Showing posts with label Brown Shuga Soul Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brown Shuga Soul Food. Show all posts

Care for a few amuse-bouches?

Here's some random food stuff that is interesting me at the moment...

1)  There's another, bigger food truck rally going on this Thursday (September 1st) downtown at 4th and Grove.  The festivities will be from 5-9 PM.  Unfortunately, I'm probably not going to be able to make it myself, but that doesn't excuse the rest of you.  Here is the list of participants:

Archie's Place
B29 Streatery
Boise Fry Company
Brown Shuga Soul Food
Calle 75 Street Tacos

I've reviewed all but one of these and pretty much adore all of them, so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it will be an amazing evening.  There will also be beer by Payette Brewing and music by Hillfolk Noir.  What more convincing could you possibly need?

2)  Chris the Saladman, of Fair, festival and roadside truck fame, will be setting up permanent digs in his own restaurant starting October 1st.  Chris' on Broadway will be located, well, on Broadway.  The State Street spot the truck has been parked at is now vacant, and if you want street food from Chris, the Hyde Park Street Fair will be your last chance.  After that it's strictly brick and mortar, baby...

3)  Yet another Chinese buffet is getting ready to open, this one in the Shopko plaza on Fairview and Milwaukee.  The interesting thing about this one is that they're pushing the fact that they will offer sushi pretty hard.  There's no set date for the grand opening of City Buffet (did any of my fellow South Park fans giggle at that?), but there is a website with menu and the beginnings of an online ordering setup so you can get an idea what you'll be in for.  As for me, Chinese food AND sushi just a stone's throw from my office?  You can bet I'll at least have to check the place out, even if I'm keeping my expectations relatively low.

And on a personal note, I've noticed a couple of odd things regarding this site.  First of all, I'm getting a LOT of hits from Russia lately.  No idea why.  Secondly, my Native Taters review is getting a lot of hits lately, is there something going on with them that I'm unaware of?

Brown Shuga Soul Food

In the Spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.  That's what Tennyson said anyway.  To be frank, I don't have the best track record with love, and I'm not so sure I qualify as a young man any longer.  It doesn't really matter I guess, since we didn't really HAVE a Spring this year.  Regardless, it's Summer now, and this not-so-young man's fancy has turned to thoughts of barbecue. Pulled pork to be specific.  Right now there's no shortage of pulled pork to be found, even from street vendors.  On our way to the most recent Boise Urban Market, the roommate and I passed a little shack on Chinden called Brown Shuga Soul Food.  These places always seem to jump into my path when I'm already on my way to eat somewhere else, but I made note of this one and knew I would return before too long...