Showing posts with label Del Taco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Del Taco. Show all posts

Putting their money where my mouth is...

For a while now, some of Marie Callender's public relations people have been contacting me once a month or so.  Inevitably, it goes like this: I get an e-mail telling me about some sale, new item or or promotion that Marie Callender's is running.  The tone is very "hey pal, just thought you might want to share this info with your readers", along with a press release and an offer to provide me with professionally shot pictures.  Oh hell, I'll just show you the most recent one as an example...

Hi ,

I thought your readers would love to know Marie Callender’s is celebrating National Pie Day on January 23 with their Perfect Pie Trio offer starting at $9.99.  Marie Callender’s also introduces its NEWEST pie, the Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Pie available for a limited time.  

Is this something you are interested in covering in your stories or round-ups?

Additional information is available online at, but please let me know if I can provide you with high-res images.

The first couple of times this happened, I replied to say that I have no desire to provide unpaid advertising for a national chain, and that I wasn't going to make any special effort to try whatever their new deal is on my own dime, unless of course it was something I'd be really interested in anyway.  Plus I take my own pictures, horrible though they may be at times.  Either they don't read the replies or they don't care, because I continue to receive these exciting offers for opportunities to shill for them.  Frankly, I'd find the whole thing a little insulting if it wasn't for the fact that it's obvious they've never even looked at my website.  In discussing it with my roommate, I said something to the effect that if they would provide me with a gift card sufficient to cover the expense of whatever they're trying to get me to push, I would at least try it myself and write about it.  Though of course I would make it clear that I was compensated  for doing so.

The Universe, it seems, is not without a sense of humor...