Showing posts with label Quinn's Pub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quinn's Pub. Show all posts

Treats and Tragedies on the Road: Seattle 2013 - Day 1

The alarm went off at 4:00 A.M.  I know this must be true, so I can only assume that some kind of horrible little imp scurried in and hit the snooze button twice, because I awoke at 4:18.  Since our scheduled departure time was 4:45 I immediately raced to the shower, thankful that as a male all I had to do was lather up, rinse off, and throw on some clothes and a baseball cap.  Once that was done, I started throwing anything which struck me as being necessary for the three days to follow into a backpack and a gym bag, trying to remember why I had thought it would be a good idea to pack in the morning rather than before the four hours worth of sleep I had managed to get.

All told, we were only about 20 minutes late leaving town.  Our merry band of travelers consisted of my roommate, my roommate's sister, my roommate's tween daughter, and of course yours truly behind the wheel.  After quick stops at Starbucks and Dutch Bros. (because I don't like Starbucks, and yes I'm aware of the irony), we finally hit the freeway.  To be honest, that's all I remember until we stopped at Baker Truck Corral to use their disgusting bathrooms (the men's smells overwhelmingly of urine, and apparently the ladies'  room reeks of marijuana) and buy some of their repulsive coffee.  After that it was all junk food, rest stops and bad jokes until we reached Snoqualmie Falls.

This is a waterfall.  Yes, I will be talking about food soon.