Showing posts with label Messenger Pizza & Brewery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Messenger Pizza & Brewery. Show all posts

Messenger Pizza & Brewery

Have you ever gone to one of those places that gets amazingly good reviews, then you try it and you're just not impressed?  I mean good print reviews, good website reviews, glowing comments from friends, co-workers and family, and you just don't get it.  What do you do in those cases?  Personally, I usually go back another time or two to try and figure it out.  Sometimes it just boils down to a matter of personal taste.  Sometimes it's the power of suggestion.  I mean look at Kripsy Kreme; I'm convinced the reason they're so popular is because if you get enough people to tell others that a particular place is the best at something, they start to believe it without really examining it.  Still other times, it seems to be because people want a place to be good so much that they make excuses and allowances for any issues.  Sometimes, things aren't that black and white.  Stick with me on this one, it's a bit of a roller coaster...