Showing posts with label The Green Chile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Green Chile. Show all posts

The Green Chile (CLOSED)

Okay, so I know my output has been pretty sporadic the last year or so.  It was starting to feel a little like work, and then I had a rather discouraging stint as a freelance journalist that kind of killed my interest in writing at all for some time.  And beyond that, there just aren't enough hours in the day.  However, just because I've been sucking at posting regularly, it doesn't mean that I don't still go out to eat, or that I haven't been trying new places.  But without the time or motivation to write regularly, I've been visiting places multiple times and spending more time revisiting old favorites. 

Recently, someone dropped me an e-mail and advised that I really needed to check out The Green Chile.  Ashamed, I had to admit to him that I've actually been there more than half a dozen times and I've just been too lazy to write it up.  I think it's time to rectify that.