Showing posts with label Marie Callender's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marie Callender's. Show all posts

Putting their money where my mouth is part 2: Marie Callender's calls my bluff

A couple of weeks ago I did a write-up on Del Taco, but let's not go too far into that.  As a matter of fact, let's not go into it at all. Ever again.  The point is, they sent me a gift card so I could try a new menu item, I obliged them, and I wrote a pretty negative review of the experience (which they apparently didn't read since I keep receiving all kinds of e-mails from them about new promotions and products).  At the start of that write-up, I mentioned that Marie Callender's PR people had been doing something similar, except that they seemingly just wanted me to share their press releases for no compensation and use their professionally-taken photographs.  I even included an example e-mail.  I figured why not, it's not like they actually read my blog!

Four days later, I received an e-mail from those same PR people.  They had seen my post, and would be happy to provide a gift card not only for myself, but one for my roommate as well.  They also said that they actually do read my posts, and that I should feel free to take my own pictures.  I'll admit it, I was shocked.  My first instinct was to apologize for what I'm sure seemed like obvious hinting on my part, but then I realized I had put it out there that if they would cover the cost of whatever it was they wanted me to promote, I would try it and write about it.  They had called my bluff.  I had done it for a place I all but knew I wasn't going to like, and at least I had fond memories of visiting Marie Callender's in the past.

And that's how I wound up having an early dinner at Marie Callender's this week.