Meantime a new company arrived from England, under the leadership of Rev. Thomas Shepard, who purchased the houses and lands of their predecessors, and organized a new church even
Meantime a new company arrived from England, under the leadership of Rev. Thomas Shepard, who purchased the houses and lands of their predecessors, and organized a new church even
1 Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., VII. 12.
3 Ibid., i. 142. Elder William Goodwin, eminent in the State as well as in the Church, died at Farmington, Conn., March 11, 1672-3.
4 Mr. Hooker, that “bright and shining light,” died July 7, 1647. Though renowned “in both Englands” for his gifts and graces, his Christian humility was conspicuous at the hour of death. As related by Mather, “when one that stood weeping by the bed side said unto him, ‘Sir, you are going to receive the reward of all your labors,’ he replied, ‘Brother, I am going to receive mercy.’ ” The pious, learned, and witty Mr. Stone died July 20, 1663.
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