Showing posts with label Café Fonté. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Café Fonté. Show all posts

Seattle 2013 - Day 3

Our last day in Seattle was Groundhog Day.  The movie, I mean.  Once again, I was the first out of bed.  Once again, everyone else was stirring by the time I emerged from the bathroom.  And once again, they wanted me to go across the street to Starbucks for a carbon copy of their orders from the previous two days.  Little Sister tagged along this time though, lucky thing since Starbucks was out of drink carriers.  The agenda for the day was to pack quickly, head over to the Pike Place Market, return to the hotel to check out (the only thing about leaving that I was really looking forward to), and hit Uwajimaya in the International District on our way out of town.