half a century; she died of a cancer 2 May 1799, at the age of 98 years, according to the record of Dr. Holmes.

7. John, prob. s. of James (6), by w. Mary, had Mary, b. 26 Ap. 1762, d. 12 Ap. 1766; John, b. 3 Mar. 1764; Mercy, bap. 3 Mar. 1766; Mary, bap. 6 Mar. 1768; Elizabeth, bap. 6 May 1770. John the f. was a carpenter, and in 1761 bought house and one fourth acre on the easterly side of North Avenue, near the Common, which estate he mortgaged to John Walton of Reading 1770; Walton's Executor took possession of the estate 1786, and it became the residence of Deacon John Walton. In the Revolution, Mr. Nutting adhered to the King, and was proscribed by the Act of 1778. Whether he returned is not ascertained.

8. Jonathan, S. of James (6), was a trader in Chs. He was probably the same who sold the estate formerly of John Gay in 1785, then styled trader of Boston, and having repurchased a part of it, sold it again to Judge Winthrop in 1786, then styled trader of Reading.

9. Samuel, s. of James (6), grad. H. C. 1768, was a physician, and res. here. The Overseers of the Poor 6 Mar. 1793, ‘agreed with Dr. Samuel Nutting, for the current year, as Warden to the Poor's House, and as Physician to the Poor, for £ 16; his son to do the errands.’ This situation he retained until his death 8 Jan. 1797, after which his wid. Elizabeth acted in place of a Warden until Dec. 1802. Their children are not found on record.

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