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[48] and all they have into the hands, and be at the mercy and devotion of the creditors. And this must be done nakedly and really. It is too much that men have rashly and unjustly taken more than they were able to repay and satisfy: ergo they must not add falseness and dissimulation when they come to pay, and so not only break their estate but their consciences finally. I am afraid there be old arrearages of this nature that lie yet in the deck.

2. The Churches and the Commonwealth, by joint consent and serious consideration, must make a privy search what have been the courses and sinful carriages which have brought in and increased this epidemical evil; pride and idleness, excess in apparel, building, diet, unsuitable to our beginnings or abilities; what toleration and connivance at extortion, and injustice, and oppression; the tradesman willing the workman may take what he will for his work, that he may ask what he will for his commodity.

3. When they have humbled themselves unfeignedly before the Lord, then set up a real reformation, not out of politick respects, attending our own devices, but out of plainness, looking at the rule and following that, leave the rest to the Lord, who will ever go with those who go his own way.

Has premisses: I cannot see in reason but if you can sell, and the Lord afford any comfortable chapman, but you should remove. For why should a man stay until the house fall on his head? and why continue his being there where in reason he shall destroy his substance? For were men merchants, how can they hold it, when men either want money to buy withal, or else want honesty, and will not pay? The more honest and able any persons or plantations be, their rates will increase, stocks grow low, and their increase little or nothing. And if remove, why not to Mattabeseck?1 For may be either the gentlemen2 will not come, and that's most likely; or if they do, they will not come

1 Now Middletown, Connecticut.

2 The reference here is not to the “gentlemen” in Cambridge with Mr. Shepard, but to certain others in England, for whom Mr. Fenwick, the proprietor of Mattabesick, desired to provide, as appears by another letter from Hooker to Shepard, without date: “Touching your business at Matabesick, this is the compass of it: Mr. Fenwick is willing that you and your company should come thither upon these terms; Provided that you will reserve three double lots for three of the gentlemen, if they come; that is, those three lots must carry a double proportion to that which yours take. If they take twenty acres of meadow, you must reserve forty for them; if thirty, three score for them. This is all we could obtain, because he stays one year longer in expectation of his company, at the least some of them; and the like hath been done in Quinipiack, and hath been usual in such beginnings. Therefore, we were silent in such a grant, for the while.”

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