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Chapter 3: Cincinnati, 1832-1836.

  • Dr. Beecher called to Cincinnati.
  • -- the westward journey. -- first letter from home. -- description of Walnut Hills. -- starting a new school. -- inward glimpses. The Semi-colon Club. -- early impressions of slavery. -- a journey to the East. -- thoughts aroused by first visit to niagara. -- marriage to Professor Stowe.

In 1832, after having been settled for six years over the Hanover Street Church in Boston, Dr. Beecher received and finally accepted a most urgent call to become President of Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati. This institution had been chartered in 1829, and in 1831 funds to the amount of nearly $70,000 had been promised to it provided that Dr. Beecher accepted the presidency. It was hard for this New England family to sever the ties of a lifetime and, enter on so long a journey to the far distant West of those days ;, but being fully persuaded that their duty lay in this direction, they undertook to perform it cheerfully and willingly. With Dr. Beecher and his wife were to go Miss Catherine Beecher, who had conceived the scheme of founding in Cincinnati, then considered the capital of the West, a female college, and Harriet, who was to act as her principal assistant. In the party were also George, who was to enter Lane as a student, Isabella, James, the youngest son, and Miss Esther Beecher, the Aunt Esther of the children.

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