Showing posts with label Portuguese Barbecue Lunch Wagon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portuguese Barbecue Lunch Wagon. Show all posts

Only available for a limited time...

I've been writing this blog for about five months now.  As far as I know, these are the places I've written up that are now out of business:

Chau's Burgers and Sandwiches
Eddie's Wood Fired Dogs
Giacinto's Italian Gourmet
Kickin Chicken
Manila Bay

And when I last checked the Portuguese Barbecue Lunch Wagon, the place I did my first entry on, was up for sale.  I know that I tend to seek out the path less traveled (figuratively speaking), and the economy still isn't in the best shape, but the moral of the story is simply this: if you hear about a place or a dish you really want to try, whether here or from anyone else, DO IT WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE.  Regret sucks.

The end of an era (or two)

For the two or three locals who haven't heard, Boise's Vietnamese Restaurant was completely gutted by a fire last week.  For those of you who aren't local, Boise does have more than one Vietnamese restaurant, that was just the name of the place; they opened decades ago and were the only one in town back then, hence the simple name.  I feel sorry for the owners and staff, sorry for their neighbors in the strip mall (since the fire did start at the restaurant), sorry for the restaurant's patrons, and of course sorry for myself since I'd never even tried the place.  I know, it's been sitting there at Franklin and Curtis forever, but I'm only recently getting into Vietnamese and Thai food.  I guess I simply have to move faster.

In other news, though I haven't confirmed this yet, I suspect that the Portuguese Barbecue Lunch Wagon has closed or is in the process of doing so.  Those of you who have been around since the beginning of this blog all the way back in June, or who have read back through my past entries, might recall that it was the subject of my first post.  Like I said, I haven't verified this, but there is a "for sale" sign in the window of the truck, and it certainly doesn't look open for business when I drive past...

Portuguese Barbecue Lunch Wagon - CLOSED (well, it's now a Mexican food truck actually)

The Portuguese Barbecue Lunch Wagon

After many times driving by, I finally hit this place yesterday.  It's located next to the Chevron on Curtis, just north of Franklin in Boise, and it's the first food truck that ever gave me a menu.  Though why one is needed when there are only four menu items, I don't know.  Advertising, maybe?