The faithful and useful services of Dr. Appleton were recognized by the College in the bestowment of a degree, which, however common it may have since become, had never before been conferred by that corporation, except upon Rev. Increase Mather in 1692, and which was therefore a notable mark of honor. The record bears date July 9, 1771: “The Rev. Mr. Nathanael Appleton having been long an ornament to the pastoral character and eminently distinguished for his knowledge, wisdom, and sanctity of manners and usefulness to the churches, and having for more than fifty years exerted himself in promoting the interests of piety and learning in this society, both as a Minister and as a Fellow of the corporation, therefore, Voted, that the Degree of Doctor in Divinity be conferred on the said Rev. Mr. Nathanael Appleton, and that a Diploma for that purpose be presented to him.”
The longest human life has an end. On the verge of ninety years Dr. Appleton on account of his “very advanced age and growing infirmities” requested that a colleague might aid him in the pastoral office. Accordingly, Rev. Timothy Hilliard was elected by the church and congregation and was duly installed. Dr. Appleton survived this event less than four months. “His public usefulness, though diminished, for a few of his last ”