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Philip Johnson.

Wicom Johnson.

James Jones.

John Kidder.

Henry King.

Peter Landman.

Joseph Larkin.

Jonathan Lawrence.

James Learned.

William Learned.

Jack Leaven worth.

Robert Leonard.

Job Littlefield.

Jonathan Locke.

Thomas Long.

Richard Loring.

Thomas Mason.

Edmund Masters.

Robert McCleary.

Arthur Me Cord.

Daniel McGuire.

Daniel McNamara (deserted).

John Mead.

Thomas Melendy.

Joseph Mills.

Samuel Mills.

Pierce Moran.

William Morse.

Ephraim Mullett.

John Myrick.

Alexander Nelson.

John Palmer.

John Parcells.

Thomas Park.

Jackson Parker.

Thomas Parrott.

William Penniman.

Thomas Perkins.

Jesse Perry.

Elijah Phipps.

Samuel Phipps.

John Pierce.

Joseph Pierce.

Samuel Pierce.

Job Potamea.

Edward Prentice.

Henry Prentice.

Henry Prentice, Jr.

Jonas Prentice.

Solomon Prentice.

Peter Quinn.

Henry Ramor.

Abraham Rand.

Moses Rand.

Thomas Ransford.

Jonathan Read.

Joseph Read.

Stacy Read.

John Rice.

Elias Richardson.

Moses Richardson.

George Richey.

John Ridgway.

Ebenezer Robbins.

Ephraim Robbins.

Jonathan Robbins.

Gain Robinson.

Silas Robinson.

York Ruggles.

John Runey.

Joseph Russell.

Patten Russell.

Samuel Russell.

Jacob Sanderson.

William Sanger.

John Savage.

Richard Seaver.

Joseph Shaw.

John Sherrin.

Ebenezer Simonds.

James Simson.

John Smith.

Blake Sparhawk.

Noah Sparhawk.

Convers Spring.

Jonathan Stanley.

Joseph Stanley.

Jotham Staple.

John Stearns.

Robert Steward .

Samuel Stimson.

Amos Stone.

David Stone.

John Stone.

Aaron Swan.

George Swan.

Stephen Symmes.

Amos Taylor.

John Tidd.

Joseph Trask.

Stephen Tucker.

Ebenezer Tufts.

John Tufts.

Jonathan Tufts.

Nathan Tufts.

Nathaniel Tufts.

Samuel Tufts.

George Turner.

Wait Turner.

Elijah Tuttle.

Joseph Tuttle.

John Vertys.

John Vila.

Thomas Wait.

Edward Walker.

Israel Walton.

William Warland.

Daniel Watson.

Isaac Watson.

William Watson.

Ezra Welch.

John Welch.

Elijah Weld.

Henry Weld.

Job Wetherell.

Thomas Wheeler.

Andrew White.

James White.

John Whiting.

Andrew Whitney.

Nathaniel R. Whitney.

Oliver Whitney.

Timothy Whitney.

Francis Whittemore.

Nathan Whittemore.

Samuel Whittemore, Jr.

Thomas Whittemore.

James Williams.

Nathaniel Williams.

Timothy Willison.

George Wilson.

Josiah Wilson.

Thomas Wilson.

William Wilton.

Henry Win ship.

Isaac Winship.

John Winship.

Coolidge Wood.

Charles Wyman.

Phipps Wyman.

James Yates.

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George Turner (2)
Silas Robinson (2)
Henry Prentice (2)
James Yates (1)
Phipps Wyman (1)
Charles Wyman (1)
Coolidge Wood (1)
John Winship (1)
Isaac Winship (1)
William Wilton (1)
Thomas Wilson (1)
Josiah Wilson (1)
George Wilson (1)
Timothy Willison (1)
Nathaniel Williams (1)
James Williams (1)
Thomas Whittemore (1)
Samuel Whittemore (1)
Nathan Whittemore (1)
Francis Whittemore (1)
Timothy Whitney (1)
Oliver Whitney (1)
Nathaniel R. Whitney (1)
Andrew Whitney (1)
John Whiting (1)
James White (1)
Andrew White (1)
Thomas Wheeler (1)
Job Wetherell (1)
Henry Weld (1)
Elijah Weld (1)
John Welch (1)
Ezra Welch (1)
William Watson (1)
Isaac Watson (1)
Daniel Watson (1)
William Warland (1)
Israel Walton (1)
Edward Walker (1)
John Vila (1)
John Vertys (1)
Joseph Tuttle (1)
Elijah Tuttle (1)
Samuel Tufts (1)
Nathaniel Tufts (1)
Nathan Tufts (1)
Jonathan Tufts (1)
John Tufts (1)
Ebenezer Tufts (1)
Stephen Tucker (1)
Joseph Trask (1)
John Tidd (1)
Amos Taylor (1)
Stephen Symmes (1)
George Swan (1)
Aaron Swan (1)
John Stone (1)
David Stone (1)
Amos Stone (1)
Samuel Stimson (1)
Robert Steward (1)
John Stearns (1)
Joseph Stanley (1)
Jonathan Stanley (1)
Noah Sparhawk (1)
Blake Sparhawk (1)
John Smith (1)
James Simson (1)
Ebenezer Simonds (1)
John Sherrin (1)
Joseph Shaw (1)
Richard Seaver (1)
John Savage (1)
William Sanger (1)
Jacob Sanderson (1)
Samuel Russell (1)
Patten Russell (1)
Joseph Russell (1)
John Runey (1)
York Ruggles (1)
Jonathan Robbins (1)
Ephraim Robbins (1)
Ebenezer Robbins (1)
John Ridgway (1)
George Richey (1)
Moses Richardson (1)
Elias Richardson (1)
John Rice (1)
Thomas Ransford (1)
Moses Rand (1)
Abraham Rand (1)
Henry Ramor (1)
Peter Quinn (1)
Solomon Prentice (1)
Jonas Prentice (1)
Edward Prentice (1)
Job Potamea (1)
Samuel Pierce (1)
Joseph Pierce (1)
John Pierce (1)
Samuel Phipps (1)
Elijah Phipps (1)
Jesse Perry (1)
Thomas Perkins (1)
William Penniman (1)
Thomas Parrott (1)
Jackson Parker (1)
Thomas Park (1)
John Parcells (1)
John Palmer (1)
Alexander Nelson (1)
John Myrick (1)
Ephraim Mullett (1)
William Morse (1)
Pierce Moran (1)
Thomas Melendy (1)
John Mead (1)
Daniel McNamara (1)
Daniel McGuire (1)
Robert McCleary (1)
Thomas Mason (1)
Richard Loring (1)
Jonathan Locke (1)
Job Littlefield (1)
Robert Leonard (1)
Jonathan Lawrence (1)
Joseph Larkin (1)
Peter Landman (1)
Henry King (1)
John Kidder (1)
James Jones (1)
Wicom Johnson (1)
Philip Johnson (1)
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