Jared Salamina, 22, of Athol.
Photo courtesy of Kootenai County Sheriff's Department.
UPDATED PRESS RELEASE: This is an update to the earlier press release regarding the fleeing driver that crashed into the Coeur d'Alene Airport early Friday morning.
Initial reports regarding the aviation fuel spillage were incorrect. According to airport officials, actual aviation fuel spillage was limited to about one gallon, not the 200 gallons that was reported.
Additionally, most of the damage involved property owned by Resort Aviation. As of 12:30 PM, Jared Salamina has been charged with one count of Probation Violation –which has no bond, in addition to the three other misdemeanor crimes.
OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE FROM THE KOOTENAI COUNTY SHEIRIFF'S OFFICE: On March 1, 2013 at about 1:00 AM, a Kootenai County Sheriff's deputy attempted to stop a black Honda Civic for a stop sign violation at Lacey Ave and Government Way in the City of Hayden. The car initially failed to stop for the deputy, but then yielded several blocks later. As the deputy was walking up to the car, the driver sped away.
The deputy pursued the car a short distance, but discontinued the pursuit quickly due to the fleeing car's excessive speeds and weather conditions. Based on the driver's actions, and research of the license plate, the driver of the fleeing vehicle was believed to be Jared L. Salamina, 22 of Athol, ID.
At about 4:30 AM, the Sheriff's Office received an anonymous call from a citizen that said he had picked up Jared and drove him to his (Jared's) house in the Athol area and his parents were going to take him to the hospital because he had crashed his car near the Cd'A Airport.
While deputies were responding to the Athol area to attempt contact with Jared, other deputies were searching for the crashed car. Eventually, the crashed car was located. It had driven through an airport fence and crashed into a fuel pump depot, causing about $40k damage and spilling and/or contaminating about 200 gallons of aviation fuel.
Fire and airport personnel were called to the scene to deal with the fuel and damage.Meanwhile, deputies were able to locate Jared and his mother driving south on Highway 95 near the Garwood area. They stopped the vehicle and detained Jared. He was transported to Kootenai Medical Center, where he was later released and then taken to the Kootenai County Jail.
He was booked into the jail for Leaving the Scene of an Accident, Failure to Report the crash and Reckless Driving; all charges at this time are misdemeanors and his bond is currently $900.00. Charges for Felony Eluding are pending as well as probation violation charges, as Jared is currently on Felony probation for previous drug charges.
Story and Photo: http://www.khq.com