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[530] Uncle Tom's death, conception of, 148; letter to Douglas about facts, 149; appears in the “Era,” 149, 156; came from heart, 153; a religious work, object of, 154; its power, 155; begins a serial in National era, 156; price paid by “Era,” 158; publisher's offer, 158; first copy of books sold, 159; wonderful success. 160; praise from Longfellow, Whittier, Garrison, and Higginson, 161, 162; threatening letters, 163; Eastman's, Mrs., rejoinder to, 163; reception in England, “Times,” on, 168; political effect of, 168, 169; book under interdict in South, 172; “Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin,” 174, 188; Jenny Lind's praise of, 183; attack upon, 187; Sampson Low upon its success abroad, 189; first London publisher, 189; number of editions sold in Great Britain and abroad, 190; dramatized in U. S. and London, 192; European edition, preface to, 192; fact not fiction, 193; translations of, 195; German tribute to, 195; George Sand's review, 196; remuneration for, 202; written with heart's blood, 203; Swiss interest in, 244, 245; Mme. Belloc translates, 247; North American Review on, 254; in France, 291; compared with “Dred,” 285, 309; J. R. Lowell on, 327, 330; Mrs. Stowe rereads after war, 396; later books compared with, 409; H. W. Beecher's approval of, 476; new edition with introduction sent to George Eliot, 4S3; date of, 490; Whittier's mention of, in poem on seventieth birthday, 502; Holmes' tribute to, in poem on same occasion, 504.


Upham, Mrs., kindness to H. B. S., 133; visit to, 324.


Venice, 304.

Victoria, Queen, H. B. S.'s interview with, 270; gives her picture to Geo. Peabody, 496.

Vizetelly, Henry, first London publisher of Uncle Tom's Cabin, 189, 191.


Wakefield, reading at, 495.

Walnut Hills, picture of, 65; and old home revisited, 499.

Waltham, audience inspires reader, 496.

Washington, Mrs. Stowe visits soldier son at, 366.

Washington on slavery, 141.

Water cure, H. B. S. at, 113.

“We and our neighbors,” date of, 491.

Webster, Daniel, famous speech of, 143.

Weld, Theodore D. in the anti-slavery movement, 81.

Western travel, discomforts of, 498.

Whately, Archbishop, letter to H. B. S. from, 391.

Whitney, A. D. T., writes poem on seventieth birthday, 505.

Whitney, Eli, and the cotton gin, 142.

Whittier's “Ichabod,” a picture of Daniel Webster, 143.

Whittier, J. G., 157; letter to W. L. Garrison from, on Uncle Tom's Cabin, 161; letter to H. B. S. from, on Uncle Tom's Cabin, 162; on “Pearl of Orr's Island,” 327; on “Minister's Wooing,” 327; poem on H. B. S.'s. seventieth birthday, 502.

Windsor, visit to, 235.

Womanhood. true, H. B. S. on intellect versus heart, 475.

Woman's rights, H. W. Beecher, advocate of, 478.

Women of America, Appeal from H. B. S. to, 255.

Women's influence, power of, 258.


Zanesville, description of, 499.

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