Saturday, January 19, 2019

Robinson R44 Raven II, XB-GIL: Accident occurred August 26, 2019 in Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico

NTSB Identification: CEN19WA296
14 CFR Non-U.S., Non-Commercial
Accident occurred Monday, August 26, 2019 in Veracruz, Mexico
Aircraft: ROBINSON R44, registration:
Injuries: 2 Serious, 1 Uninjured.

The foreign authority was the source of this information.

On August 26, 2019, about 1700 hours universal coordinated time, a Robinson R-44 II helicopter, Mexican registration XB-GIL, was substantially damaged during an emergency landing in a field near Veracruz, Mexico. Two occupants were seriously injured; one occupant was not injured. The flight itinerary is not known at this time.

The accident investigation is under the jurisdiction of the Dirección de Análisis de Accidentes e Incidentes de Aviacion (DAAIA). This report is for informational purposes only and contains information released by or obtained from the government of Mexico.

Further information pertaining to this accident may be obtained from:
Dirección de Análisis de Accidentes e Incidentes de Aviacion
Boulevard Adolfo López Mateos 1990
Colonia Los Alpes
Delegación Álvaro Obregón
Codigo Postal 01010
Telephone: (55) 5011-6413

La Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil de Oaxaca (CEPCO) activó sus protocolos, ante el reporte del desplome de un helicóptero en San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, luego de lo cual tres mujeres y un piloto fueron trasladados a un hospital para su atención médica.

De acuerdo con el delegado de la CEPCO en la región, Jaime Canseco Claudio, el reporte se recibió a las 12:50 horas de un particular que informó el desplome de un helicóptero a seis kilómetros de la cabecera municipal.

Detalló que de manera inmediata se activó el protocolo a través del cual se localizó al helicóptero Robinson Raven R-44 matrícula particular XXB-GIL accidentado en los terrenos de la Finca Nuevo Mundo propiedad de Humberto P.

Elementos de la Cruz Roja Mexicana atendieron a tres féminas Alicia T. M., María Alicia T.B., y Araceli N. así como al piloto José Ángel C. R., quienes fueron trasladados a un hospital para su atención médica.

La aeronave salió de un hotel ubicado en la Avenida Francisco I. Madero a las 11:45 horas y se dirigía a la ciudad de Veracruz, donde una de las mujeres acudiría a una cita médica.

A la zona se desplazan inspectores verificadores aeronáuticos para determinar las causas del accidente.

Fuel Exhaustion: Piper PA-28-181 Archer II, N29099; fatal accident occurred February 20, 2016 in Setauket Harbor, Suffolk County, New York

Missing was Gerson Salmon-Negron, 23, of Queens, New York. About 2 months later, on April 11, 2016, his body was discovered on a beach in Setauket Harbor, New York. The student pilot, Austrico Ramirez, 25, of the Bronx; his flight instructor, Nelson Gomez, 36, of Queens; and Salmon-Negron’s friend Wady Perez, 25, of Queens were rescued by Suffolk police officers, taken to Stony Brook University Hospital, treated and released. 

The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.

Additional Participating Entities:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Farmingdale, New York
Piper Aircraft; Vero Beach, Florida 
Lycoming Engines; Williamsport, Pennsylvania 

Aviation Accident Final Report - National Transportation Safety Board:

Investigation Docket - National Transportation Safety Board: 

An Instagram picture believed to be taken shortly before the plane went down.


The student pilot and flight instructor were conducting an instructional cross-country flight with two passengers on board. They were returning to their home airport at night; the flight instructor estimated that there was a headwind of 30-40 knots and the airplane's groundspeed was about 81 knots during the cruise portion of the flight. Just before crossing a large ocean inlet, the flight instructor suggested that they divert for fuel on the other side of the inlet. Shortly thereafter, the engine "sputtered." The flight instructor then turned on the electric fuel pump and instructed the student pilot to switch the fuel selector to the left fuel tank and to maintain 2,000 ft msl. Once the fuel selector had been selected to the left fuel tank, the engine stopped sputtering. The flight instructor informed air traffic control that he wanted to divert to a nearby airport. They continued to fly for another 2-3 minutes when the engine sputtered again and lost total power. The instructor then took control of the airplane from the student pilot and advised the tower controller at the diversion airport that he was declaring an emergency. The flight instructor then made a 180° turn and headed for the shoreline. As the airplane descended, he was unable to see the shoreline due to the darkness and decided to ditch the airplane as close as he could to the beach.

Upon touching down, the flight instructor opened the cabin door and instructed everyone to exit the airplane. The student pilot handed the instructor a life vest. The two passengers jumped into the water and started swimming for shore. Neither the student pilot nor the passengers were wearing life vests.

About 3 minutes after the ditching, the airplane was located by a helicopter. The flight instructor, student, and one passenger were rescued. A search by the police department and the US Coast Guard could not locate the remaining passenger. About 2 months later, the missing passenger's body was discovered on a beach. The autopsy listed the cause of death as drowning.

Postaccident examination of the wreckage revealed no evidence of any preimpact failure or malfunction of the engine or airplane that would have precluded normal operation. Examination of the fuel system revealed that the system was essentially devoid of fuel. The flight instructor estimated that 40 gallons of fuel were onboard before departure on the first leg of the flight; the student estimated 36 gallons were onboard. Before they departed from their home airport, the student pilot asked the flight instructor if he wanted to refuel, and the flight instructor advised him that they had plenty of fuel. The student again asked about refueling during the return flight, but the instructor stated the fuel looked good.

There was no evidence that the flight instructor had obtained an official weather briefing before the initial or return leg of the flight. On the first leg of the flight, the instructor recognized that the winds aloft increased their groundspeed, allowing them to arrive at their destination sooner, but on the second leg of the flight, those same winds significantly increased their flying time. The instructor should have accounted for the effect of wind on the flight's duration.

Review of the POH indicated that, at a 65% power setting, with full fuel tanks (48 gallons usable), endurance would be about 5.3 hours, and at a 65% power setting, with 40 gallons of fuel, endurance would be about 4.4 hours. Examination of aircraft rental and fueling records revealed that the airplane had been operated for 5.1 hours since it was last refueled. Thus it is likely that the flight instructor did not conduct adequate preflight fuel planning; had they done so and had they accounted for the wind, they would have recognized there was insufficient fuel to complete the flight and maintain the required 45 minutes of reserve fuel.

Probable Cause and Findings

The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident to be:
The flight instructor's inadequate preflight fuel planning, which resulted in a total loss of engine power due to fuel exhaustion.


Fuel - Fluid level (Cause)

Personnel issues
Decision making/judgment - Instructor/check pilot (Cause)
Weather planning - Instructor/check pilot (Cause)
Fuel planning - Instructor/check pilot (Cause)

Factual Information

History of Flight

Prior to flight
Preflight or dispatch event

Fuel exhaustion (Defining event)
Loss of engine power (total)

Emergency descent
Off-field or emergency landing


Location: Port Jefferson, NY
Accident Number: ERA16LA109
Date & Time: 02/20/2016, 2305 EST
Registration: N29099
Aircraft: PIPER PA28
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Defining Event: Fuel exhaustion
Injuries: 1 Fatal, 3 Minor
Flight Conducted Under:  Part 91: General Aviation - Instructional 

On February 20, 2016, at 2305 eastern standard time, a Piper PA-28-181, N29099, was substantially damaged during a ditching in Setauket Harbor about 1.5 nautical miles northwest of Port Jefferson, New York. The flight instructor, student, and one passenger received minor injuries, and one passenger was fatally injured. The airplane was owned and operated by Positive Rate Gear Up, LLC, as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 instructional flight. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and no flight plan was filed. The flight departed Fitchburg Municipal Airport (FIT), Fitchburg, Massachusetts, about 2040 and was destined for Republic Airport (FRG), Farmingdale, New York.

According to the flight instructor, the first leg of the instructional flight departed FRG about 1430; he believed that about 40 gallons of fuel was onboard before departing from FRG. According to the student pilot, the pilot of the previous flight told him that the left-wing fuel tank was full, and the right-wing fuel tank was half full (about 36 gallons total). The student stated that he asked the flight instructor if he wanted to refuel, and the flight instructor advised him that they had plenty of fuel. After takeoff from FRG, they flew to FIT at 2,000 to 2,500 feet above mean sea level (msl). The airplane encountered a strong tailwind and arrived in about 45 minutes. They spent some time in the Fitchburg area, then returned to FIT for the return flight.

After takeoff, they departed the airport traffic area to the southwest on a direct heading for FRG and climbed to 4,500 ft msl because of turbulence at lower levels. The flight instructor estimated that the airplane had a headwind of 30-40 knots, and the airplane's groundspeed was about 81 knots during the cruise portion of the flight. He stated that there was no indication of any malfunction of the airplane. During this time, the student pilot asked the flight instructor about the fuel quantity, stating "does the fuel look good to you?" The flight instructor replied "yes." Just before passing Bridgeport, Connecticut, the flight instructor advised the student pilot that they should change their destination to Long Island MacArthur Airport (ISP) to refuel. As the airplane passed over the Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, they turned the airplane southbound, started a slow descent, and crossed Long Island Sound. Upon reaching the area of Port Jefferson, New York, they leveled the airplane about 2,000 ft msl; the engine then "sputtered." The flight instructor immediately turned on the electric fuel pump and instructed the student to switch the fuel selector to the left fuel tank. Once the fuel selector had been selected to the left fuel tank, the engine stopped sputtering.

The flight instructor informed air traffic control that he wanted to divert ISP, which, at the time, was 10 nautical miles south of their location. About 2-3 minutes later, the engine sputtered again and then lost power. The instructor then took control of the airplane from the student pilot and advised the tower controller at ISP that he was declaring an emergency and was going to attempt to land on the north shore of Long Island. The tower controller immediately notified emergency responders. A Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) helicopter was airborne at the time and immediately proceeded toward the last known location of airplane.

The instructor then made a 180° turn to the right and headed for the shoreline since he believed this was the most suitable place for landing and knew from experience that the area along the shore was normally clear of obstacles and houses. As the airplane descended, the instructor was unable to see the shoreline due to the darkness and decided to ditch the airplane as close as he could to the shoreline, judging his distance from the shore by using the lights from the houses. He then held the airplane off the water for as long as possible to keep from touching down on the water with excessive airspeed and risk nosing over (the airplane was equipped with fixed landing gear).

Upon touchdown, the flight instructor opened the cabin door and instructed everyone to exit the airplane, grab the life vest that was in the baggage compartment of the airplane, and hold on to him. The student pilot then handed the instructor the life vest. One of the passengers then jumped into the water and started swimming for shore. The second passenger also jumped into the water. The student pilot was the last to egress from the airplane. Neither the student pilot nor the passengers were wearing life vests.

About 3 minutes later, the airplane was located by the SCPD helicopter. Patrol officers from SCPD also responded to the shoreline and, after locating several kayaks behind a residence, made their way onto the water. They heard screams for help, paddled out toward the spotlight from the helicopter, rescued one of the passengers, and then, with the assistance of an SCPD marine patrol boat, the flight instructor. The student pilot was rescued by a patrol officer who entered the water on foot and threw a life ring to him and then pulled him to shore.

A search by SCPD and the US Coast Guard for the missing passenger was conducted but he was not found. About 2 months later, on April 11, 2016, his body was discovered on a beach in Setauket Harbor, New York. 

Flight Instructor Information

Certificate: Flight Instructor; Commercial
Age: 36, Male
Airplane Rating(s): Multi-engine Land; Single-engine Land
Seat Occupied: Right
Other Aircraft Rating(s): None
Restraint Used: 3-point
Instrument Rating(s): Airplane
Second Pilot Present: Yes
Instructor Rating(s): Airplane Single-engine; Instrument Airplane
Toxicology Performed: No
Medical Certification: Class 1 Without Waivers/Limitations
Last FAA Medical Exam: 11/12/2015
Occupational Pilot: No
Last Flight Review or Equivalent: 07/20/2015
Flight Time:  2800 hours (Total, all aircraft), 1400 hours (Total, this make and model), 2500 hours (Pilot In Command, all aircraft), 120 hours (Last 90 days, all aircraft), 40 hours (Last 30 days, all aircraft)

Student Pilot Information

Certificate: None
Age: 25, Male
Airplane Rating(s): None
Seat Occupied: Left
Other Aircraft Rating(s): None
Restraint Used: 3-point
Instrument Rating(s): None
Second Pilot Present: Yes
Instructor Rating(s): None
Toxicology Performed: No
Medical Certification:  None
Last FAA Medical Exam:
Occupational Pilot: No
Last Flight Review or Equivalent:
Flight Time:   20 hours (Total, all aircraft), 19 hours (Total, this make and model), 10 hours (Last 90 days, all aircraft), 6 hours (Last 30 days, all aircraft) 

The flight instructor held a commercial pilot certificate with ratings for airplane single- and multi-engine land, and instrument airplane. He also held a flight instructor certificate with ratings for airplane single-engine and instrument airplane. His most recent Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) first-class medical certificate was issued November 12, 2015. He reported 2,800 total hours of flight experience, of which 1,400 hours were in the accident airplane make and model.

The student pilot reported that he had accrued 20 total hours of flight experience, 19 of which were in the accident airplane make and model.

Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information

Aircraft Make: PIPER
Registration: N29099
Model/Series: PA28 181
Aircraft Category: Airplane
Year of Manufacture:
Amateur Built: No
Airworthiness Certificate: Normal
Serial Number: 28-7990437
Landing Gear Type: Tricycle
Seats: 4
Date/Type of Last Inspection: 01/12/2016, 100 Hour
Certified Max Gross Wt.: 2550 lbs
Time Since Last Inspection: 83 Hours
Engines: 1 Reciprocating
Airframe Total Time: 5173.97 Hours at time of accident
Engine Manufacturer: LYCOMING
ELT: C91  installed, not activated
Engine Model/Series: O-360-A4M
Rated Power: 180 hp
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None 

The accident airplane was a four-seat, low-wing monoplane of conventional metal construction. It was equipped with fixed tricycle-type landing gear and was powered by a four-cylinder, direct-drive, horizontally opposed engine rated at 180 horsepower at 2700 rpm.

The basic airframe, except for a tubular steel engine mount, steel landing gear struts, and other miscellaneous steel parts, was of aluminum alloy construction. The wing tips, engine cowling, and tail surfaces were of fiberglass or ABS thermoplastic.

According to FAA and maintenance records, the airplane was manufactured in 1979. The airplane's most recent 100-hour inspection was completed on January 12, 2016, at 5,091 total hours. At the time of the accident, the airplane had accumulated 5,173.97 total hours of flight time.

Fuel Information

The airplane's fuel was stored in two 25-gallon tanks (24-gallons usable). According to the Piper PA-28-181 Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH), during the preflight inspection, the fuel quantity gauges were to be checked, the fuel tank sumps and fuel strainer were to be drained, and the fuel quantity was to be visually checked by opening the fuel tank caps and looking inside each of the fuel tanks. An aftermarket checklist was found in the airplane. Although the checklist was not specified for use in a Piper PA-28-181, it was similar to the published POH's preflight inspection regarding fuel.

Review of the POH also indicated that:

- At a power setting of 75%, the engine would consume fuel at a rate of 10.5 gallons per hour (gph).

- At a power setting of 65%, the engine would consume fuel at a rate of 9.0 gph.

- At a power setting of 55%, the engine would consume fuel at a rate of 7.8 gph.

At a 65% power setting, with full fuel tanks, endurance would be about 5.3 hours, and at a 65% power setting, with 40 gallons of fuel, endurance would be about 4.4 hours. Examination of aircraft rental and fueling records revealed that the airplane had been operated for 5.1 hours since it was last refueled.

When asked if they had leaned the mixture during the flight, the student pilot advised that he had only seen the flight instructor lean the mixture during taxi on the ground at FRG and FIT. 

Meteorological Information and Flight Plan

Conditions at Accident Site: Visual Conditions
Condition of Light: Night
Observation Facility, Elevation: KISP, 84 ft msl
Distance from Accident Site: 10 Nautical Miles
Observation Time: 1056 UTC
Direction from Accident Site: 185°
Lowest Cloud Condition: Clear
Visibility: 10 Miles
Lowest Ceiling: None
Visibility (RVR):
Wind Speed/Gusts: 10 knots /
Turbulence Type Forecast/Actual: / None
Wind Direction: 220°
Turbulence Severity Forecast/Actual: / N/A
Altimeter Setting: 29.82 inches Hg
Temperature/Dew Point: 7°C / 3°C
Precipitation and Obscuration: No Obscuration; No Precipitation
Departure Point: Fitchburg, MA (FIT)
Type of Flight Plan Filed: None
Destination: Farmingdale, NY (FRG)
Type of Clearance: Traffic Advisory
Departure Time: 2040 EST
Type of Airspace: Class C 

About 9 minutes before the accident (2256), the recorded weather at ISP, which was 11 miles from the accident site, included: wind 220° at 10 knots, 10 miles visibility, sky clear, temperature 7°C, dew point 3°C, and an altimeter setting of 29.82 inches of mercury.

The National Weather Service (NWS) Surface Analysis Chart for 2200 EST depicted surface winds from the south-southwest at 10 to 20 knots, with no significant weather reported in the vicinity of the accident site.

The Upton (OKX) Long Island 1900 sounding depicted a surface-based temperature inversion with a top near 2,000 feet. As a result of light surface winds and an increasing wind component with altitude, a moderate risk of low-level wind shear existed in the lowest 1,000 ft, and predominately light-to-moderate turbulence was predicted below 3,000 ft, and light turbulence through 10,000 ft.

An airplane descending into Providence, Rhode Island, at 2344 provided an in-situ measurement of the low-level winds. The airplane's track into the airport was from the southwest, parallel to Long Island Sound, and along the accident airplane's general route of flight. The airplane detected a surface-based temperature inversion to about 2,500 ft with westerly winds of 58 knots at that level. Another limited report from an airplane descending into LaGuardia reported a low-level wind maximum of 52 knots at 1,800 feet.

The winds aloft forecast current at the time of departure for stations near the route of flight indicated:

General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport (BOS), Boston, Massachusetts:

- 3,000 ft: 270° at 34 kts
- 6,000 ft: 260° at 38 kts

Bradley International Airport (BDL), Windsor Locks, Connecticut:

- 3,000 ft: 280° at 26 kts
- 6,000 ft: 270° at 36 kts

John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York, New York:

- 3,000 ft: 270° at 40 kts
- 6,000 ft: 280° at 40 kts

According to the United States Naval Observatory, sunset occurred at 1732 and the end of civil twilight occurred at 1800. At the time of the accident, the moon was located at an azimuth of 187° and an altitude of 62° above the horizon, and the phase of the moon a waxing gibbous with 97% of the visible disk illuminated.

A query to Lockheed Martin Flight Services (LMFS) found that there was no record that the pilot or instructor obtained a weather briefing either through the Direct User Access Terminal Service or LMFS. 

Wreckage and Impact Information

Crew Injuries: 2 Minor
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Injuries: 1 Fatal, 1 Minor
Aircraft Fire: None
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 1 Fatal, 3 Minor
Latitude, Longitude: 40.961111, -73.084444 (est) 

After the ditching, the airplane remained afloat for about 5 minutes before it sank nose first to the bottom of the bay and came to rest on its landing gear, about 100 ft northwest of Buoy S8. Charted water depth in the area was between 1 ft and 3.5 ft; however, the airplane ditched just after high tide so an additional 5 ft of water was present. Only 1 ft of the vertical stabilizer was visible above the water's surface after the airplane sank.

Airplane Examination

Examination of the airplane after recovery revealed substantial damage due to salt water immersion, a broken engine mount, damage to the right wing inboard leading edge, damage to the bottom of the inboard right wing, and damage to the aft fuselage structure just forward of the stabilator.

The pitot tube was clear, and the stall vane moved freely. Flight control continuity was established from the flight controls in the cockpit to the ailerons, stabilator, and rudder. The stabilator trim was neutral. The wing flaps were in the fully extended (40°) position. Both wing flaps exhibited impact damage, and the right wing flap actuating linkage was fractured.

Visual examination of the fuel tanks through the filler ports revealed that only a small amount of liquid with the odor of seawater was visible in the fuel tanks. About 4 gallons of a semi-opaque liquid was drained from both fuel tanks. When the liquid was tested with water-finding paste, the paste turned pink indicating the presence of water. The outlet screens from each tank were free of blockages.

The throttle was full forward, the mixture was full rich, the carburetor heat control was in the "OFF" position, and the primer was in and locked. The fuel selector was in the left fuel tank position.

The master switch, fuel pump switch, landing light switch, navigation lights switch, anti-collision lights switch, and radio master switch were all in the "ON" position.

All the seats were in place and secure, and the seatbelts were in place, unbuckled, and secure at their attachment points. Both front shoulder straps were hanging loose and were not attached to the lap belts.

Propeller and Engine Examination

The propeller was a one-piece alloy forging and remained attached to the front of the engine crankshaft; it displayed light leading-edge erosion and no evidence of S-bending.

Drive train continuity was established from the front to the back of the engine, and thumb compression was present on all four cylinders. Internal examination of the cylinders using a borescope did not reveal any anomalies of the cylinders, piston heads, or valves.

Both magnetos were found secure to their respective mounts. The magnetos were removed and disassembled. Internal examination of the magnetos revealed no evidence of any preimpact anomalies; corrosion consistent with salt water immersion was present on the internal case and gear region.

The spark plugs and ignition harness were removed and examined. The massive electrode plugs indicated a worn-out service life. The fine wire plugs indicated a normal service life when compared to the Champion Aviation Check-A-Plug Card (AV-27). The ignition harness exhibited some damage to the outer overbraid near the magneto caps and near the spark plug leads.

The starter, alternator, and vacuum pump remained attached to their mounting locations.

The engine oil system was intact. The engine contained oil in the galleries and rocker box covers. The oil suction screen was removed and a liquid consistent with diesel fuel (which had been added after recovery to help stop corrosion due to the salt water), oil, and salt water drained from the oil sump. The oil suction screen contained a piece of material that was consistent with a disposable paper rag. It was lodged within the suction screen and covered about 25% of the length of the screen. The oil filter was removed and drained, and no metal was found. The oil cooler was impact-broken from its mount; however, it had not been breached and all attached hoses remained secure to the inlet and outlet ports of the oil cooler.

The engine's fuel system remained intact. The fuel strainer was devoid of fuel. The carburetor was found secure on its mount. The carburetor float bowl was drained through the drain plug into a container, and the liquid was primarily water with a faint odor consistent with 100LL aviation fuel. The engine-driven diaphragm pump provided suction and compression at the inlet and outlet ports of the pump. 

Medical And Pathological Information

The Suffolk County Office of the Medical Examiner, Suffolk County, New York, performed an autopsy and toxicological testing of the deceased passenger. The autopsy listed the cause of death as drowning; the toxicological specimens were negative for any drugs of abuse. 

Organizational And Management Information

Positive Rate Gear Up, LLC, was a flying club based at FRG. The club's primary goal was to provide its members with basic general aviation airplanes. The club's airplanes were available for both training and leisure purposes. The fleet consisted of several Piper PA-28 models, a PA-34-200, and two Cessna 172s. The club offered discovery flights, primary flight training, and advanced flight training, including private pilot, instrument pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, instrument ratings, and multi-engine ratings.

Additional Information

Fuel Requirements in Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Conditions

According to 14 CFR 91.151, no person may begin a flight in an airplane under VFR conditions unless (considering wind and forecast weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed, to fly an additional 30 minutes during the day and an additional 45 minutes at night.

NTSB Identification: ERA16LA109 
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Saturday, February 20, 2016 in Port Jefferson, NY
Aircraft: PIPER PA28, registration: N29099
Injuries: 1 Fatal, 3 Minor.

This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.

On February 20, 2016, at 2305 eastern standard time, a Piper PA-28-181; N29099, owned and operated by Positive Rate Gear Up LLC, was substantially damaged during a ditching in the Setauket Harbor about 1.5 nautical miles northwest of Port Jefferson, New York. The flight instructor, student, and one passenger, received minor injuries, and one passenger is missing and presumed to be fatally injured. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed for the instructional flight conducted under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, which departed from the Fitchburg Municipal Airport (FIT), Fitchburg, Massachusetts, destined for Republic Airport (FRG), Farmingdale, New York.

According to the flight instructor, this was the second leg of an instructional flight that had departed FRG about 1430 for FIT. After spending some time in the Fitchburg area at a university, a restaurant, and a local Walmart, they returned to the airport and departed at approximately 2040 for FRG.

After takeoff, they departed the airport traffic area to the southwest and climbed to 4,500 feet above mean sea level (msl) on a direct heading for FRG. The flight instructor estimated that he had a headwind of 30-40 knots, and his groundspeed was approximately 81 knots during the cruise portion of the flight. He stated that there was no indication of any malfunction of the airplane. As the airplane passed over the Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport (BDR), Bridgeport, Connecticut, they turned southbound and crossed Long Island Sound at that point as there was less water to fly over in this location. They started a slow descent also as they passed over BDR, and upon reaching the area of Port Jefferson, New York, leveled off around 2,000 feet msl. the engine then "sputtered." The flight instructor immediately turned on the electric fuel pump and instructed his student to switch the fuel selector to the left fuel tank and to maintain 2,000 feet msl. Once the fuel selector had been selected to the left fuel tank, the engine stopped sputtering.

The pilot informed air traffic control that he they wanted to divert to ISP, which at the time was only 10 nautical miles south of them. They continued to fly for another 2-3 minutes when the engine sputtered again and then lost power. He then took control of the airplane from the student pilot and advised the tower controller at ISP that he was declaring an emergency. The flight instructor then made a 180 degree turn to the right, and headed for the shoreline since he believed this was the best suitable place for landing, and knew from experience that the area along the shore was normally clear of obstacles and houses. As they descended, he was unable to see the shoreline due to the darkness and decided to ditch the airplane as close as he could to the shoreline, judging his distance from the shore by using the lights from the houses. He then held the airplane off the water for as long as possible to keep from touching down on the water with excessive airspeed and risk nosing over as the airplane was equipped with fixed landing gear.

Upon touching down, the flight instructor opened the cabin door and instructed everyone to exit the airplane, and to grab the life vest that was located in the baggage compartment of the airplane and to hold on to him. The student pilot then handed him the life vest. One of the passengers then jumped into the water and started swimming for shore. The second passenger then also jumped into the water. The student pilot was the last to egress from the airplane. Neither the student pilot nor the passengers were wearing life vests.

After the pilot reported the engine failure to ISP and that they were going to attempt to land on the north shore of Long Island, the tower controller immediately notified emergency responders. A Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) Helicopter was airborne at the time, and was provided with radar vectors, and immediately proceeded toward the last known location of airplane. Approximately 3 minutes later, the airplane was located by the SCPD helicopter.

Patrol Officers from SCPD also responded to the shoreline and after locating several kayaks behind a residence, made their way onto the water and after hearing screams for help, paddled out towards the spotlight from the helicopter, rescued one of the passengers, and then with the assistance of an SCPD Marine Patrol boat, the flight instructor. The student pilot was also rescued by a Patrol Officer who entered the water on foot and threw a life ring to him and then pulled him to shore. A search by SCPD, and the United States Coast Guard for the missing passenger was also initiated, and at the time of this preliminary report, the missing passenger has not been located.

After the ditching, the airplane remained afloat for about 5 minutes before it sank nose first to the bottom of the bay, and came to rest on its landing gear, about 100 feet northwest of Buoy S8. Charted water depth in the area was between 1 and 3.5 feet however, the airplane ditched just after high tide so there was an additional 5 feet of water. Only 1 foot of the vertical stabilizer was visible above the water's surface at the time.

Examination of the airplane after recovery revealed that, it was substantially damaged due to salt water immersion, a broken engine mount, and damage to the aft fuselage structure just forward of the stabilator. Flight control continuity was able to be established from the flight controls in the cockpit to the ailerons, stabilator, and rudder. The stabilator trim was neutral. The wing flaps were in the fully extended (40-degree) position. Both wing flaps also exhibited impact damage, and the right wing flap's actuating linkage was fractured. The throttle was full forward, the mixture was full rich, the carburetor heat control was in the "OFF" position, and the primer was in and locked. The fuel selector was in the left fuel tank position.

Examination of the engine revealed that, it contained oil in the galleries and rocker box covers. Drive train continuity was also able to be established, and thumb compression was present for all four cylinders. Internal examination of the cylinders also did not reveal any anomalies of the cylinders, piston heads, or valves. Internal examination of the magnetos also did not reveal any preimpact anomalies.

Examination of the fuel system did not reveal evidence of fuel in either the left or right fuel tanks, nor in the fuel strainer, or carburetor float bowl. Examination of aircraft rental and fueling records also revealed that the airplane had been operated for 5.1 hours since it was last refueled.

The flight instructor held a commercial pilot certificate with ratings for airplane single-engine land, airplane multi-engine land, and instrument airplane. He also held a flight instructor certificate with ratings for airplane single-engine, and instrument airplane. His most recent Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) first-class medical certificate was issued November 12, 2015. He reported 2,800 total hours of flight time, of which 1,400 were in the accident airplane make and model.

The student pilot reported that he had accrued 20 total hours of flight time, 19 of which were in the accident airplane make and model.

According to FAA and maintenance records, the airplane was manufactured in 1979. The airplane's most recent 100 hour inspection was completed on January 12, 2016. At the time of the accident, the airplane had accumulated 5,173.97 total hours of flight time.

Liberty XL-2, J & R Corbett Pty Ltd, VH-XLK: Fatal accident occurred August 06, 2019 in Braidwood, Australia

NTSB Identification: WPR19WA210
14 CFR Non-U.S., Non-Commercial
Accident occurred Tuesday, August 06, 2019 in Braidwood, Australia
Aircraft: Liberty Aerospace XL-2, registration:
Injuries: 1 Fatal.

The foreign authority was the source of this information.

On August 6, 2019, at 0138 coordinated universal time, a Liberty Aerospace XL-2, registration VH-XLK, collided with terrain during a landing attempt near Braidwood, New South Wales, Australia. The pilot and sole occupant was fatally injured, and the airplane sustained substantial damage.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) is investigating the accident. As the state of manufacture of the airplane and engines, the NTSB has designated a US accredited representative to assist the ATSB in its investigation.

All inquiries concerning this accident should be directed to the ATSB:

Australian Transport Safety Bureau
62 Northbourne Avenue
Canberra ACT 2601
Tel: 1 800 020 616
Tel: (02) 6257 4150
International: +61 2 6257 4150

Collision with terrain involving Liberty Aerospace XL2, VH-XLK, near Braidwood, New South Wales, on August 06, 2019
Investigation number: AO-2019-040

A community is in mourning after a light aircraft crashed near Braidwood, 90 kilometres to the east of Canberra.

The deceased pilot's name has not been formally released but it's understood he was from Picton in New South Wales.

Acting Inspector Ben Bowles of the Queanbeyan police said the pilot had been attempting to land at a strip on a property near the Nerriga Road when he lost control.

Eye-witness, Alan Hannaford, said, "It just happened in a heart-beat."

Mr. Hannaford who has a stud farm on Nerriga Road said, the plane hit the ground nose first on his neighbor's property. 

"He circled once, and when he circled a second time, he'd gone past the bottom of the strip. We thought 'Oh that's it, he'll head off'.

"And in a heartbeat, the left wing dropped and the plane did a sort of a 90 degree spin and just drove straight into the ground in."

Mr. Hannaford has a landing strip on his farm, but it is not clear if the pilot was trying to land there or on a neighboring property.

The dead man had flown from Camden to Moruya on Monday, stayed overnight and was flying back - but planning to land on the way at the Braidwood property. 

The dead man is a stalwart of the business scene in Picton. He has developed property there, including a shopping mall.

One of his friends, Robert Kahn, said, "I'm devastated. He was a great man to do business with."

The deceased pilot was flying solo in a small two-seater XL-2 Liberty. "He loved flying," said Mr Kahn, who has been a tenant of the deceased man for 30 years as well as a friend.

The cause of the crash is not known. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau is investigating.

Three transport safety investigators from Canberra with experience in aircraft maintenance, operations and materials failure were to be deployed to the site. 

"The initial ATSB safety investigation will include examination of the accident site and the assessment of aircraft and pilot records, weather information and any available recorded data," a spokesperson from the safety bureau said.

The area is outside normal air traffic control and the procedure would be for a pilot to broadcast his intentions on a recognised frequency.

Three ambulances and a rescue helicopter were dispatched to the scene by NSW Ambulance, though two of the crews and the helicopter were stood down when it was clear that nothing could be done for the crash pilot.

A Civil Aviation Safety Authority spokesman confirmed the single engine XL-2 Liberty aircraft, with the registration number VH-XLK, had crashed just under four 3.5 nautical miles north-east of Braidwood.

The aircraft was manufactured in America in 2008 and was first registered in Australia in February 2009.

A NSW Police spokesperson said the body of the pilot had been found in the wreckage.

Officers were called to a property on Nerriga Road, just outside of the country town, about 11:30am on Tuesday, with reports a light plane had crashed.

When authorities arrived, the pilot was found in the wreckage.

NSW Ambulance inspector Steven Owen said the man died at the scene.

"The male pilot was the sole occupant of plane and his injuries were life threatening.

"Tragically, on arrival NSW Ambulance paramedics were unable to provide any assistance and the pilot was deceased on scene."

A spokesman from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) said the plane crashed on private property while attempting to land, but it was unclear as to whether it was landing on an airstrip or making an emergency landing.

A spokesman for the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) said the plane was a small Liberty XL2 aircraft, and that investigators had been deployed from Canberra to look into the cause of the crash.

"While landing at a private airstrip, the aircraft flipped and came to rest in an upright position. The pilot, the sole occupant, sustained fatal injuries, while the aircraft was substantially damaged," he said.

"A report will be released at the end of the investigation. But should a critical safety issue be identified during the course of the investigation, the ATSB will immediately notify relevant stakeholders so appropriate and timely safety action can be taken."

Cessna 172S Skyhawk SP, PK-WUG: Accident occurred July 22, 2019 in Cangkring, Indonesia

NTSB Identification: WPR19WA199
14 CFR Part 129: Foreign
Accident occurred Monday, July 22, 2019 in Cangkring, Indonesia
Aircraft: CESSNA 172, registration:
Injuries: 1 Fatal, 1 Serious.

The foreign authority was the source of this information.

On July 22, 2019, about 0810 coordinated universal time, a Cessna 172 airplane, PK-WUG, impacted a river and sunk under unknown circumstances about 2.5 nautical miles northeast of Cangkring, Indonesia. One pilot was seriously injured, and the second was fatally injured; the airplane sustained substantial damage. The airplane was operated under the pertinent civil regulations of the government of Indonesia as a training flight.

The National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) is investigating the accident. As the state of manufacturer of the airplane and engine, the NTSB has designated a US accredited representative to assist the NTSC in its investigation. 

National Transportation Safety Committee
Ministry of Transportation Building, 3rd Floor
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 5
Jakarta 10110
Tel.: (62) 21 351-7606
Fax: (62) 21 351-7606, INDRAMAYU – Korban kecelakaan Pesawat Cessna 172, M Salman Alfarizi (24) berhasil ditemukan dalam keadaan meninggal dunia oleh tim SAR Gabungan, 23 Juli 2019 pukul 09.35 WIB.

Menurut Kepala Kantor Pencarian dan Pertolongan Bandung, Deden Ridwansah, korban ditemukan di perairan Indramayu sekitar 50 M dari titik lokasi pesawat jatuh.

“Ditemukannya korban di perairan ini sesuai dengan Rencana Operasi bersama seluruh unsur dalam operasi kali ini” tuturnya.

Baca juga:

Tim SAR Temukan Jasad Pria yang Tenggelam di Sungai Citarik 

Lima Rubber Boat dikerahkan untuk melakukan penyisiran dengan enam penyelam yang melakukan pencarian yaitu 2 penyelam dari Kantor SAR Bandung, 2 Penyelam dari Polairud Jabar dan 2 penyelam dari Brimob.

Selanjutnya korban dibawa korban ke RS Bhayangkara untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut.

Adapun unsur yang terlibat yaitu Ditpolair Polda Jabar, Brimob Batalyon C, Polres Indramayu, Kodim Indramayu, KNKT, BPBD Indramayu, RMI dan Rumkit Bhayangkara Indramayu.

Sebelumnya Pesawat Cessna 172 Call Sign PK- WUG dilaporkan jatuh di sungai Cimanuk Lamaran Tarum Kabupaten Indramayu pada 22 Juli 2019.

Piper Aztec PA-23 N269KW: Accident occurred September 12, 2019 at Cyril E. King Airport (TIST), Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands

The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.

Additional Participating Entity: 

Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; San Juan, Puerto Rico

Aviation Accident Preliminary Report - National Transportation Safety Board:

Location: Charlotte Amalie, VI
Accident Number: ERA19LA279
Date & Time: 09/12/2019, 0400 AST
Registration: N269KW
Aircraft: Piper PA23
Injuries: 1 None
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General Aviation - Personal

On September 12, 2019, at 0400 Atlantic standard time, a Piper PA23, N269KW, was substantially damaged when the left main landing gear collapsed while taxiing at Cyril E King Airport (TIST), Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands. The commercial pilot was not injured. The airplane was registered to Executive Airshares, LLC, and operated under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. Night, visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and the personal flight was destined for St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.

According to the pilot's written statement, he "added throttle to get the temp[eratures]s up" while on back taxi to Runway 10. He cycled the propeller twice, pulled the throttle back to idle, heard an irregular noise and then felt ground contact. He immediately shut off the mixtures to both engines. The pilot reported that "the gear was slowly collapsing" while he was taxiing, "which could not be recognized in the dark."

Initial examination of the accident site and wreckage by a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector revealed a 60 to 70 ft ground scar on the runway leading to the runway edge, consistent with the left landing gear and wingtip. Ground scars were observed in the turf from the runway edge leading to where the airplane came to rest after striking a runway light. The left-wing leading edge was fractured and impact damaged in several areas. The trailing edge of the outboard left wing displayed damage consistent with ground and runway contact.

The landing gear was examined under the supervision of the FAA inspector. The inspector noted no evidence of landing gear structural damage and no malfunction of the landing gear actuator. A retraction test revealed no mechanical failures.

According to FAA airman records, the pilot held a commercial pilot certificate with ratings for airplane single- and multi-engine land and sea. His most recent FAA first-class medical certificate was issued July 24, 2019, at which time he reported 7,035 flight hours.

According to FAA airworthiness records, the six-seat, low-wing, tricycle-retractable-gear airplane was manufactured in 1966. It was powered by two Lycoming IO-540 series engines rated at 250 horsepower, each equipped with a two-bladed controllable pitch propeller. According to maintenance records, the airplane's most recent annual inspection was completed on July 1, 2019. At that time, the airframe had accumulated 5,250 total hours of operation.

The airplane was retained for further examination. 

Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information

Aircraft Make: Piper
Registration: N269KW
Model/Series: PA23 250
Aircraft Category: Airplane
Amateur Built: No
Operator: Executive Airshares Llc
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None

Meteorological Information and Flight Plan

Conditions at Accident Site: Visual Conditions
Condition of Light: Night
Observation Facility, Elevation: TIST, 236 ft msl
Observation Time: 0353 EDT
Distance from Accident Site: 0 Nautical Miles
Temperature/Dew Point: 28°C / 25°C
Lowest Cloud Condition: Few / 2200 ft agl
Wind Speed/Gusts, Direction: 7 knots / , 80°
Lowest Ceiling:
Visibility:  10 Miles
Altimeter Setting: 29.85 inches Hg
Type of Flight Plan Filed: Unknown
Departure Point: Charlotte Amalie, VI (TIST)
Destination: St. Croix, VI

Wreckage and Impact Information

Crew Injuries: 1 None
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Fire: None
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 1 None
Latitude, Longitude: 18.337500, -64.967222 (est) 

Stinson 108-1 Voyager, N97969: Accident occurred January 19, 2019 in Keshena, Menominee County, Wisconsin

The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.

Additional Participating Entity:

Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Aviation Accident Preliminary Report - National Transportation Safety Board:

Location: Keshena, WI
Accident Number: CEN19LA060
Date & Time: 01/19/2019, 1130 CST
Registration: N97969
Aircraft: Stinson 108
Injuries: 2 Serious, 2 Minor
Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General Aviation - Personal 

On January 19, 2019, about 1130 central standard time, a Stinson 108-1 airplane, N97969, impacted trees and a road while executing a forced landing near Keshena, Wisconsin. The pilot and one passenger sustained serious injuries and two passengers sustained minor injuries. The airplane sustained substantial damage. The airplane was registered to a private individual and was operated by the pilot under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 as a visual flight rules personal flight. Day visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident, and no flight plan was filed. The local flight originated from the Waupaca Municipal Airport (PCZ), Waupaca, Wisconsin, about 1100.

The pilot reported that the purpose of the personal flight was to travel to Ford Airport (IMT), Iron Mountain, Michigan. While in cruise flight, the engine sustained a momentary and substantial loss of rpm. The pilot applied the mixture to the full rich position, activated the carburetor heat, and switched to the right fuel tank. The engine recovered and the pilot left the carburetor heat on for about 3 minutes and then slowly turned it off. About two minutes after the carburetor heat was turned off, the engine ceased producing power. The pilot reported that once the engine stopped, it did not "windmill."

The pilot activated the starter and it did not engage. The pilot observed an asphalt road surrounded by trees on both sides to execute a forced landing. During the landing, the airplane impacted the trees and bounced on the road, coming to rest upside down on a snow-covered embankment. The occupants were able to egress without further incident.

The airplane sustained substantial damage to the fuselage, both wings, and the empennage. The airplane was removed from the accident site and transported to a secure location.

Aircraft and Owner/Operator Information

Aircraft Make: Stinson
Registration: N97969
Model/Series: 108 1
Aircraft Category: Airplane
Amateur Built: No
Operator: On file
Operating Certificate(s) Held: None

Meteorological Information and Flight Plan

Conditions at Accident Site: Visual Conditions
Condition of Light: Day
Observation Facility, Elevation: KEZS, 814 ft msl
Observation Time: 1735 UTC
Distance from Accident Site: 7 Nautical Miles
Temperature/Dew Point: -9°C / -16°C
Lowest Cloud Condition: Clear
Wind Speed/Gusts, Direction: 7 knots / , 20°
Lowest Ceiling: None
Visibility:  10 Miles
Altimeter Setting: 30.26 inches Hg
Type of Flight Plan Filed: None
Departure Point: Waupaca, WI (PCZ)
Destination: Iron Mountain Kingsford, MI (IMT)

Wreckage and Impact Information

Crew Injuries: 1 Serious
Aircraft Damage: Substantial
Passenger Injuries: 1 Serious, 2 Minor
Aircraft Fire: None
Ground Injuries: N/A
Aircraft Explosion: None
Total Injuries: 2 Serious, 2 Minor
Latitude, Longitude:  44.883611, -88.632500 (est)

On Saturday morning the Menominee County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to the area of County Highway M approximately one quarter mile east of State Highway 55 for a report of a single-engine plane crash.

Officials say the investigation revealed the pilot and crew departed from the Waupaca area and were heading to Iron Mountain, Michigan.

There were four occupants onboard who sustained no life-threatening injuries as a result of the crash.

The pilot and one back seat passenger were transported to medical facilities for their injuries.

The investigation remains ongoing.

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