Chaos erupted on a JetBlue red-eye flight from Portland, Ore., to New York's John F. Kennedy Airport when a drunk man allegedly urinated on a sleeping 11-year-old girl, the New York Post reports.
The youngster was traveling with her sister and father on the flight Wednesday, and had been left alone for a few minutes while the others used the lavatories.
Robert Vietze, 18, of South Warren, Vt., stumbled from his seat five rows behind her and emptied his bladder, a witness said.
"I was drunk, and I did not realize I was p***ing on her leg," Vietze said, according to law-enforcement sources. He later claimed to have consumed eight alcoholic beverages.
The girl's father caught Vietze midstream.
"I woke up to this man yelling and literally looking like he was about to punch [Vietze] in the face," said the witness, who asked not to be identified.
Flight attendants separated the pair and moved Vietze to the back of the plane. They attempted to clean up the mess with liquid soap from the bathrooms, and helped to comfort the traumatized girl.
But the five-and-a-half hour flight from hell was not over yet.
Roughly an hour before the plane landed, another passenger began to complain of chest pains, then vomited.
"Is anybody on this flight a nurse or a doctor?" the pilot said over the public-address system. "We have a medical emergency."
With no volunteers, the flight crew kept the man calm and tried to tidy him up, again raiding the liquid-soap container.
Six Port Authority cops met the plane at the gate at around 6:30 a.m. local time.
Two escorted the ill passenger off, and four took Vietze into custody.
Vietze was issued a federal summons for indecent exposure and released.
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