Investigation Docket - National Transportation Safety Board:
Aviation Accident Data Summary - National Transportation Safety Board:
The National Transportation Safety Board traveled to the scene of this accident.
Additional Participating Entities:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Continental Motors; Mobile, Alabama
William C. Lindley, Sr:
NTSB Identification: ERA17FA052
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Saturday, November 19, 2016 in New Gretna, NJ
Probable Cause Approval Date: 05/16/2017
Aircraft: RYAN NAVION, registration: N4976K
Injuries: 1 Fatal.
NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
The private pilot was conducting a personal cross-country flight. The pilot's friend reported that he provided weather information to the pilot about 1 hour before the flight; no record was found indicating that the pilot or the friend obtained a formal weather briefing before he departed for the night cross-country flight. A review of weather information revealed that, about 1 hour 20 minutes into the flight, as the airplane was nearing the destination airport, it encountered a strong cold front boundary with associated severe wind shear and turbulence. Review of radar data revealed that, during the following 13 minutes, the flight completed numerous course deviations, including three complete left circuits and two right circuits, before impacting wooded terrain. Review of the last 3 minutes of radar data revealed that the airplane's altitude oscillated between 2,100 and 200 ft mean sea level (msl) as it completed the two right circuits and one of the left circuits before it impacted terrain. The last target was recorded about 2,000 ft southeast of the accident site at an altitude of 525 ft msl. Examination of the wreckage did not reveal any preimpact mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded normal operation. Based on the evidence, it is likely that the airplane encountered wind shear and turbulent conditions upon encountering the strong cold front boundary and that the pilot subsequently lost airplane control.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot's inadequate preflight weather planning and in-flight weather evaluation, which resulted in an encounter with a strong cold front and the pilot's subsequent loss of airplane control.

On November 19, 2016, about 1902 eastern standard time, a Ryan Navion A, N4976K, impacted wooded terrain while maneuvering near New Gretna, New Jersey. The private pilot was fatally injured, and the airplane was substantially damaged. The airplane was registered to and operated by the private pilot as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and no flight plan was filed. The flight originated from Hummel Field (W75), Saluda, Virginia, about 1730, destined for Ocean County Airport (MJX), Toms River, New Jersey.
The day before the accident, the pilot flew uneventfully from MJX to Accomack County Airport (MFV), Melfa, Virginia for an overnight visit with a friend who was also a pilot. On the day of the accident, both pilots flew their airplanes to W75 for dinner. After dinner, they both fueled their airplanes and about 1730, they departed for home (the pilot to MJX and the friend to MFV). While en route, they communicated with each other on their radios. During approach to MFV, about 1805, the friend experienced wind shear and performed a missed approach. He advised the pilot of the strong wind conditions, which he acknowledged. The friend radioed the pilot again about 1830 to check on him, and he replied that he was okay and had reached the Delaware Bay. No further communications were received from the pilot.
Review of weather information and radar data provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) revealed that, after departure, the accident flight proceeded on a relatively direct course until about 1849, when it encountered the leading edge of a cold front boundary. During the following 13 minutes, the flight completed numerous course deviations, including three complete left circuits and two right circuits, before impacting wooded terrain. Review of the last 3 minutes of radar data revealed that the airplane's altitude oscillated between 2,100 and 200 ft mean sea level (msl) as it completed the two right circuits and one of the left circuits before impacting terrain. The last target was recorded at 1902:36, when the airplane was about 2,000 ft southeast of the accident site at an altitude of 525 ft msl.
The pilot held a private pilot certificate with an airplane single-engine land rating. He did not have an instrument rating. His most recent FAA third-class medical certificate was issued on May 7, 2015. At that time, he reported a total flight experience of 800 hours. The pilot's logbook was not recovered.
The four-seat, low-wing, retractable tricycle-gear airplane was manufactured in 1949. It was powered by a 205-horsepower Continental E-185 engine and was equipped with a constant-speed Hartzell propeller. The pilot purchased the airplane in 1993. Review of maintenance records revealed that the airplane's most recent annual inspection was completed on July 12, 2016. At that time, the airframe had accumulated about 3,501 total flight hours, and the engine had accumulated about 548 hours since major overhaul. According to the tachometer, the airplane had flown about 23 hours from the time of the annual inspection until the accident.
The pilot's friend reported that he had obtained a weather briefing about 1630 via flight service for both his and the pilot's flights. The friend added that he told the pilot that the weather was forecast to deteriorate near his destination airport between 1900 and 1930; however, a search of flight service records did not reveal any contact from either pilot's airplane registration numbers on the day of the accident. Additionally, the friend reported that he plotted a route on the pilot's iPad using a Garmin Pilot app, which overlaid weather information; however, a search of ForeFlight and Garmin did not reveal any current subscriptions for the pilot.
MJX was located about 16 miles northeast of the accident site. At 1856, the recorded weather at MJX was wind from 150° at 5 knots, visibility 3 statute miles in mist, sky clear, temperature 12°C, dew point 12°C, and altimeter setting 29.64 inches of mercury.
Atlantic City International Airport (ACY), Atlantic City, New Jersey, located about 14 miles southwest of the accident site. At 1730, the recorded wind at ACY was from 290° at 24 knots, gusting to 31 knots.
Further review of weather data revealed multiple area forecasts for a strong cold front moving through the area with associated severe wind shear and turbulence (for more information, see the Weather Study in the public docket for this accident).
A debris path, beginning with freshly cut tree branches and a section of right stabilizer tip and right elevator, extended about 420 ft on a magnetic heading north of the main wreckage. The right and left flaps, left wing tip, left aileron, and cabin roof were located about 340 ft along the debris path. The right aileron and left stabilizer tip were located about 390 ft along the debris path.
The main wreckage was inverted at the end of the debris path with both wings separated. The right main landing gear and nose landing gear remained attached to the airframe and were observed in the extended positon. The left main landing gear had separated, and the landing gear tire was located next to the main wreckage. The empennage and rudder remained attached to the airframe.
The wreckage was transported to a recovery facility for further examination. Aileron control continuity was confirmed from the cockpit area to the wing roots, where the left and right aileron cable ends exhibited broomstraw separation, consistent with overload. Continuity was also confirmed from the cockpit area to the empennage area, where the elevator and elevator trim cables exhibited broomstraw separation, consistent with overload. The rudder cables exhibited cuts consistent with recovery of the wreckage.
The propeller remained attached to the engine. Both propeller blades exhibited S-bending, chordwise scratching, leading edge gouging, and tip curling. Due to an impact fracture at the front of the engine crankcase, the propeller could only be rotated about 90°. Using a lighted borescope during rotation, crankshaft continuity was confirmed to the pistons, and camshaft continuity was confirmed to the cylinder valves. Both magnetos sparked at all leads when rotated by hand. Throttle control continuity was confirmed to the throttle lever at the carburetor. Mixture control continuity was confirmed to the mixture lever at the carburetor, where the mixture lever was impact separated.
The Burlington County Medical Examiner, Mount Holly, New Jersey, conducted an autopsy on the pilot. The autopsy report noted the cause of death as "multiple injuries."
The FAA's Bioaeronautical Science Research Laboratory, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, conducted toxicological testing on specimens from the pilot. The results were negative for alcohol and drugs.

14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Saturday, November 19, 2016 in New Gretna, NJ
Aircraft: RYAN NAVION A, registration: N4976K
Injuries: 1 Fatal.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On November 19, 2016, about 1902 eastern standard time, a Ryan Navion A, N4976K, was substantially damaged when it impacted wooded terrain, while maneuvering near New Gretna, New Jersey. The private pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was registered to and operated by the private pilot as a personal flight conducted under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed for the planned flight to Ocean County Airport (MJX), Toms River, New Jersey. The flight originated from Hummel Field (W75), Saluda, Virginia, about 1730.
A friend of the accident pilot, who was also a pilot, owned a second home near Accomack County Airport (MFV), Melfa, Virginia. The accident pilot flew uneventfully from MJX to MFV during the day prior to the accident, for an overnight visit. On the day of the accident, both pilots flew their respective airplanes to W75 for dinner. After dinner, they both fueled their airplanes before departing for home (the accident pilot to MJX and the friend to MFV) about 1730. While enroute, they communicated with each other on frequency 123.45 MHz. During approach to MFV, about 1805, the friend experienced windshear and performed a missed approach. He advised the accident pilot of the strong wind conditions, which the accident pilot acknowledged. The friend radioed the accident pilot again about 1830 to check on him. The accident pilot replied that he was okay and had reached the Delaware Bay. No further communications were received from the accident airplane.
Review of preliminary radar data provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) revealed that the accident flight proceeded on a relatively direct course until approximately 1849, when it encountered the leading edge of a cold front boundary. During the following 13 minutes, the flight completed numerous course deviations, including three complete left circuits and two right circuits, before impacting wooded terrain.
A debris path was observed; beginning with freshly cut tree branches and a section of right stabilizer tip and right elevator, and extended approximately 420 feet on a magnetic heading of north to the main wreckage. The right and left flaps, left wingtip, left aileron, and cabin roof were located about 340 feet along the debris path. The right aileron and left stabilizer tip were located about 390 feet along the debris path.
The main wreckage was inverted at the end of the debris path, with both wings separated. The right main landing gear and nose landing gear remained attached to the airframe and were observed in the extended positon. The left main landing gear had separated and the landing gear tire was located next to the main wreckage. The empennage and rudder remained attached to the airframe. The wreckage was retained for further examination.
The pilot, age 75, held a private pilot certificate with a rating for airplane single-engine land. He did not possess an instrument rating. His most recent FAA third-class medical certificate was issued on May 7, 2015. At that time, he reported a total flight experience of 800 hours.
The four-seat, low-wing, retractable tricycle-gear airplane, serial number NAV-4-1976, was manufactured in 1949. It was powered by a Continental E-185, 205-horsepower engine, equipped with a constant-speed Hartzell propeller. The pilot purchased the airplane in 1993. Its most recent annual inspection was completed on July 12, 2016. At that time, the airframe had accumulated approximately 3,501 total hours of operation and the engine had accumulated about 548 hours since major overhaul.
The MJX airport was located about 16 miles northeast of the accident site. The recorded weather at MJX, at 1856, was: wind from 150 degrees at 5 knots, visibility 3 miles in mist; sky clear; temperature 12 degrees C; dew point 12 degrees C, altimeter 29.64 inches Hg.
Atlantic City International Airport (ACY), Atlantic City, New Jersey, was located about 14 miles southwest of the accident site. The recorded wind at ACY, at 1730, was from 290 degrees at 24 knots, gusting to 31 knots.
WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP — A Beachwood man was identified late Sunday as the person killed in a small plane crash Saturday night in Bass River State Forest.
State Police said William Lindley, 75, was in the plane. Police gave no other details.
Lindley's small plane went missing Saturday night and was found Sunday afternoon by a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter.
At about 10:55 a.m. Sunday, State Police received calls for the possible downed aircraft, police said in a news release. Troopers from the Tuckerton barracks responded to search.
Lindley's aircraft departed Salisbury, Maryland, on Saturday en route to the Ocean County Airport, police said. It did not arrive as scheduled Saturday night and attempts to communicate with the pilot were unsuccessful, police said. The pilot's cellphone was tracked and police were told the possible location of the plane, police said.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board's Twitter account, the plane was a Ryan Navion A, a single-engine, four-seat plane built by North American Aviation in the 1940s.
State Police spokesman Trooper Alejandro Goez said the plane was located in a heavily wooded area with difficult terrain, requiring the State Police Aviation and Urban Search and Rescue Units to respond.
Goez did not say earlier Sunday evening whether anyone else had been in the plane.
The Federal Aviation Administration and the NTSB were on scene investigating.
Trooper Alejandro Goez, a State Police spokesman, identified the pilot as William Lindley. Goez declined to comment further, and said the Federal Aviation Administration was leading the investigation of the crash.
FAA spokeswoman Arlene Salac said Sunday that the two-seater Navion A aircraft was found Sunday at approximately 1:30 p.m., adding that the FAA continues to investigate and that the National Transportation Safety Board will work to figure out what caused the crash.
FAA records indicate Lindley was issued a license on April 1, 2010, as a private pilot for single-engine aircraft.
The Ocean County Airport-bound aircraft failed to arrive Saturday.
The records indicate he was required to wear corrective lenses for near and distant vision.
State police said authorities received a call just before 11 a.m. regarding a possible downed aircraft within the Bass River State Forest, a 29,000-acre site that covers Burlington and Ocean counties.
Authorities said the plane left Salisbury, Maryland on Saturday. Following failed attempts to contact the pilot, state police tracked the pilot's cell phone to determine the plane's possible location.
A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter later located the wreckage.
A 75-year-old man was killed when an airplane he was piloting crashed in a marshy area of New Jersey on Sunday, New Jersey State Police officials said.
William Lindley, of Beachwood, was the only person on the plane when it crashed.
State police officers received a call about a possibly downed aircraft in the Bass River State Forest just before 11 a.m., authorities said.
The two-passenger aircraft crashed in a marshy area of the forest at around 1:30 p.m. Sunday, the FAA said.
The aircraft departed Salisbury, Maryland yesterday and was en route to the Ocean County airport. Authorities said the plane didn't arrive as scheduled last night.
After unsuccessful attempts to communicate with Lindley, police were able to track his cellphone and notify Tuckerton troopers of the plane's location.
A multiagency search began Sunday morning and a Coast Guard helicopter crew spotted the plane a few hours later.
The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the crash.
A small plane bound Saturday for Ocean County Airport was found Sunday afternoon, crashed in Bass River State Forest, according to the New Jersey State Police.
The pilot, William Lindley, 75, of Beachwood, N.J., was killed in the crash, state police said.
An investigation is being conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board.
Authorities began searching for the plane, which could hold two people, around 11 a.m. Sunday after they could not make contact with Lindley, who had been scheduled to land in Ocean County on Saturday, state police said in a statement.
The plane had departed from an airport in Salisbury, Md., police said. After it did not arrive in Ocean County, authorities tracked the pilot's cellphone signal to the Bass River State Forest, where the New Jersey State Police Aviation and Urban Search and Rescue Units began looking for the aircraft.
New Jersey State Police said around midafternoon Sunday on Twitter that a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter had located the plane and that police were heading to the crash site.
Police said Lindley was the only person aboard when the plane went down for reasons that were not immediately clear.
WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. -- State police have identified a pilot killed after a small plane crashed in the Bass River State Forest in Burlington County.
The pilot has been identified as William Lindley, 75, of Beachwood, New Jersey.
Authorities say the Ryan Navion plane had departed from Salisbury, Maryland, on Saturday, but failed to arrive at Ocean County Airport in New Jersey on Saturday night as scheduled.
After attempts to communicate with Lindley were unsuccessful, the pilot's cellphone was tracked to the area where the plane was found. A multi-agency search began Sunday morning, and a Coast Guard helicopter crew spotted the plane a few hours later.
Officials say the pilot was alone in the plane.
The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the crash.
A pilot died from his injuries after a small plane crashed in the Bass River State Forest in Burlington County, according to the NTSB.
Authorities say the plane had departed from Salisbury, Maryland on Saturday but failed to arrive at Ocean County Airport in New Jersey on Saturday night as scheduled.
After attempts to communicate with the pilot were unsuccessful, the pilot's cellphone was tracked to the area where the plane was found. A multiagency search began Sunday morning and a Coast Guard helicopter crew spotted the plane a few hours later. Officials later confirmed the pilot, identified as William Lindley, 75, of Beachwood, New Jersey, died in the crash. He was the only person on the plane.
WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. (WTXF) - A Coast Guard helicopter found the downed plane from Maryland was supposed to land at New Jersey's Ocean County Airport, Saturday night, but never arrived.
That Coast Guard chopper found the wreckage in the Bass River State Forest, and New Jersey State Police ground personnel got there and secured the scene.
New Jersey State Police have identified the pilot as William Lindley, 75, of Beachwood, New Jersey.
The National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Aviation Administration have also arrived, and they'll take over the investigation.
New Jersey State Police reported getting a call just before 11am Sunday about a possible downed aircraft at the Bass River State Forest. Troopers from Tuckerton Station immediately responded to search.
They say two passenger aircraft departed Salisbury, Maryland on Saturday. Unfortunately, the plane did not arrive as scheduled.
Then, attempts to communicate with the pilot were unsuccessful. The pilot's cellphone was tracked and Tuckerton Station personnel were advised of the possible location of the plane.
The plane went down around 11 a.m. The United States Coast Guard helicopter located the downed plane in a marshy area in the Bass River State Forest after a search.
State Police have identified the victim as 75-year-old William Lindley from Beachwood, New Jersey.
Officials say the two passenger aircraft departed Salisbury, Maryland on Saturday en route to Ocean County Airport. The plane did not arrive as scheduled Saturday night and attempts to communicate with the pilot had been unsuccessful. The pilot’s cellphone was tracked and Tuckerton Station personnel were advised of the possible location of the plane.
The FAA and NTSB are now investigating what caused the crash.
State Police reported at 1:30 p.m. that authorities were searching for the plane in the state forest, on the border of southern Ocean and northern Burlington counties. A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter located the plane, which had been tracked via the pilot's cellphone, state police said.
State police did not release any information on the pilot or say whether the pilot was alone or had a passenger.
The plane departed from Salisbury, MD, to Ocean County Airport, also known as Robert J. Miller Airpark in Berkeley Township, on Saturday, but did not arrive as scheduled, state police said.
State Police were notified shortly before 11 a.m. Sunday after attempts to communicate with the pilot were unsuccessful, they said.
The pilot's cellphone then was tracked to Bass River State Forest and the New Jersey State Police Tuckerton Station were advised of the possible location of the plane, state police said.
The New Jersey State Police Aviation and Urban Search and Rescue Units also participated in the search.
The weather on Saturday changed from warm and sunny in the early afternoon to cold and extremely windy as a cold front moved across New Jersey Saturday night.
The National Weather Service issued a high winds advisory Saturday, warning of winds gusting to 40 to 50 mph, and the winds were strong enough that authorities lower the speed limit to 45 mph for bridges crossing the Delaware River between New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Gusts of more than 40 mph were recorded in Fortescue, a town on the Delaware Bay between Salisbury and Berkeley Township, on Saturday evening between 6 and 9 p.m., according to state climatology data reported online through Rutgers University.
The front also brought rain, hail and even some snow to southern New Jersey.