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‘ [346] were made use of.’1 Some of these events are painted in Quaker colors by George Bishop, in a work entitled ‘New England judged by the Spirit of the Lord.’ Elizabeth, wife of Eliakim Wardel of Hampton, being called before the church at Newbury, ‘as a sign to them she went in (though it was exceeding hard to her modest and shamefaced disposition) naked amongst them, which put them into such a rage, instead of consideration, that they soon laid hands on her and to the next court at Ipswich had her’ etc.2 For this offence she received ‘twenty or thirty cruel stripes, being tyed to the fence post.’3 ‘Amongst the rest, one Deborah Wilson, who, bearing a great burthen for your hardheartedness and cruelty, being under a deep sense thereof, was constrained, being a young woman of a very modest and retired life, and of sober conversation, as were her parents, to go through your town of Salem naked, as a sign; which she having in part performed, after she had gone through some part thereof, as aforesaid, she was soon laid hands on, and brought before old Hathorne, who ordered her to appear at the next Court of Salem, at which your wicked rulers sentenced her to be whipped.’4 ‘After this at Cambridge, as she [Elizabeth Hooton, called Horton by Hutchinson] returned, she crying Repentance through some part of that town, where no Friend had been before (as she heard of) she was there laid hold of by a blood-thirsty crew, and early in the morning had before Thomas Danfort and Daniel Goggings, (two wicked and bloody magistrates of yours, of whom I have elsewhere spoken, and their wickedness), who committed her, and whose jaylor thrust her into a noisome, stinking dungeon, where there was nothing to lie down or sit on, and kept there two days and two nights, without helping her to bread or water; and because one Benanuel Bower (a tender Friend) brought her a little milk in this her great distress, wherein she was like to have perished, they cast him into prison for entertaining a stranger, and fined him five pounds.’5 ‘They ordered her to be sent out of their coasts towards Rhode Island, and to be whipped at three towns, ten stripes at each, by the way.’6 She returned to Cambridge, was imprisoned, and whipped there and at two other towns, as before. ‘This was the entertainment they received at Cambridge, (their University of Wickedness), and from Thomas Danfort and Daniel Goggin, magistrates, who (viz. Goggin) ’

1 Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 203, 204.

2 New England judged, etc., p. 376.

3 Ibid., p. 377.

4 Ibid., p. 383.

5 Ibid., p. 414.

6 Ibid., p. 415.

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