I'm on a LOT of restaurant contact lists. Barely a day goes by where I don't receive an e-mail, text message, Facebook message, flyer or postcard inviting me to try something new or offering a discount if I'll deign to eat at a particular establishment. A while back, a coupon for Joe's Crab Shack crossed my path. The deal was that with the purchase of an entrée, I would receive a complimentary appetizer. To be honest, nothing I'd heard about the place had ever interested me enough that I would bother eating there. The way it was told to me, it was a loud, crowded, annoying place with crappy music and waiters who plopped themselves down at your table to take your order...just the kind of chain place that I hate. Still, I figured it might be worth a take-out order, especially at lunch time when it was likely to be less busy. Besides, I could use more seafood in my life...