MOORHEAD - A small plane crashed by the Interstate 94 weigh station here not long after 6 p.m. Sunday, a Clay County Sheriff’s Department spokesman said.
The plane went down in a field just west of the Moorhead airport on the south side of the interstate, Sgt. Josh Schroeder said.
A call came into the Red River Regional Dispatch Center at 6:05 p.m.
It was unknown if the two-seat private plane was trying to land at the time of the crash.
Schroeder said the single-engine plane appeared to be a vintage warbird-type aircraft.
The plane had one man on board, Schroeder said. He said the condition of the pilot was not being released as of 9:30 p.m. Sunday.
Witnesses said they saw a gurney behind an ambulance with a cover over the top, WDAY-TV reported.
First responders from several agencies were at the scene, including the Moorhead Police Department, Clay County Sheriff’s Department, Minnesota State Patrol and F-M Ambulance.
Authorities on the scene said there was fuel leaking from the plane, but it did not catch fire, WDAY reported.
Schroeder said investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration had taken over the crash investigation.
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Sunday, July 02, 2017 in Moorhead, MN
Aircraft: NORTH AMERICAN T-28A, registration: N9103F
Injuries: 1 Fatal.
NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On July 02, 2015, about 1800 central daylight time, a North American T-28A airplane, N9103F, registered to and operated by the Trojan Corporation, Grand Forks, North Dakota, clipped a light pole and impacted terrain while on landing approach to Moorhead Municipal Airport (JKJ), Moorhead, Minnesota. The private pilot, the sole occupant on board, was fatally injured, and the airplane was destroyed. The flight was being operated as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight, and no flight plan had been filed. Day visual meteorological conditions existed at the accident site at the time of the accident. The flight originated from Hector International Airport (FAR), Fargo, North Dakota, at 1750, and was originally en route to Lyons Field (47Y), Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.
According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector's statement, the airplane took off from runway 31 at FAR and climbed to 1,800 feet mean sea level (msl), about 900 feet above ground level (agl), at 160 knots. Shortly after reaching 1,800 feet, the pilot radioed FAR departure control and told them he was landing at JKJ. The controller asked the pilot if he needed any assistance and the pilot replied, "I don't think so." The pilot was given clearance to land at JKJ and when asked again if he needed any assistance, he replied "No." The controller told the pilot that a frequency change was approved and squawk VFR (transponder code 1200) . There was no reply from the pilot. The controller advised the pilot that radar services were terminated. Again, there was no acknowledgement from the pilot. No further communications were made with the pilot. Radar showed the airplane in a controlled decent on a southerly heading towards JKJ. The decent distance from 1,800 feet msl to the point of impact was approximately 7.5 statute miles (an average descent rate of 120 feet per mile). Field elevation at JKJ was 918 feet.
One witness, located 2 miles north of the accident site, saw the airplane fly over in a southerly direction at an estimated altitude of 150 to 200 feet agl with the landing gear extended. It was "obviously in distress." He said there was a "terrible racket" and sounded like "a gearbox or engine that was failing or out of oil." This witness submitted a written statement to FAA, which is included in this report's docket.,
FAA telephonically interviewed two other witnesses who were in public park 2 miles north of the accident site. The first witness said they airplane flew over at an altitude of about 100 feet agl and that he could clearly see the pilot. He said the engine was missing and popping. The landing gear was down, but he did not notice the flap position. He watched the airplane all the way to impact. The second witness said the airplane was flying "very low" and "sounded like it was in trouble." He also watched the airplane impact the ground.
Clay County Sheriff's deputies interviewed 8 other witnesses, who corroborated what the other witnesses had reported. One noted that the airplane appeared to be flying slow and its wings were "rocking" before it clipped the light pole with its right wing. The light was destroyed but the pole was undamaged.
These witnesses and other passerby went the accident site to assist the pilot, who was conscious, coherent, and talking. A shirt was placed against a large laceration on the pilot's forehead. Shortly thereafter, the pilot succumbed to his injuries. He had to be extricated by emergency personnel.
The accident location was in a corn field, 600 feet south of the Moorhead DOT (Department of Transportation) weigh station, about 2 miles east of Moorhead, Minnesota, along I-94, and ½-mile from the approach end of JKJ's runway 12. According to the FAA inspector, there were two open fields and 4 roads between the public park and accident site. The pilot made no attempt to make an emergency landing in either field.
The pilot held a private pilot certificate with an airplane single-engine land rating. According to FAA documents, when he applied for medical certification in March 2017, he estimated his total flight time to be 791 hours. His flight time in the T-28A could not be determined.
N9103F, serial number 51-7606, was manufactured by the North American Aircraft Corporation in 1951, and certificated in the experimental category. It was powered by a Wright R-1820 engine, rated at 1,475 horsepower.
According to the weather observation recorded at KKJK at 1814, the wind was from 030° at 6 knots, visibility was 10 miles, and the sky was clear. The temperature was 23°C., the dew point was 1°C., and the altimeter setting was 30.07 inches of mercury.
The weather observation recorded at KFAR at about the same time was wind 020° at 8 knots, visibility 10 miles, and there were a few clouds at 4,800 feet. The temperature was 24°C., the dew point was 12°C., and the altimeter setting was 30.07 inches of mercury.
According to the FAA inspector's report, the right main landing gear struck the ground first, followed by the nose of the airplane. The impact caused the propeller and gear case to separate from the engine, and were located 20 feet from the impact crater. The fuselage rotated clockwise 180° and came to rest facing north. The engine separated from the fuselage and was found 60 feet to the south. The right wing separated from the fuselage and was lying inverted slightly behind the aircraft. The right-wing flap was torn off and the outboard end was pointed away from fuselage. The landing gear was extended and the strut was broken off at the axle attachment. The FAA inspector noted paint transfer marks from the light to the right wing of the accident airplane.
The tail section was mostly intact and the right elevator had only tip damage. The horizontal stabilizer was deflected upward at the root. The intact left horizontal stabilizer had impact damage from debris. Flight control continuity could not be conclusively determined due to the extent of aircraft damage. The FAA inspector said the pilot was wearing a lap belt and shoulder harness, but the shoulder harness had failed. The radio was found set to the FAR departure frequency.
First responders placed absorbent pads under the wings to capture leaking fuel. The fuel tanks were drained. The right wing contained 25 gallons and the left wing contained 7 gallons (a total of 12 gallons useable). This fuel total does not include fuel that was in the ruptured header tank or fuel leakage after impact. Hydraulic fluid from severed lines was also leaking on the ground.
The Ramsey County Medical Examiner's Office conducted an autopsy on the pilot. Death was attributed to "multiple traumatic injuries."
FAA's Bioaeronautical Sciences Research Laboratory in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, conducted toxicology tests on samples from the pilot. According to the toxicology report, no carbon monoxide was detected in cavity blood, and no ethanol was detected in vitreous. Diphenhydramine was detected in urine and cavity blood. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine used in the treatment of sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and motion sickness.
On July 5, using the operator's mechanics, the engine was disassembled and examined under FAA auspices at Tri-State Aviation, Wahpeton, North Dakota. According to the FAA inspector's statement, the engine -- a Curtis Wright R1820-86B, SN: W507436 -- was running as reported by witnesses. Damage to the propeller and gear case was consistent with the engine developing power. The engine had no visible signs of failure. The oil filter was free from contamination, and no metal or carbon deposits were visible. Oil specimens were sent to Aviation Laboratories for analysis. According to its report, the specimens were within normal ranges.
The FAA inspector removed the airspeed indicator, manifold pressure gauge, and tachometer. Examination of these instruments revealed no transfer marks to indicate the power setting at the time of impact. After consulting with other T-28 pilots, the inspector learned that the engine would have to be developing power for the airplane to remain airborne in the landing configuration. The inspector calculated the airplane flew 1.6 miles in landing configuration before it impacted terrain.
The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.
Additional Participating Entity:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Minneapolis, Minnesota
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Sunday, July 02, 2017 in Moorhead, MN
Aircraft: NORTH AMERICAN T-28A, registration: N9103F
Injuries: 1 Fatal.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On July 02, 2015, about 1810 central daylight time, a North American T-28A airplane, N9103F, registered to and operated by Trojan Corporation, Grand Forks, North Dakota, struck a light pole and impacted terrain while on landing approach to Moorhead Municipal Airport (JKJ), Moorhead, Minnesota. The private pilot, the sole occupant on board, was fatally injured, and the airplane was destroyed. The flight was being operated as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight, and no flight plan had been filed. Day visual meteorological conditions existed near the accident site about the time of the accident. The flight originated from Hector International Airport (FAR), Fargo, North Dakota, at 1800, and was originally en route to Lyons Field (47Y), Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.
Shortly after departing FAR, the pilot told the tower controller that he wanted to divert to JKJ. No reason was given. Witnesses saw the airplane flying at low altitude and heard the engine running prior to striking a light pole at a truck waystation, located about 2 miles south of runway 12. The right wing was severed at the root. There was no fire.
MOORHEAD -- Sons of a Breckenridge area man who died Sunday evening, July 2, in a plane crash near Moorhead remembered their father on Monday, July 3, as a proud backer of his family’s athletic efforts and as a maker of things when he became restless.
“He was always building stuff,” said Trevor Yaggie, 16, remembering his father, Mark, 41, who died when the plane he was piloting crashed in a field just west of the Moorhead airport.
Clay County Sheriff Bill Bergquist said Monday that Yaggie died at the scene.
Austin, 18, the eldest of Yaggie’s three sons and a recent graduate of Fargo’s Shanley High School, said his dad was a frequent visitor at sporting events to show support for his boys, which include son, Dylan, 13.
“He was always there, cheering us on,” Austin Yaggie said.
Yaggie was a farmer in the Breckenridge area and also operated a spray plane business.
His sons say their father’s hobbies included collecting vintage warplanes that he took to air shows as a way of honoring veterans.
They said the plane he was flying when he crashed was a Trojan T-28, a type of plane used to train pilots starting in the 1950s.
Yaggie’s parents, Jeri and David, said that for the past several years their son had been working with them on transitioning the farming operation to ensure it continued into the next generation.
Jeri Yaggie said her son loved to fly old warbirds and “felt very strongly the importance of passing on that era of history to future generations.”
Mark Yaggie’s uncles, Don and Richard, described him as very aggressive when it came to projects he wanted to do and that he was not afraid to try new things.
His friend Sara Blaufuss described Yaggie as very loyal to friends and said the most important things in his life were faith, family, farming and flying.
Yaggie’s plane went down near the Moorhead airport on the south side of Interstate 94, according to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.
The crash was reported at 6:05 p.m. Sunday.
It was unknown if the two-seat private plane was trying to land at the time of the crash.
Investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration are handling the crash investigation.
Mark Yaggie and his family are well known in the Breckenridge community and the Yaggie name is associated with a number of businesses, including farming and trucking.
In recent years, a family charitable trust was set up by a number of Yaggie family members that, according to an article that appeared in the Wahpeton Daily News in 2016, included Mark Yaggie’s father, David.
Update: The Clay County Sheriff’s Office released the name of the pilot killed in a crash near the Moorhead airport.
Mark Yaggie, 41 years old, lives in Breckenridge, Minnesota.
The FAA says the plane was a North American T-28, which is a vintage military trainer.
Yaggie was attempting to land at the Moorhead airport when the plane went down.
Mark is a 2017 member of the Fargo Air Museum Board.
CLAY COUNTY, Minn. — The pilot of a small vintage plane is dead after crashing in a field near the Moorhead airport south of I–94.
Authorities were called about the crash just after 6 p.m.
The pilot was the only person in the plane.
When the fire department and Clay County authorities arrived on scene, fuel was leaking from the engine but was quickly stopped.
Authorities are unsure if the single engine plane had just taken off or was in mid–flight.
Officers on scene spoke to some witnesses and are now waiting for the FAA to take over the investigation.
“On arrival of everybody, they found that the plane had went down out on the cornfield, which kind of hindered the process of everybody getting out to the scene of the crash,” said Lt. Mark Empting, who is with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office. “Right now, we are currently investigating it to see what happened. The FAA has been notified and they are on their way here as well.”
The investigation is ongoing.
This latest incident follows a fatal crop spraying plane crash last week near Gwinner.
Rescue crews are responding to reports of a plane crash east of Moorhead and just south of I-94 near the weigh station.

MOORHEAD - A small plane crashed by the Interstate 94 weigh station here not long after 6 p.m. Sunday, a Clay County Sheriff’s Department spokesman said.
The plane went down in a field just west of the Moorhead airport on the south side of the interstate, Sgt. Josh Schroeder said.
A call came into the Red River Regional Dispatch Center at 6:05 p.m.
It was unknown if the two-seat private plane was trying to land at the time of the crash.
Schroeder said the single-engine plane appeared to be a vintage warbird-type aircraft.
The plane had one man on board, Schroeder said. He said the condition of the pilot was not being released as of 9:30 p.m. Sunday.
Witnesses said they saw a gurney behind an ambulance with a cover over the top, WDAY-TV reported.
First responders from several agencies were at the scene, including the Moorhead Police Department, Clay County Sheriff’s Department, Minnesota State Patrol and F-M Ambulance.
Authorities on the scene said there was fuel leaking from the plane, but it did not catch fire, WDAY reported.
Schroeder said investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration had taken over the crash investigation.
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Fargo, North Dakota
Aircraft on landing, struck the propeller.
Date: 29-MAR-16
Time: 16:45:00Z
Regis#: N9103F
Aircraft Model: T28
Event Type: Incident
Highest Injury: None
Damage: Minor
Flight Phase: LANDING (LDG)
State: North Dakota
The National Transportation Safety Board did not travel to the scene of this accident.
Additional Participating Entity:
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Minneapolis, Minnesota
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Sunday, July 02, 2017 in Moorhead, MN
Aircraft: NORTH AMERICAN T-28A, registration: N9103F
Injuries: 1 Fatal.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.
On July 02, 2015, about 1810 central daylight time, a North American T-28A airplane, N9103F, registered to and operated by Trojan Corporation, Grand Forks, North Dakota, struck a light pole and impacted terrain while on landing approach to Moorhead Municipal Airport (JKJ), Moorhead, Minnesota. The private pilot, the sole occupant on board, was fatally injured, and the airplane was destroyed. The flight was being operated as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight, and no flight plan had been filed. Day visual meteorological conditions existed near the accident site about the time of the accident. The flight originated from Hector International Airport (FAR), Fargo, North Dakota, at 1800, and was originally en route to Lyons Field (47Y), Pelican Rapids, Minnesota.
Shortly after departing FAR, the pilot told the tower controller that he wanted to divert to JKJ. No reason was given. Witnesses saw the airplane flying at low altitude and heard the engine running prior to striking a light pole at a truck waystation, located about 2 miles south of runway 12. The right wing was severed at the root. There was no fire.
Those who may have information that might be relevant to the National Transportation Safety Board investigation may contact them by email, and any friends and family who want to contact investigators about the accident should email
MOORHEAD -- Sons of a Breckenridge area man who died Sunday evening, July 2, in a plane crash near Moorhead remembered their father on Monday, July 3, as a proud backer of his family’s athletic efforts and as a maker of things when he became restless.
“He was always building stuff,” said Trevor Yaggie, 16, remembering his father, Mark, 41, who died when the plane he was piloting crashed in a field just west of the Moorhead airport.
Clay County Sheriff Bill Bergquist said Monday that Yaggie died at the scene.
Austin, 18, the eldest of Yaggie’s three sons and a recent graduate of Fargo’s Shanley High School, said his dad was a frequent visitor at sporting events to show support for his boys, which include son, Dylan, 13.
“He was always there, cheering us on,” Austin Yaggie said.
Yaggie was a farmer in the Breckenridge area and also operated a spray plane business.
His sons say their father’s hobbies included collecting vintage warplanes that he took to air shows as a way of honoring veterans.
They said the plane he was flying when he crashed was a Trojan T-28, a type of plane used to train pilots starting in the 1950s.
Yaggie’s parents, Jeri and David, said that for the past several years their son had been working with them on transitioning the farming operation to ensure it continued into the next generation.
Jeri Yaggie said her son loved to fly old warbirds and “felt very strongly the importance of passing on that era of history to future generations.”
Mark Yaggie’s uncles, Don and Richard, described him as very aggressive when it came to projects he wanted to do and that he was not afraid to try new things.
His friend Sara Blaufuss described Yaggie as very loyal to friends and said the most important things in his life were faith, family, farming and flying.
Yaggie’s plane went down near the Moorhead airport on the south side of Interstate 94, according to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.
The crash was reported at 6:05 p.m. Sunday.
It was unknown if the two-seat private plane was trying to land at the time of the crash.
Investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration are handling the crash investigation.
Mark Yaggie and his family are well known in the Breckenridge community and the Yaggie name is associated with a number of businesses, including farming and trucking.
In recent years, a family charitable trust was set up by a number of Yaggie family members that, according to an article that appeared in the Wahpeton Daily News in 2016, included Mark Yaggie’s father, David.
Update: The Clay County Sheriff’s Office released the name of the pilot killed in a crash near the Moorhead airport.
Mark Yaggie, 41 years old, lives in Breckenridge, Minnesota.
The FAA says the plane was a North American T-28, which is a vintage military trainer.
Yaggie was attempting to land at the Moorhead airport when the plane went down.
Mark is a 2017 member of the Fargo Air Museum Board.
CLAY COUNTY, Minn. — The pilot of a small vintage plane is dead after crashing in a field near the Moorhead airport south of I–94.
Authorities were called about the crash just after 6 p.m.
The pilot was the only person in the plane.
When the fire department and Clay County authorities arrived on scene, fuel was leaking from the engine but was quickly stopped.
Authorities are unsure if the single engine plane had just taken off or was in mid–flight.
Officers on scene spoke to some witnesses and are now waiting for the FAA to take over the investigation.
“On arrival of everybody, they found that the plane had went down out on the cornfield, which kind of hindered the process of everybody getting out to the scene of the crash,” said Lt. Mark Empting, who is with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office. “Right now, we are currently investigating it to see what happened. The FAA has been notified and they are on their way here as well.”
The investigation is ongoing.
This latest incident follows a fatal crop spraying plane crash last week near Gwinner.
Rescue crews are responding to reports of a plane crash east of Moorhead and just south of I-94 near the weigh station.

MOORHEAD - A small plane crashed by the Interstate 94 weigh station here not long after 6 p.m. Sunday, a Clay County Sheriff’s Department spokesman said.
The plane went down in a field just west of the Moorhead airport on the south side of the interstate, Sgt. Josh Schroeder said.
A call came into the Red River Regional Dispatch Center at 6:05 p.m.
It was unknown if the two-seat private plane was trying to land at the time of the crash.
Schroeder said the single-engine plane appeared to be a vintage warbird-type aircraft.
The plane had one man on board, Schroeder said. He said the condition of the pilot was not being released as of 9:30 p.m. Sunday.
Witnesses said they saw a gurney behind an ambulance with a cover over the top, WDAY-TV reported.
First responders from several agencies were at the scene, including the Moorhead Police Department, Clay County Sheriff’s Department, Minnesota State Patrol and F-M Ambulance.
Authorities on the scene said there was fuel leaking from the plane, but it did not catch fire, WDAY reported.
Schroeder said investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration had taken over the crash investigation.
Federal Aviation Administration / Flight Standards District Office; Fargo, North Dakota
Aircraft on landing, struck the propeller.
Date: 29-MAR-16
Time: 16:45:00Z
Regis#: N9103F
Aircraft Model: T28
Event Type: Incident
Highest Injury: None
Damage: Minor
Flight Phase: LANDING (LDG)
State: North Dakota