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List of illustrations.

Portrait of Mrs. Stowe. From a crayon by Richmond, made in England in 1853Frontispiece
Silver inkstand presented to Mrs. Stowe by her English admirers in 1853xi
Portrait of Mrs. Stowe's grandmother, Roxanna Foote. From a miniature painted on ivory by her daughter, Mrs. Lyman Beecher6
Birthplace at Litchfield, Conn.10
Portrait of Catherine E. Beecher. From a photograph taken in 1875.30
The home at Walnut Hills, Cincinnati156
Portrait of Henry Ward Beecher. From a photograph by Rockwood, in 1884 .130
Manuscript page of Uncle Tom's Cabin (fac-simile)160
The Andover home. From a painting by F. Rondel, in 1860, owned by Mrs. H. F. Allen186
Portrait of Lyman Beecher, at the age of eighty-seven. From a painting owned by the Boston Congregational Club . 264
Portrait of the Duchess of Sutherland. From an engraving presented to Mrs. Stowe.318
The old home at Hartford374
The home at Mandarin, Florida402
Portrait of Calvin Ellis Stowe. From a photograph taken in
Portrait of Mrs. Stowe. From a photograph by Ritz and Hastings, in 1884 .470
The later Hartford home508

1 From recent photographs and from views in the Autobiography of Lyman Beecher, published by Messrs. Harper & Brothers.

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