Photos of conversion in progress Modworks 2004:
Attachment of throttle mechanism to firewall.
Second arm of single lever control on prop control unit.
2 arms of single lever control coming from firewall and added mixture control.

Robert Littlefield
NTSB Identification: WPR12FA297
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Monday, July 09, 2012 in Scottsdale, AZ
Probable Cause Approval Date: 02/14/2013
Aircraft: MOONEY M20L, registration: N137MP
Injuries: 1 Serious, 1 Minor.
NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
The flight instructor stated that the pilot receiving instruction was practicing touch-and-go landings. On the fifth landing, the pilot flared too high, and the airplane dropped to the runway, landed hard, and bounced into the air. The flight instructor directed the pilot to “go around,” and the pilot applied power and fully retracted the flaps, which is contrary to the procedure in the pilot’s operating handbook to retract the flaps only to the 10-degree position. Both pilots stated that the engine did not respond. A video recording showed that the airplane’s altitude was about 30 feet above the ground when it rolled left to a bank angle of about 90 degrees. The left wing tip impacted the runway, and the airplane cartwheeled and came to rest upright about 200 feet left of the runway centerline.
Postaccident examination of the engine revealed that two O-ring seals were installed on each of the engine’s six fuel injector nozzles, whereas the engine’s maintenance manual called for the installation of only one O-ring seal on each nozzle. However, flow testing showed that placing two O-rings on the nozzles had no effect on the operation of the fuel system. No other anomalies were found, and the examination and testing indicated that the engine was capable of operating normally and producing its rated horsepower. Further, the damage to the propeller blades was consistent with the engine operating at a mid-range to high power setting at impact. The airplane’s left roll to a steep bank angle is consistent with the engine developing power as the airplane enters an aerodynamic stall, which resulted in a torque roll to the left.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot's failure to maintain airplane control during an aborted landing, and the flight instructor’s delayed remedial action. Contributing to the accident were the pilot’s improper landing flare, which resulted in a bounced landing, and his premature flap retraction while performing a go-around maneuver.
On July 9, 2012, at 0937 mountain standard time, a Mooney M20L, N137MP, was substantially damaged when it experienced a hard landing followed by a loss of control at Scottsdale Airport, Scottsdale, Arizona. The flight instructor was seriously injured, and the pilot receiving instruction received minor injuries. The airplane was being operated by the private pilot/owner under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. A flight plan had not been filed for the local instructional flight, which had originated about 35 minutes before the accident. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident.
The pilot/owner had purchased the airplane in Florida a few days before the accident. He and the flight instructor flew the airplane back to the Phoenix area together, arriving about 2 to 3 days before the accident. The purpose of the flight was to get more flight experience in his recently acquired airplane. The flight instructor reported that the pilot was practicing touch-and-go landings on runway 21. On the fifth landing, the pilot flared too high, and the airplane dropped to the runway and landed hard. The airplane bounced back into the air, and the flight instructor directed the pilot to “go around.” The pilot pushed the power lever to the full open position and then moved his right hand to the flap handle. The pilot reported that he moved the flaps to the up position. Both the pilot and the flight instructor reported that the engine “did not respond.”
The flight instructor stated that, in order to prevent the airplane from stalling, he pushed the nose of the airplane down and attempted to level the wings. He said that his actions “resulted in the airplane impacting the ground in a fairly level attitude, which minimized the severity of the impact.” He reported that, after it impacted terrain, the airplane veered off the left side of the runway. The flight instructor said that he inspected the wreckage after the accident and found the flaps in the full up position.
Two video cameras documented the accident. One was located at the control tower, and a second one was located approximately 1,700 feet from the threshold of runway 21 and approximately 575 feet to the left of the runway centerline. A study of the videos was performed by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Vehicle Recorder Division, Washington, D.C., headquarters. The second camera was located much closer to the accident, and its images display the unfolding events more accurately. The video showed that, after the airplane’s hard landing, which was about 500 feet from the runway threshold, it became airborne and reached an altitude of between 24 to 37 feet. The video further showed that the accident airplane entered a left bank with an increasing bank angle that reached approximately 90 degrees. The left wingtip contacted the ground, and the airplane cartwheeled and came to rest upright heading opposite to the direction of landing approximately 1,330 feet from the initial touchdown point.
The flight instructor held a commercial pilot certificate with single-engine land airplane, land airplane, and instrument ratings. He held a flight instructor certificate with single-engine land airplane, land airplane, and instrument ratings. He held a second-class medical certificate, which was issued on January 26, 2011. The flight instructor’s most recent flight review was on November 4, 2011. He reported that he had 6,397 hours of flight experience and had given 5,066 hours of flight instruction.
The pilot receiving instruction held a private pilot certificate with single-engine land airplane and instrument ratings. He reported that he had approximately 1,400 hours of flight experience with about 400 hours in Mooney aircraft. The accident aircraft records indicate that the pilot had approximately 17 hours of flight experience in it since he purchased it a week before the accident. His most recent third-class medical certificate was issued on May 1, 2012.
The airplane was a single-engine, propeller-driven, four seat airplane, with dual flight controls, which was manufactured by Mooney Aviation Company in 1988. Its maximum takeoff gross weight was 2,900 pounds. It was powered by a Continental IO-550-N reciprocating, direct drive, air-cooled, fuel injected engine, which had a maximum takeoff rating of 310 horsepower at sea level. It was equipped with a McCauley 3-blade propeller.
The flight instructor reported on the NTSB’s Pilot/Operator Accident Report form that the airplane received its last annual inspection on July 2, 2012. The airframe had 1,945 flight hours on it at the time of the last inspection. A new engine was installed in the airplane in 2004; at the time of the accident, the engine had accumulated a total of approximately 123 hours.
The wing flaps on the Mooney M20L are electrically operated and interconnected through push-pull tubes and bellcranks. Nominal travel is 0 to 33 degrees and limit switches prevent travel above or below these limits. The flap position is controlled by a switch located on the lower control console. The electric flap position indicator, which shows full up, takeoff (10 degrees) and full down positions, is located in the center of the instrument panel. The flaps are lowered by holding the spring-loaded switch in the FLAPS DOWN position until the flaps reach the desired angle of deflection. Simply releasing downward pressure on the switch allows it to return to the OFF position stopping the flaps at any desired intermediate position during extension. When the FLAPS UP position is selected, the flaps will retract to the full up position unless the switch is returned to the neutral position for a desired intermediate setting.
The airplane manufacturer’s Pilot Operating Handbook (POH) states:
Pushing the switch to the UP position retracts the flaps completely.
The POH lists the following procedure for GO AROUND/ABORTED LANDING:
1. Power Lever full power
2. Wing Flaps TAKEOFF POSITION (10 degrees)
3. Trim as desired
To minimize the control wheel forces during maneuvering, timely nose-down trimming is recommended to counteract the nose up pitching moment as power is increased and/or the flaps are retracted.
4. Airspeed 75 KIAS
5. Landing Gear UP
6. Wing Flaps UP
7. Airspeed 90 KIAS
At 0935, the reported weather conditions at the Scottsdale Airport(SDL); elevation 1,510 feet), were: wind 160 degrees at 4 knots; visibility 10 statute miles; cloud condition, clear; temperature 100 degrees Fahrenheit; dew point 54 degrees Fahrenheit; altimeter setting 29.92 inches mercury. The density altitude was calculated to be 4,594 feet.
The airplane came to rest about 1,830 feet from the threshold of runway 21 and 200 feet left of the runway centerline. It was located near the junction of taxiways B12 and B. It was longitudinally aligned on a magnetic heading of about 020 degrees. The main landing gear had collapsed and the nose wheel landing gear had separated from the fuselage; the airplane was resting on its belly. Both wings were bent up about 30 degrees from about 2/3 of the distance from the wing root to the tip. The outer 4 feet of the left wing had separated from the airplane and was found about 50 feet away.
The engine had broken free from its mounts, but was in place and attached by wires, cables, and hoses. The propeller blades were deeply scored, their leading edges were gouged, and the blades were S-bent; two of the blade tips had separated from their blades.
The airplane was equipped with a Supplemental Type Certificate modification that added additional main landing gear doors. Low Profile Inner Gear Doors, made of fiberglass, were attached to the main landing gear wheels. They covered the brake calipers and were closer to the ground than the outer (factory) main landing gear doors. The lower forward corners of these doors were found to be ground down. Two parallel marks were found by an FAA inspector about 500 feet from the runway threshold. Small flecks of paint, which matched the color of the landing gear doors, were found in the vicinity of the two runway marks. The distance between the two marks matched the distance between the two landing gear doors.
Photographs of the propeller blades were reviewed by the propeller manufacturer's representative. The representative stated that the damage to the blades was consistent with the engine operating “in the mid-range to high power” at the time of impact.
On July 12, 2012, a team of investigators convened to examine the engine. The team consisted of an NTSB investigator, a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector and an engine manufacturer’s representative. The spark plugs exhibited normal electrode wear, and each magneto produced good spark when the propeller/crankshaft was rotated. All six cylinders were borescoped, and none of the cylinders, pistons, valves, or bottom spark plugs displayed any signs of operational distress. Thumb compression and suction were obtained on all six cylinders through manual rotation of the propeller, confirming crankshaft and camshaft continuity. The inspection of the engine did not reveal any anomalies that would have prevented normal operation and production of rated horsepower.
On August 16, 2012, the engine was further examined by an NTSB investigator. Five of the six fuel injectors were removed, and it was noted that there were two O-ring seals installed on the nozzle of each fuel injector. On August 17, 2012, the sixth fuel injector was removed by salvage yard personnel, and two O-ring seals were also found installed on the nozzle of this injector. According to the engine manufacturer’s representative, only one O-ring was to be installed on the fuel nozzles of this engine. The NTSB’s investigator-in-charge requested that the engine manufacturer perform a flow test to determine if the installation of two O-rings per nozzle rather than the specified one O-ring per nozzle would have an effect on the operation of the fuel system. The testing indicated that placing two O-rings on the nozzles did not result in a significant difference in fuel flow during bench testing.
SCOTTSDALE, AZ (CBS5) - A Scottsdale city councilman was one of two people injured after their plane crashed during a landing at Scottsdale Municipal Airport on Monday morning.
Robert Littlefield, who is a flight instructor, was taken to Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn where he is in good condition. The other unnamed person aboard the plane was treated for minor injuries.
The single-engine plane crashed around 9:35 a.m.
Littlefield told CBS 5 News he was practicing touch and go's when the airplane bounced. He said he instructed the pilot to "go around," which means add power and fly out, but nothing happened. Littlefield said they "had nowhere to go but down." Upon impact, Littlefield twisted out of his shoulder harness and hit the control wheel.
Littlefield said he broke his sternum and is staying overnight in the hospital for observation to make sure he didn't damage his heart.
Airport spokeswoman Sarah Ferrara said the runway was closed for the investigation. It has since reopened.
The Scottsdale crash came on the heels of a reported landing-gear malfunction on a corporate jet at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway about 6:45 a.m. Monday.
An Embraer 135 Regional Jet with 40 people on board landed without incident after the pilot reported a problem with a nose wheel.
Flight Standards District Office: FAA San Diego FSDO-09
NTSB Identification: WPR14FA320
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Wednesday, July 30, 2014 in San Diego, CA
Probable Cause Approval Date: 10/21/2015
Aircraft: MOONEY M20L - NO SERIES, registration: N147MP
Injuries: 1 Fatal, 1 Serious.
NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
The pilot stated that after the airplane bounced on landing, she aborted the landing by adding full power and confirmed that the flaps were in the takeoff position. She further stated that when she realized that the airplane was not climbing normally and that the engine did not seem to be providing full power, she prepared for an emergency landing to a parking lot between two large retail buildings. The airplane impacted a rooftop air conditioning unit on one of the buildings, collided with the roof's perimeter cinderblock barrier, and then fell to the ground.
A witness, who was a pilot, reported that he observed the airplane flying low over the runway in a nose-high attitude, and, when it crossed the departure end of the runway, it was only about 25 ft above the runway approach lighting. The witness stated that he observed the airplane continue to fly low in a nose-high attitude, and he did not think it was going to clear the trees in its flight path. He further stated that just before reaching the trees, the airplane's nose pitched up abruptly into a very nose-high attitude, and the airplane climbed about 100 to 200 ft, cleared the trees, but then stopped climbing. According to the witness, "it looked like it stalled, followed by the left wing dipping." The witness added that the airplane then descended in a nose-high, left-wing-low attitude and went out of sight behind a building.
Postaccident examination of the airframe and engine revealed no evidence of mechanical malfunctions or failures that would have precluded normal operation. The landing gear was found extended, which would have resulted in reduced climb performance. The airplane's pilot operating handbook states that the landing gear is to be retracted during a go-around procedure. The airplane's initial nose-high attitude (before the abrupt pitch-up) also likely reduced climb performance. It is likely that the pilot recognized that the airplane was entering an aerodynamic stall during the steep climb over the trees, lowered the nose, gained airspeed, and averted a spin. However, at this point, there was insufficient altitude to fully recover from the stall and stop the airplane's descent before it impacted the building.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows:
The pilot's failure to achieve climb performance and maintain sufficient airspeed during a go-around, which led to the airplane exceeding its critical angle of attack and experiencing an aerodynamic stall. Contributing to the accident was the pilot's failure to retract the landing gear in accordance with the go-around checklist.
On July 30, 2014, about 1735 Pacific daylight time, N147MP, a Mooney M20L, was substantially damaged following an aborted landing at Montgomery Field (MYF), San Diego, California. The private pilot sustained serious injuries, and the sole passenger received fatal injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident, and no flight plan was filed. The personal cross-country flight, which was being operated in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, departed the San Bernardino International Airport (SBD) about 1630, with MYF as its destination.
In a statement provided to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigator-in-charge (IIC), the pilot reported that she departed SBD with one passenger en route to MYF, and was using visual flight rules Flight Following. The pilot further reported that about 1735 while landing at MYF, the airplane bounced, at which time she attempted to go around for another landing by adding full power, verifying rotation speed, and noting that the flaps were in the takeoff position. The pilot stated that soon after lifting off she realized that the airplane was not climbing as it normally should, and that the engine didn't seem to be making full power. The pilot reported her situation to the MYF control tower, after which she prepared for an emergency landing by verifying that she had full throttle in, and adequate airspeed. At this time, she turned in the direction of her "bailout" emergency landing site, a shopping complex parking lot. However, the airplane impacted the top of an industrial warehouse building before falling to the ground and coming to rest in a delivery area on the west side of the building.
In a statement provided to the NTSB IIC, a witness, who was also a pilot, reported that he was parked at the intersection of taxiway Golf and taxiway Kilo, when he noticed the accident airplane taking off over the end of Runway 28L. The witness stated the he noticed that it was very low, and that it continued to fly low in a nose-up attitude. The witness further stated that when it crossed over the runway approach lighting, it cleared the lights by a little more than 25 ft, when normally at this point the airplane would have already climbed to at least 500 ft. The witness added that the airplane continued its climb out over Highway 163 in a nose-high attitude, but was not climbing effectively, and that he didn't think it was going to clear the trees in its flight path, which were about 50 to 60 ft high. The witness reported that just prior to reaching the trees, the airplane's nose pitched up abruptly into a very nose-high attitude, increasing the angle of attack from what he would have estimated to have been between 15 to 20 degrees, or something closer to 30 degrees. The airplane quickly climbed up about 100 to 200 feet and cleared the trees, but then stopped climbing, at which point it looked like it had stalled, followed by the left wing dipping. The airplane then began a descent rate of about 200 to 300 ft per minute, while it maintained a nose-high, left-wing-low attitude, and then began to fall towards the southwest. The witness lost sight of the airplane when it went behind a building; a few seconds later he saw smoke rising from behind the building.
Other witnesses observed the airplane take off, make a sharp left turn, and then clip the top of a building before it "flipped down."
A survey of the accident site by the NTSB IIC and representatives from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the day following the accident, revealed that the airplane initially impacted a rooftop air-conditioning unit situated atop a retail building, about 28 feet above ground level with its right wing tip. It then proceeded across the rooftop on a measured magnetic heading of 200 degrees for about 40 ft, and then impacted the cinder block perimeter barrier with the forward undercarriage structure. Blue paint transfer signatures were observed on the top portion of the cinder block structure, which were consistent with the paint scheme on the lower forward section of the airplane. Additionally, the airplane's right main landing gear impacted the roof's perimeter barrier; the gear separated, and came to rest in a fenced in area about 25 feet of where the main wreckage came to rest in the delivery parking area on the southwest side of the building. Subsequent to the right main landing gear being separated, the airplane's right wing impacted a 40-foot tall light standard, also located on the southwest side of the building. The airplane then fell to the pavement, and rotated about 150 degrees to the right prior to coming to rest upright on a heading of about 350 degrees. A subsequent fire ensued. All components necessary for flight were accounted for at the accident site.
The wreckage was recovered to a secured storage facility for further examination.
The pilot, age 52, possessed a private pilot certificate with an airplane single-engine land rating. She reported a total time of 219 hours, with 164 hours in make and model. She also reported that she had completed her most recent flight review on July 24, 2013. Her most recent third-class medical certificate was issued on November 15, 2012, with the limitation, "Must wear corrective lenses for near and distant vision."
The airplane was a single-engine, propeller-driven, four seat airplane, with dual flight controls, which was manufactured by Mooney Aviation Company in 1988. Its maximum takeoff gross weight was 2,900 pounds. It was powered by a Continental Motors (CMI) IO-550-N-16 reciprocating, direct drive, air-cooled, fuel injected engine, which had a maximum takeoff rating of 280 horsepower at sea level. It was equipped with a McCauley three-blade propeller.
A review of maintenance records revealed that the airplane's most recent annual inspection was conducted on June 18, 2014, at a total airframe time of 2,555.9 hours, and time on the engine since new was 967.3 hours. Additionally, a top overhaul of the engine was performed on October 9, 2013, at a tachometer time of 2,470.3 hours.
At 1653, the MYF Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), reported wind 270 degrees at 7 knots, visibility 10 miles, sky clear, temperature 29 degrees C, dew point 16 degrees C, and an altimeter setting of 29.92 inches of mercury.
At 1753, the MYF ASOS reported wind 280 degrees at 6 knots, visibility 10 miles, sky clear, temperature 28 degrees C, dew point 15 degrees C, and an altimeter setting of 29.91 inches of mercury.
The wreckage was located in the truck delivery parking area between two retail buildings about 2,250 feet from the departure end of Runway 28L at MYF on a magnetic heading of 265 degrees. The airplane came to rest upright on a northerly heading, with significant impact damage to the right wing, as a result of colliding with a light standard. Fire damage and sooting was confined to the right cabin and cockpit area and the right wing.
The cabin and cockpit sections, although impact damaged, were primarily intact; the right side sustained thermal damage and light sooting. The throttle was observed retarded and the mixture was full rich. A survey of the cockpit instrumentation revealed the Horizontal Situation Indicator read 195 degrees, the Vertical Speed Indicator read plus 120 feet, the altimeter read 220 feet, the right and left fuel indicators read 33 gallons and undetermined respectively, the landing gear handle was positioned in the GEAR DOWN position, the flap switch was in the neutral position, the elevator trim was selected ON, High Boost and Boost Pump switches were off, both left and right control columns were remained connected, and all circuit breakers not tied off were in place. The airplane's Vision Microsystems VM1000 Display Assembly, serial number 94600, was removed from the airplane, and shipped to the NTSB Vehicle Recorder division for examination and testing.
The right wing remained attached to the airplane's fuselage at the wing root attach points. The wing was destroyed as a result of severe impact forces with the light standard, as well as thermal activity. The right aileron remained attached to the trailing edge of the wing at each of the three attach points, with fire and impact damage observed. Control continuity from the aileron to the cabin flight control area was confirmed during the postaccident investigation. The right flap, which was observed partially extended, was destroyed by fire and impact damage, with remnants of the component having remained partially attached to the trailing edge of the wing. The right fuel tank was destroyed. The fuel tank's filler cap was observed tightly in place and not compromised.
The airplane's left wing remained attached to the airplane's fuselage at the wing root attach points. The wing had sustained a longitudinal tear from the leading edge of the wing aft to the inboard area of the aileron. Additionally, the upper surface of the wing just forward of the extreme inboard area of the left flap was deformed upward over an area of 18 inches in width and 30 inches in length. The left aileron remained attached to the wing's trailing edge at all attach points, and had sustained only minor damage. Control continuity was confirmed from the aileron to the cockpit control area during the postaccident investigation. The left flap was observed partially extended and attached at all attach points to the trailing edge of its respective wing, and had sustained only minor damage. The left fuel tank was not beached, and the fuel filler cap was found tightly in place and not compromised.
The empennage, with the exception of the outboard one-third of the right horizontal stabilizer and right elevator and the inboard top section of the rudder, was observed to have sustained only minor damage. The referenced horizontal stabilizer was impact damaged, and moderate sooting was observed. Sooting was also observed on both the upper and lower surfaces of the right elevator. The forward top piece of the rudder, which overlays the top of the vertical stabilizer had failed down and aft to the left, and remained partially attached to the top of the rudder. Both horizontal stabilizers and vertical stabilizer remained attached to the fuselage, and were not compromised. The elevator remained attached to the vertical stabilizer at all attach points, and both elevators remained attached to the trailing edge of their respective horizontal stabilizer at all attach points, with the exception of the right outboard elevators attach point.
During the postaccident examination of the airplane, control continuity was observed from the elevator and rudder forward to the cockpit control area.
The airplane's left main landing gear was separated, and came to rest about 8 ft aft of the main wreckage. The right main landing gear had separated from the airplane after impact with the roof top perimeter barrier, and came to rest in an enclosure at ground level, about 25 feet east of the main wreckage. The nose landing gear was observed to have separated due to impact forces, and was located wedged in a fence about 20 ft east of the main wreckage.
The engine remained intact, but had separated from the firewall and upper engine mounts, and came to rest upright and canted downward about 30 degrees relative to the forward fuselage area. The engine sustained minimal impact damage, and no thermal damage was observed. The engine was subsequently sent to CMI for further examination.
The propeller remained attached to the engine crankshaft at the propeller flange. Each of the three propeller blades remained attached to the propeller at their respective hubs. Blades #1 and #2 sustained minimal damage with slight bending, while blade #3 was significantly damaged with forward bending observed. The propeller was shipped to McCauley Propellers for further examination.
Vision Microsystems VM-1000 Engine Monitoring System
The airplane's Vision Microsystems VM-1000 engine monitoring system was recovered from the airplane by the NTSB IIC and shipped to the NTSB's Vehicle Recorder division in Washington, D.C. for examination. The Vehicle Recorder Specialist reported the following:
An exterior examination revealed that the display unit had sustained damage from impact forces, and the data processing unit had sustained minimal damage. An internal inspection revealed that the damage did not compromise the internal memory device. A new display module was obtained, and interfaced with the data processing unit. Data, which was stored within the data processing unit, was read out from the display screen upon power-up. The table that summarizes the observed minimum and maximum values as recorded can be found in the NTSB Vehicle Record Specialist's Factual Report, which is appended to the docket for this report.
Engine Examination/Engine Test Run
The airplane's engine was shipped to the facilities of Continental Motors, Inc., Mobile, Alabama, for examination and an engine test run. On December 2, 2014, under the supervision of the NTSB IIC, the engine examination and test run was performed at CMI's facility, with the following results reported by a CMI Air Safety Investigator:
Prior to the engine run, the propeller governor was removed and disassembled for a visual inspection. The flyweights, spring, pump gears, valve, and associated components displayed normal operating signatures. The engine was not disassembled prior to the engine run.
The crankshaft end-play measured 0.007", the crankshaft flange run-out was 0.003" the deflection was 0.002".
It was noted during the oil sump removal that there was several large pieces of orange material consistent with the alternator drive coupling; it was noted that the installed alternator drive coupling was intact with no missing portions.
The #2 intake push rod was removed, and visually inspected for possible damage resulting from the impact damage to the push rod housing; there was no damage noted. The push rod was installed in a serviceable push rod housing.
The engine was then prepared for operation by installing the appropriate thermocouples, pressure lines, and test pads for monitoring purposes.
The engine was then moved to CMI test cell number 43, and mounted for operation.
The engine was fitted with a test club propeller for the IO-550-N engine model.
The engine experienced a normal start on the first attempt without hesitation or stumbling in observed rpm. The engine rpm was advanced in steps for warm-up in preparation for full power operation, and held at each position for 5 minutes to stabilize. The engine throttle was then advanced to 1,200, 1,600, and 2,450 rpm, and then to the full open position. The engine throttle was then rapidly advanced from idle to full throttle six times, where it performed normally without any hesitation, stumbling, or interruption in power.
It was noted that there was an oil leak in the left rear of the engine; the oil leak was consistent with the impact damage to the oil filter adapter and the oil cooler.
Throughout the test phase, the engine accelerated normally without any hesitation, stumbling, or interruption in power, and demonstrated the ability to produce rated horsepower. (Refer to the CMI Engine Operational Test Report, which is appended to the docket for this report.)
Propeller Examination
The airplane's propeller was shipped to the facilities of McCauley Propeller Systems, Wichita, Kansas, for a teardown inspection. On December 4, 2014, the propeller was inspected by a McCauley engineer, who reported the following:
• The propeller had damage as a result of impact. There were no indications of any type of propeller failure or malfunction prior to impact.
• The propeller had indications of some mid-level amount of rotational energy absorption (above windmilling and below full power) during the impact sequence. Exact engine power level was not determined,
• The propeller had no impact signature markings or component positions indicating angle disagreement between blades at impact. All three propeller blades had indications of operating in the normal angle range at impact (16 to 40 degrees reference angle measured at the 30" blade spanwise station). Exact blade angles at impact were not determined. This approximate blade angle was consistent with a propeller being operated at the concluded power level.
The engineer also reported the following observations:
• The propeller had sudden-failure type damage that is typically associated with impact forces, and gross part deflections. The investigation found no evidence of any type of fatigue failure.
• The propeller blade butts had marks from contact with adjacent pitch change hardware during the accident sequence. The position of these marks indicates that all three blades were in the normal operating angle range at impact.
• All three actuating links were failed. The failure was tension overload type failure related to gross deflection of the blades and the pitch change mechanism during the impact sequence.
• All three actuating pins left similar indentations in the blade butts. The depth and direction of material displacement of the indentations corresponded to impact loading from gross deflection of the pitch change piston during the impact sequence.
• The propeller blade bending, twisting, and overall propeller assembly damage was typical of that associated with some mid-level (above windmilling and less than full power) rotational energy absorption at impact.
According to the Mooney M20L Pilot's Operating Handbook, Section IV, Normal Procedures, issued 2-88, Rev. A, 8-18-88, page 4-15, the following procedures are outlined for a GO AROUND (BALKED LANDING):
Powerlever.............................................................................2343 RPM
Wing flaps........................................................ TAKEOFF POSITION (10 degrees)
(After POSITIVE climb established)
Trim................................................................................AS DESIRED
To minimize control wheel forces during maneuvering, timely nose-up
trimming is recommended to counteract the nose down pitching moment
as power is reduced and/or the flaps are extended
Airspeed...............................................................................75 KIAS
Landing Gear................................................................................UP
Wing Flaps..................................................................................UP
Airspeed...............................................................................90 KIAS
Devon Logan
Good Samaritans
SAN DIEGO - The pilot of a plane that crashed into a Costco parking lot last July said she calls the actions of the people who helped save her life "amazing and overwhelming."
Devon Logan sat down with 10News Thursday -- the same day the six men were honored at the Burn Institute's Spirit of Courage Awards.
"I remember thinking I'm going to die. I remember vaguely thinking in disbelief, 'This is it. This is how it ends,' before I thought, 'This doesn't have to be it. I can get this plane down,'" said Logan.
On July 30, 2014, Logan shook off the panic and calmly guided a small plane away from the areas with the most people and toward a Costco driveway.
The plane clipped the top of a Target store before crashing.
Cellphone video captured the moments that followed, with Costco employees and bystanders rushing toward the flames. A Costco truck driver raced to the trucks and got several fire extinguishers.
Logan's mother was dragged out first, and then Logan.
Her 78-year-old mother, Joy Gorian, died at the hospital. Logan suffered two broken legs and the guilt of surviving.
"I'm flying that plane and my mother is no longer alive. I continue to see a therapist," said Logan. "There's always the wondering about what I could have done differently."
The emotion of that day is visible on this day, as the six men who helped her, including four Costco employees, were honored. One of them suffered burns.
10News was there as Logan watched -- for the first time -- footage of the efforts of the men.
She took in a big breath, which was followed by a gasp.
When the footage came to an end, there was silence and then Logan said: "That's amazing. It's overwhelmingly incredible. So brave, so good. I'm just so thankful to them. I owe them my life. They literally risked their lives for two people they didn't know."
The NTSB investigation into the crash is still ongoing.
Story, photo gallery and video:
NTSB Identification: WPR14FA320
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Wednesday, July 30, 2014 in San Diego, CA
Aircraft: MOONEY M20L - NO SERIES, registration: N147MP
Injuries: 1 Fatal,1 Serious.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators either traveled in support of this investigation or conducted a significant amount of investigative work without any travel, and used data obtained from various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On July 30, 2014, about 1735 Pacific daylight time, N147MP, a Mooney M20L, was substantially damaged following an aborted landing/go-around and a reported partial loss of engine power at Montgomery Field (MYF), San Diego, California. The certified private pilot sustained serious injuries, and the sole passenger received fatal injuries. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident and no flight plan was filed. The personal cross-country flight, which was being operated in accordance with 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, departed the San Bernardino International Airport (SBD), San Bernardino, California, about 1630, with MYF as its destination.
In an interview with investigators conducted on the day following the accident, the pilot reported that the airplane bounced on landing and she added full power and commenced a go-around; the retractable landing gear and flaps remained in the extended position. Moments later when she realized that she was not gaining altitude as she normally would, she communicated the situation to the MYF air traffic control tower; the pilot also indicated that the engine was not making full power. She then veered left toward a shopping complex, which she indicated was a contingency landing area if she ever experienced an emergency. The airplane subsequently impacted a roof-mounted air conditioning unit atop a commercial building, proceeded straight ahead for about 40 feet, impacted the cinder block wall barrier on the south side of the building with its forward undercarriage, and then impacted one of the building's perimeter light standards with its right wing. The airplane subsequently came to rest in an open parking area on the west side of the building. A fire ensued on the right-front portion of the airplane, which was quickly extinguished by local workers in the area.
A witness, who is also a pilot and was standing about 450 feet south of the runway with an unobstructed view of the airplane while on its go-around, reported that the aircraft was very low as it approached the west perimeter of the airport. The witness stated that it then pulled up to clear a row of trees in its path, and subsequently pulled up even steeper to clear some higher trees. The witness added that at this point the airplane's left wing dropped, which was immediately followed by the nose dropping, but it did not stall and did not spin. The witness opined that shortly after losing sight of the airplane to the west of his location, he observed a column of smoke in that direction.
A survey of the accident site by the National Transportation Safety Board investigator-in-charge and representatives from the Federal Aviation Administration, revealed that the airplane, with the exception of a section of the right wing's leading edge and all three landing gear, was basically observed intact, upright, and oriented on a heading of north.
The airplane was recovered to a secured storage facility for further examination.

Pilot Devon Logan
Devon and William Logan
San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -
Joe Combs and his wife Joy Gorian in happier times.
Joe Combs now wears his wife's wedding ring next to his own.
Miguel Ramirez (left) helped pull the pilot out of the plane and John Stokowski (right) ran into Costco to get the fire extinguishers to put out a second fire.
Federal Aviation Administration investigator looks inside the cockpit of a Mooney M20L plane after it crashed in a shopping center parking lot Wednesday afternoon, July 30, 2014, in San Diego. One woman was killed and another seriously injured, a fire spokesman said.
An aviation safety inspector, center, examine the wreckage of a small plane in the parking lot of shopping center Wednesday, July 30, 2014, in San Diego. Police said that one woman was killed and one hurt in the crash.
San Diego police examine the wreckage of a small plane in the parking lot of shopping center Wednesday, July 30, 2014, in San Diego. Police said that one woman was killed and one hurt in the crash.
The wreckage of a small plane sits in the parking lot of shopping center Wednesday afternoon, July 30, 2014, in San Diego. Police said that one woman was killed and one hurt in the crash.
FAA investigator was on the phone near wreckage of small plane that crashed in parking lot between Target and Costco in Kearny Mesa.
FAA investigator checks wreckage of Mooney M20L plane crash between Target and Costco.
FAA investigator checks wreckage of Mooney M20L plane crash between Target and Costco.
Wreckage of Mooney M20L plane that crashed in parking lot between Target and Costco in Kearny Mesa.
Wreckage of Mooney M20L plane that crashed in parking lot between Target and Costco in Kearny Mesa.
Fire crews stood near wreckage of Mooney M20L plane that crashed in parking lot between Target and Costco in Kearny Mesa.
Rescue crews with wreckage of Mooney M20L plane crash between Target and Costco.
Wreckage of Mooney M20L plane crash between Target and Costco.
Wreckage of Mooney M20L plane crash between Target and Costco.
Police observe wreckage of Mooney 20L plane crash between Target and Costco.