NTSB Identification: ERA15LA217
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Tuesday, May 19, 2015 in Corryton, TN
Probable Cause Approval Date: 03/06/2017
Aircraft: PIPER PA-28-181, registration: N597JG
Injuries: 2 Uninjured.
NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
During a training flight, the student and flight instructor heard a "loud bang" from the engine area, accompanied by engine roughness and reduced power. The flight instructor performed a forced landing to a field, resulting in substantial damage to the engine firewall. An examination of the engine revealed the No. 4 cylinder head was fractured outboard of the barrel thread. Further examination revealed that the cylinder fractured due to fatigue that initiated at the interior of the head near the intake valve. The serial number for the cylinder was outside the range of those affected by an airworthiness directive requiring inspection and/or replacement of certain cylinders.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The failure of the No. 4 engine cylinder due to fatigue, resulting in a catastrophic failure of the engine.
The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.
Knoxville Flyers Incorporated: http://registry.faa.gov/N597JG
FAA Flight Standards District Office: FAA Nashville FSDO-19
Aviation Accident Factual Report - National Transportation Safety Board: https://app.ntsb.gov/pdf
Docket And Docket Items - National Transportation Safety Board: https://dms.ntsb.gov/pubdms
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Tuesday, May 19, 2015 in Corryton, TN
Aircraft: PIPER PA-28-181, registration: N597JG
Injuries: 2 Uninjured.
NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On May 19, 2015, about 1650 eastern daylight time, a Piper PA-28-181, N597JG, was substantially damaged during a forced landing near Corryton, Tennessee. The student pilot and certificated flight instructor (CFI) were not injured. The airplane was registered to and operated by Knoxville Flyers Incorporated under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan had been filed for the instructional flight, which departed Knoxville Downtown Island Airport (DKX), Knoxville, Tennessee, at 1430.
According to the CFI, his student was performing flight maneuvers when he heard a loud "bang" from the area of the engine. This was accompanied by engine roughness and a reduced rpm. The CFI took control of the airplane and the student pilot completed the engine restart checklist in an attempt to resolve the engine roughness. The engine continued to lose power and the airplane began losing altitude. The CFI declared an emergency and informed air traffic control that he would be conducting an off-airport landing. He then performed a forced landing in a field, and during the landing sequence the firewall was damaged.
A detailed postaccident examination of the airplane revealed the nose gear mount attachment and firewall was buckled. No further damage was noted on the airframe. An examination of the engine revealed the No. 4 cylinder head was fractured circumferentially on the head at the outboard barrel thread. The cylinder was removed and sent to the NTSB Materials Laboratory for further examination. Detailed examination of the cylinder's fracture surfaces revealed that portion of the fracture surface had relatively smooth fracture features with curving crack arrest lines, features consistent with fatigue.
Examination of the cylinder revealed that there were markings cast on the cylinder near the exhaust port opening that read ECI and AEL85099 IR. A stamp near the intake port opening read 51932-14. A review of the maintenance logbooks revealed that the engine was overhauled on February 7, 2008. On May 1, 2014, the engine had a time of 1,012.5 hours since overhaul. No anomalies were reported following a compression check performed during the annual inspection. The last engine service (oil change) prior to the accident was entered May 13, 2015, with a recorded time of 1509.7 hours since overhaul.
A review of Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2009-26-12, effective February 4, 2010 required repetitive inspections or inspection and early replacement of cylinders with certain ECI part number AEL85099 heads installed on Lycoming 320, 360, and 540 series engines including the Lycoming O-360-A4M engine installed on the accident airplane. The serial number for the cylinder head in this accident was outside the range of serial numbers listed in AD 2009-26-12, and therefore was not subject to the inspection and replacement requirements.
Knoxville Flyers Incorporated: http://registry.faa.gov/N597JG
FAA Flight Standards District Office: FAA Nashville FSDO-19
Aviation Accident Factual Report - National Transportation Safety Board: https://app.ntsb.gov/pdf
Docket And Docket Items - National Transportation Safety Board: https://dms.ntsb.gov/pubdms
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Tuesday, May 19, 2015 in Corryton, TN
Aircraft: PIPER PA-28-181, registration: N597JG
Injuries: 2 Uninjured.
NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On May 19, 2015, about 1650 eastern daylight time, a Piper PA-28-181, N597JG, was substantially damaged during a forced landing near Corryton, Tennessee. The student pilot and certificated flight instructor (CFI) were not injured. The airplane was registered to and operated by Knoxville Flyers Incorporated under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan had been filed for the instructional flight, which departed Knoxville Downtown Island Airport (DKX), Knoxville, Tennessee, at 1430.
According to the CFI, his student was performing flight maneuvers when he heard a loud "bang" from the area of the engine. This was accompanied by engine roughness and a reduced rpm. The CFI took control of the airplane and the student pilot completed the engine restart checklist in an attempt to resolve the engine roughness. The engine continued to lose power and the airplane began losing altitude. The CFI declared an emergency and informed air traffic control that he would be conducting an off-airport landing. He then performed a forced landing in a field, and during the landing sequence the firewall was damaged.
A detailed postaccident examination of the airplane revealed the nose gear mount attachment and firewall was buckled. No further damage was noted on the airframe. An examination of the engine revealed the No. 4 cylinder head was fractured circumferentially on the head at the outboard barrel thread. The cylinder was removed and sent to the NTSB Materials Laboratory for further examination. Detailed examination of the cylinder's fracture surfaces revealed that portion of the fracture surface had relatively smooth fracture features with curving crack arrest lines, features consistent with fatigue.
Examination of the cylinder revealed that there were markings cast on the cylinder near the exhaust port opening that read ECI and AEL85099 IR. A stamp near the intake port opening read 51932-14. A review of the maintenance logbooks revealed that the engine was overhauled on February 7, 2008. On May 1, 2014, the engine had a time of 1,012.5 hours since overhaul. No anomalies were reported following a compression check performed during the annual inspection. The last engine service (oil change) prior to the accident was entered May 13, 2015, with a recorded time of 1509.7 hours since overhaul.
A review of Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2009-26-12, effective February 4, 2010 required repetitive inspections or inspection and early replacement of cylinders with certain ECI part number AEL85099 heads installed on Lycoming 320, 360, and 540 series engines including the Lycoming O-360-A4M engine installed on the accident airplane. The serial number for the cylinder head in this accident was outside the range of serial numbers listed in AD 2009-26-12, and therefore was not subject to the inspection and replacement requirements.
KNOXVILLE (WATE) – A small plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Knox County Tuesday afternoon.
The plane landed in the 7900 block of Washington Pike in Corryton around 4:45 p.m.
Rural/Metro officials say the plane, carrying a flight instructor and pilot in training, had just taken off from Downtown Island Home Airport. Neither were injured.
Pilot Bobby Gintz says they were flying at about 4,000 feet and practicing maneuvers when they had an engine failure. They had only five minutes to find a place to land.
The Piper PA-28 aircraft is registered to Knoxville Flyers, Inc, according to the FAA. Officials say the plane will need some work, but will fly again.