Showing posts with label Café Shakespeare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Café Shakespeare. Show all posts

Dinner and a show, al fresco...

After more than a year of discussions, negotiations and arguments on the matter, my roommate had finally pulled it off.  After offering to buy the tickets, finding a performance we both wanted to see on a night that worked for both of us and ensuring we had a sitter for that night, she had finally accomplished something that many have tried to over the last nearly two decades: she had gotten me to accompany her to The Idaho Shakespeare Festival.  Don't get me wrong here.  I don't have any issue with Shakespeare, I don't have any issue with live theater...hell, I've been interested in going in the past.  Still, I could always find better things to spend the money on.  She saw that Achilles' heel and pounced on it by spending her money.

So, there we were.  We had picked up our tickets, rented a couple of those half-chair things, found our seating area and set up said chairs, and now we were headed to get some food before the performance started.  I had to admit, I was digging the atmosphere.  It was relatively quiet considering all the people, the buildings were nice, there were lots of trees around...shouldn't have expected anything less from a place so near the offices of the Department of Parks & Recreation Department, I suppose.  As we walked through the open stretch between the amphitheater and the concessions area, a loud clattering started off to our right.  Suddenly a deer ran between us and the dining tables and, slowing only a little to take in its surroundings, tore off again down a path through the trees.  I was stunned.  The ladies at the table nearest the trail the deer had disappeared down laughed slightly nervously.  My roommate, who had been warning me to keep an eye out for deer for the entire drive down Warm Springs Avenue, simply said "I told you so."  Shaking the cobwebs from my mind, I brought my focus back to the secondary reason I had gone along on this little adventure: the food.  It is of course easier these days to get me to go somewhere if I can get a write-up out of it, and directly ahead of us loomed Café Shakespeare.