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[94] among my friends, and during a visit to her I had an opportunity one day of witnessing the combined exercise of her literary and domestic genius in a style that to me was quite amusing.

“ Come Harriet,” said I, as I found her tending one baby and watching two others just able to walk, “ where is that piece for the Souvenir which I promised the editor I would get from you and send on next week? You have only this one day left to finish it, and have it I must.”

“And how will you get it, friend of mine?” said Harriet. “You will at least have to wait till I get house-cleaning over and baby's teeth through.”

“ As to house-cleaning, you can defer it one day longer; and as to baby's teeth, there is to be no end to them, as I can see. No, no; to-day that story must be ended. There Frederick has been sitting by Ellen and saying all those pretty things for more than a month now, and she has been turning and blushing till I am sure it is time to go to her relief. Come, it would not take you three hours at the rate you can write to finish the courtship, marriage, catastrophe, eclaircissement, and all; and this three hours labor of your brains will earn enough to pay for all the sewing your fingers could do for a year to come. Two dollars a page, my dear, and you can write a page in fifteen minutes! Come, then, my lady housekeeper, economy is a cardinal virtue; consider the economy of the thing.”

“But, my dear, here is a baby in my arms and two little pussies by my side, and there is a great baking down in the kitchen, and there is a “new girl” for “help,” besides preparations to be made for housecleaning ”

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