Showing posts with label Thomas Friedman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Friedman. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 September 2010

California - AB 32 & Proposition 23.

Blogger or whomever complained:
       Please advise what is amiss in this post, thanks.

aka Lei da Ficha Limpa / Clean Slate Law.
Up, Down, Appendices, Postscript.

Comics of the 10s:
See you Monday Romano.
I'm coming too, I'm dead from so much work.
Handsome lad. And he already works with me.
You have to get an apprenticeship Junior.

Poll conducted for The LA Times and the University of Southern California College of Letters, Arts & Sciences between September 15 and 22. The polling was conducted by two national survey research firms, the Democratic firm of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and the Republican firm American Viewpoint.OK, California's 'Global Warming Solutions Act' of 2006 aka Assembly Bill 32 aka AB-32 is drawing the heat. The super-rich, or some of them - in particular the Koch brothers (at about 16 billion net worth each), don't like AB-32 and want to delay it until the end of time.

There's lots of info around. Here's from the NYT on September 20th, and the LA Times on the 24th. Also pretty good coverage at Wikipedia. And here's Thomas Friedman summing it up on October 5th. I don't much like Friedman, but as a reporter he is ok, and this is good reporting.

Here's Arnie! Arnold Schwarzenegger slams Proposition 23 in Santa Clara on September 28, on YouTube.

I wonder about the Koch's personal fantasies around climate change and future generations. Everyone has personal fantasies right? What on earth can they be thinking?

In good company. :-)I wonder about the apparent failure of hope. Interesting that Rick Salutin must have been running on a parallel track this week.

And (in the face of failed politics, failed community, failed technology ... and so forth) I wonder what can possibly be done? Especially I wonder what I can do? And what I will do? And what will I do?

The Beatles, Beatles For Sale, Baby's In Black.

So ... I doubt I will get much beyond Salutin's "... and because it’s more fun, in the end, to ponder." I wonder if he smokes? I wonder if he ever smoked? If he did, and if he doesn't, then I wonder how he managed to quit?

Health CanadaHealth CanadaHealth CanadaHealth Canada

Or, say, beyond Bob and his "You see, you’re just like me, I hope you’re satisfied."

There are gallons of pundit jizz on the subject, running down the fish-wrap gutters. Some of it is interesting - the exec who quit, Jake DeSantis: Dear A.I.G., I Quit!. It is skewed, like Joe Stack's letter, has to be viewed through a reverse-prism. These guys, Joe & Jake, make obvious assumptions that I'm certainly not able to make anymore (if I ever did).

To put it in statistical perspective: America - population 310,000,000, 1.5% > 250,000 = 4,650,000, 0.9% > 350,000 = 2,790,000. So, three million of 'em round abouts.

Koch IndustriesJulia & David KochCharles KochJulia KochDavid KochCharles KochDenial

They say this Julia is a 'trophy wife' - 20 years younger than her hubby. 20 years, hell, if she's the trophy wife of a seventy year old man she should be 30 or 40 years younger eh? That would be a trophy. Anyway, I looked at quite a few pictures of her and she has the identical deer-in-the-headlights look in all of 'em. Maybe he only got one frame of the film in the deal whatever it was? Is that it?

Comics of the 10s:
I bought the mountains to support my anguish.
I bought the castle to be less unhappy.
Imagine those without cash looking for help.

King CanuteApparently they make Exxon/Mobil look like pikers when it comes to financing climate change denial. The Greenpeace report says 'Climate Denial.' I didn't read every word but are they really denying climate itself? Give 'em the King Canute award for that one for sure if it's true.

You can read the whole report, or the Executive Summary, which is actually a bit more than just the executive summary, includes the Table of Contents and so on.

These guys have already thrown millions into the Proposition 23 struggle. We'll just have to see what happens in five weeks on November 2 I guess - I can't see going there and trying to do something?

And here are links to the major deep dark pockets: Valero Energy Corporation & Tesoro Corporation & Occidental Petroleum & Marathon Oil Corporation.

It is hopeful that some heavyweight Republicans are strongly against Proposition 23: George Shultz in an editorial below and Arnold Schwarzenegger in this report. Hopeful because they both have stroke, and also because it is an indication of the non-partisan nature of this reality we live in.

I was in California once, a Renaissance Faire in San Luis Obispo in the late 70s sometime. I didn't stay long. Funny story - I was a stage carpenter in those days and I travelled with my hammer (of course). I only carry hand luggage on airplanes if I can get away with it, and the hammer, a 22 oz. all-steel framing hammer was in there - no problem at the border, none whatsoever - those were the days :-)

If you thought I had answers to any of this you were mistaken. I have no idea where to go from here. I am stuck trying to understand how these dinosaurs can be so wrong and keep it up ... and how the counterforce can be so lame.

Ah, love, let us be true To one another! :-)Ahh ...
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
Há em qualquer lugar, o CPT (Chefe de Porra Toda), e no outro lado tem Aspone (Assessor de Porra Nenhuma), tudo bom, fique bem querida.

Be well.

Comics of the 30s:
When can I come back?
When you manage to find a live mammal, D26.
Titties, I haven't seen tittles for a long time ...
Remember our agreement D26. We only suck as a group.

Calling base. I think I've found what you wanted so much.
Titties! Titties!
Titties and problems guys.
I only fuck for love.

Postscript: (speaking of titties)

Not to be outdone by Doug Saunders (the nincompoop at the Globe and Mail), Climate Action Network sent me a newsletter this week, inspired apparently by the constraints imposed by their heavy donors ("... many of our organizations such as Oxfam Canada feel strongly about the gender aspects of climate change," said their 'Communications Coordinator,' Hannah McKinnon) and by strokes from the likes of Wangari Maathai & Mary Robinson. I have a lot of respect for Wangari Maathai, and Mary Robinson was the president of Ireland which was certainly no cakewalk.

But ... oh my ... what a tiresome load of ideological shit!

And (as I imagine) with all the advantages of a bourgeois upbringing, our Hannah still can't read. And despite (I imagine again) some considerable post-secondary education, our Hannah still can't think for herself.

Song: We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?

Wellesley FireWellesley FireThere was a fire in Toronto on September 23 in the public housing complex at 200 Wellesley Street. It was ONE apartment - but it was hot. Still, it was books and papers they say, not a meth lab. It became a seven alarm fire. There were high winds that day. Now it is three days later. The 1,500 evacuated residents have not yet been permitted to return. There are fears of structural damage they say.

Take two giant steps back. One apartment burns up and three days later 1,500 people are still on the street!? Now consider that this had been a really big fire ... not a comfortable meditation for a defenceless resident of the largest city in k-k-Canada. Is it?

WTO, Battle In SeattleWTO, Battle In SeattleI watched Battle In Seattle this week. The film didn't make it into video stores apparently. Who can say why? But you can download it from IsoHunt.

Jennifer Carpenter plays Sam - I kept thinking she was Sarah Polley, but I was mistaken.

The events in Seattle in 1999 were (and continue to be) important.

Walter LowdermilkWalter LowdermilkAnd finally, here's Walter Clay Lowdermilk. Never heard of him? Me neither, until I got my Earth Policy Institute newsletter today referring to him - quite a fellow! He certainly deserved a middle-name like 'Clay.' You can find a longer biography at the NRCS site.

"Thou shalt inherit the holy earth as a faithful steward conserving its resources and productivity from generation to generation. Thou shalt safeguard thy fields from soil erosion, thy living waters from drying up, thy forests from desolation, and protect thy hills from overgrazing by the herds, that thy descendants may have abundance forever. If any shall fail in this stewardship of the land, thy fruitful fields shall become sterile stony ground or wasting gullies, and thy descendants shall decrease and live in poverty or perish from off the face of the earth."

That's it then.

Up, Down


1. Mais de 90% dos eleitores da região Norte aprovam a Lei da Ficha Limpa, 24/09/2010.

2. Rob Ford and the loss of hope, Rick Salutin, September 24 2010.

3. Dear A.I.G., I Quit!, Jake DeSantis, March 13 2009.

4. Climate Action Network, Newsletter excerpt, September 23 2010.

5. Women Can Lead the Way in Tackling Development and Climate Challenges Together, Wangari Maathai & Mary Robinson, September 20 2010.

6. The Brothers Koch and AB 32, NYT Editorial, September 20 2010.

7. Proposition 23 poll shows a dead heat among California voters, Margot Roosevelt, September 24 2010.

8. Clean air law is key to our future, George P. Shultz, September 12 2010.

9. Schwarzenegger defends climate law, slams Texans, Peter Fimrite, September 28 2010.

10. The Terminator vs. Big Oil, Thomas L. Friedman, October 5 2010.

Mais de 90% dos eleitores da região Norte aprovam a Lei da Ficha Limpa, 24/09/2010.

No Norte e no Centro Oeste, 91% dos eleitores aprovaram a 'Lei da Ficha Limpa', regra que impede que políticos condenados em instância colegiada (mais de um juiz) possam ser eleitos.

A informação é de um estudo encomendado pela Associação dos Magistrados do Brasil (AMB) e realizado pelo Ibope. O estudo também mostrou que 50% dos eleitores da região Norte nunca presenciaram uma situação de compra de votos.

Na pesquisa, que teve o apoio do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), foram ouvidos 2.002 eleitores em todo Brasil e verificou que 14% deles votariam em um político que oferecesse algo em troca. Os números de pessoas que aceitariam vender o voto no Centro-Oeste e no Norte foram menores, chegando a 13%.

Segundo o Ibope, 47% das pessoas não denunciariam candidatos que cometessem abuso de poder econômico. A omissão seria maior entre as pessoas que têm apenas o Ensino Fundamental (61%).

A maior parte dos interessados em denunciar os corruptos procuraria a Justiça (43%), deixando a polícia em segundo lugar (21%) e Ministério Publico (17%).

Rob Ford and the loss of hope, Rick Salutin, September 24 2010.

[Some of this was published in the Globe and Mail.]

In his awesome book, India After Gandhi, Ramachandra Guha says, "The world over, modern democratic politics has been marked by two rather opposed rhetorical styles. The first appeals to hope, to popular aspirations for economic prosperity and social peace. The second appeals to fear ... about being worsted or swamped by one's historic enemies." That's about as good as generalizations get, except to add that the phases tend to succeed each other. They don't just coexist. It's the failure or shortfall of hope that leads to fear.

The pattern was set by the French Revolution. It sparked hope in onlookers like Edmund Burke and William Wordsworth. But its excesses soon led to anxious rethinking, as in Burke's conservatism; and harsh reactionary (literally) responses like invasion or domestic repression.

Barack Obama is a current case in point. But the transitions have accelerated. His campaign based on hope, in every possible variation, had scarcely won office when the fear mongering began: about his foreign birth, his "anti-white racism," the rise of the Tea Party. Look up a chilling piece by Dinesh d'Souza in Forbes, on the President channelling, more or less (mostly more) the "ghost" of his father, "a Luo tribesman of the 1950s ... philandering, inebriated African socialist ... setting the nation's agenda." This isn't just paranoid conspiracy theory, it's a right-wing version of voodoo. Barack Obama hasn't helped his cause by failing to deliver much on those hopes, but I think there's more to it: a loss of hopeful tone, once in office.

Now consider Rob Ford's big lead in the race to be Toronto's next mayor. His success is a reaction to frustration with current Mayor David Miller's hopeful rhetoric and the failure of visible change. Rob Ford won't change things, in fact he promises to unchange them. He's The Unchanger. He'll stop the patronizing jabber. ("He talks like us," said a voter. "He doesn't use words like partnerships and enhance.") He'll roll back the taxes that left streets dirty and public transit chancy. Most of all, in his Toronto, which implicitly aspires to be a sort of mini-India in its diversity, there'd be less immigration, to say the least.

The fear/Ford reaction was aided hugely by last June's street chaos and vandalism during the G20. It embodied, like Rob Ford, fear waiting to express itself. Where was Mayor Miller? Off in the media centre, whining about the damage to the city he loves and approving everything the police did, including nothing. What could he have done? How about being out in the streets he loves, just as he could have gone to the parks during the 2009 garbage strike, to help his fellow Torontonians cope -- and embody some hope?

It's as if the fight went out of him once his personal hope -- being mayor -- was achieved. But for most people, winning an election changes nothing; that's when the fight should intensify. Something similar seemed to happen to Barack Obama when he became president, as if his hope was the same as his voters'.

This is partly due to our political system: We get to vote occasionally for leaders, then leave it all in their hands, leading to excessive reliance on "them," and turning on them when things don't gel. A political culture of blame and rage is the upshot, rather than shared responsibility and the will to keep going. What could change that? Something more ongoingly, truly democratic, perhaps.

It's a bit too easy to take shots at Rob Ford. A larger target, if you'll pardon the expression, has rarely crossed the shooting range. What matters isn't what one thinks of him; it's understanding why he has bloomed so sturdily at this point. That's the kind of question that matters, because it bears on more than this political moment, and because it's more fun, in the end, to ponder.

Since I began these columns, now in their 20th year, I've tended to think of each as the last, which is now the case. I'm glad to end with the reasons for the Ford phenomenon, since I've always felt that saying what one thinks is cheap and easy. It's more useful to describe why one thinks it and, even better, how one thinks.

It's been a pleasure to (try to) share that experience with you.

Dear A.I.G., I Quit!, Jake DeSantis, March 13 2009.

Dear Mr. Liddy,

It is with deep regret that I submit my notice of resignation from A.I.G. Financial Products. I hope you take the time to read this entire letter. Before describing the details of my decision, I want to offer some context:

I am proud of everything I have done for the commodity and equity divisions of A.I.G.-F.P. I was in no way involved in — or responsible for — the credit default swap transactions that have hamstrung A.I.G. Nor were more than a handful of the 400 current employees of A.I.G.-F.P. Most of those responsible have left the company and have conspicuously escaped the public outrage.

After 12 months of hard work dismantling the company — during which A.I.G. reassured us many times we would be rewarded in March 2009 — we in the financial products unit have been betrayed by A.I.G. and are being unfairly persecuted by elected officials. In response to this, I will now leave the company and donate my entire post-tax retention payment to those suffering from the global economic downturn. My intent is to keep none of the money myself.

I take this action after 11 years of dedicated, honorable service to A.I.G. I can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dysfunctional environment, nor am I being paid to do so. Like you, I was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and I agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid. Having now been let down by both, I can no longer justify spending 10, 12, 14 hours a day away from my family for the benefit of those who have let me down.

You and I have never met or spoken to each other, so I’d like to tell you about myself. I was raised by schoolteachers working multiple jobs in a world of closing steel mills. My hard work earned me acceptance to M.I.T., and the institute’s generous financial aid enabled me to attend. I had fulfilled my American dream.

I started at this company in 1998 as an equity trader, became the head of equity and commodity trading and, a couple of years before A.I.G.’s meltdown last September, was named the head of business development for commodities. Over this period the equity and commodity units were consistently profitable — in most years generating net profits of well over $100 million. Most recently, during the dismantling of A.I.G.-F.P., I was an integral player in the pending sale of its well-regarded commodity index business to UBS. As you know, business unit sales like this are crucial to A.I.G.’s effort to repay the American taxpayer.

The profitability of the businesses with which I was associated clearly supported my compensation. I never received any pay resulting from the credit default swaps that are now losing so much money. I did, however, like many others here, lose a significant portion of my life savings in the form of deferred compensation invested in the capital of A.I.G.-F.P. because of those losses. In this way I have personally suffered from this controversial activity — directly as well as indirectly with the rest of the taxpayers.

I have the utmost respect for the civic duty that you are now performing at A.I.G. You are as blameless for these credit default swap losses as I am. You answered your country’s call and you are taking a tremendous beating for it.

But you also are aware that most of the employees of your financial products unit had nothing to do with the large losses. And I am disappointed and frustrated over your lack of support for us. I and many others in the unit feel betrayed that you failed to stand up for us in the face of untrue and unfair accusations from certain members of Congress last Wednesday and from the press over our retention payments, and that you didn’t defend us against the baseless and reckless comments made by the attorneys general of New York and Connecticut.

My guess is that in October, when you learned of these retention contracts, you realized that the employees of the financial products unit needed some incentive to stay and that the contracts, being both ethical and useful, should be left to stand. That’s probably why A.I.G. management assured us on three occasions during that month that the company would “live up to its commitment” to honor the contract guarantees.

That may be why you decided to accelerate by three months more than a quarter of the amounts due under the contracts. That action signified to us your support, and was hardly something that one would do if he truly found the contracts “distasteful.”

That may also be why you authorized the balance of the payments on March 13.

At no time during the past six months that you have been leading A.I.G. did you ask us to revise, renegotiate or break these contracts — until several hours before your appearance last week before Congress.

I think your initial decision to honor the contracts was both ethical and financially astute, but it seems to have been politically unwise. It’s now apparent that you either misunderstood the agreements that you had made — tacit or otherwise — with the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, various members of Congress and Attorney General Andrew Cuomo of New York, or were not strong enough to withstand the shifting political winds.

You’ve now asked the current employees of A.I.G.-F.P. to repay these earnings. As you can imagine, there has been a tremendous amount of serious thought and heated discussion about how we should respond to this breach of trust.

As most of us have done nothing wrong, guilt is not a motivation to surrender our earnings. We have worked 12 long months under these contracts and now deserve to be paid as promised. None of us should be cheated of our payments any more than a plumber should be cheated after he has fixed the pipes but a careless electrician causes a fire that burns down the house.

Many of the employees have, in the past six months, turned down job offers from more stable employers, based on A.I.G.’s assurances that the contracts would be honored. They are now angry about having been misled by A.I.G.’s promises and are not inclined to return the money as a favor to you.

The only real motivation that anyone at A.I.G.-F.P. now has is fear. Mr. Cuomo has threatened to “name and shame,” and his counterpart in Connecticut, Richard Blumenthal, has made similar threats — even though attorneys general are supposed to stand for due process, to conduct trials in courts and not the press.

So what am I to do? There’s no easy answer. I know that because of hard work I have benefited more than most during the economic boom and have saved enough that my family is unlikely to suffer devastating losses during the current bust. Some might argue that members of my profession have been overpaid, and I wouldn’t disagree.

That is why I have decided to donate 100 percent of the effective after-tax proceeds of my retention payment directly to organizations that are helping people who are suffering from the global downturn. This is not a tax-deduction gimmick; I simply believe that I at least deserve to dictate how my earnings are spent, and do not want to see them disappear back into the obscurity of A.I.G.’s or the federal government’s budget. Our earnings have caused such a distraction for so many from the more pressing issues our country faces, and I would like to see my share of it benefit those truly in need.

On March 16 I received a payment from A.I.G. amounting to $742,006.40, after taxes. In light of the uncertainty over the ultimate taxation and legal status of this payment, the actual amount I donate may be less — in fact, it may end up being far less if the recent House bill raising the tax on the retention payments to 90 percent stands. Once all the money is donated, you will immediately receive a list of all recipients.

This choice is right for me. I wish others at A.I.G.-F.P. luck finding peace with their difficult decision, and only hope their judgment is not clouded by fear.

Mr. Liddy, I wish you success in your commitment to return the money extended by the American government, and luck with the continued unwinding of the company’s diverse businesses — especially those remaining credit default swaps. I’ll continue over the short term to help make sure no balls are dropped, but after what’s happened this past week I can’t remain much longer — there is too much bad blood. I’m not sure how you will greet my resignation, but at least Attorney General Blumenthal should be relieved that I’ll leave under my own power and will not need to be “shoved out the door.”

Jake DeSantis.

Climate Action Network, Newsletter excerpt, September 23 2010.

What Women Want

Recent U.S. polls are showing that women worry more that global warming will threaten their way of life during their lifetime than men (37% to 28%). Climate Action Network Canada itself has done some polling that has found that 75% of Canadian women under 35 feel that it is very important to solve climate change and 62% of the same demographic are more concerned than they were 2 years ago (compared to 65% and 55% in the same male age group)*.

Women around the world, especially in the global south are bearing the brunt of the impacts from climate change. Women and girls are walking farther and farther for water on a daily basis, they are suffering disproportionate impacts of threats to food security and violence and they are often being left completely outside of the negotiations about their futures.

In an opinion editorial this week in the Huffington Post, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Wangari Maathai and Mary Robinson make a compelling case for why and how women can lead the way in tackling climate change:

"The absence of women, particularly those from the global South, from national and international discussions and decision-making on climate change and development must change. The battle to protect the environment is not solely about technological innovation -- it is also about empowering women and their communities to hold their governments accountable for results." more.

Climate change is about so much more than reducing our greenhouse gas pollution. It is about livelihoods, human rights and gender equality among many other things. Women make up more than half of the world's population and what women want and need is far beyond what our governments are currently offering.

Women Can Lead the Way in Tackling Development and Climate Challenges Together, Wangari Maathai & Mary Robinson, September 20 2010.

The time has come for women leaders to influence the narrative on climate change and how we address its impacts. The devastating floods in Pakistan illustrate how natural and man-made disasters can in a matter of days wipe out years of development progress. The floods in Pakistan have affected 20 million people -- equal to the population of New York state -- or nearly two-thirds of Canada. And while Pakistan is ranked among the poorest countries in the world, this tragedy has deepened the desperation of people already struggling to feed families and fend off disease.

Pakistan's story is, unfortunately, not unique. It is being repeated today in countries around the globe.

Decades of environmental mismanagement, combined with the increasing impacts of climate change, are putting social and economic development efforts at risk. Changing precipitation patterns are skewing traditional seasons and undermining the agricultural rhythms of farmers. More frequent extreme weather events like droughts, hurricanes, floods and cyclones are damaging lives, livelihoods and infrastructure.

From scientists to economists, those studying the phenomena recognize that developing countries, whose economies are already precarious and where so many people, especially women, depend directly on the natural world for food, water and fuel, are being hardest hit. It is poorer households and communities and, in many countries, indigenous groups already pushed to the most marginal lands, who are least able to cope. Progress towards achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) over the past decade is now threatened by environmental risks that undermine the resilience, and deplete the resources, of households and governments alike.

This week world leaders will gather at the United Nations in New York to take stock of progress towards achieving the MDGs over the past decade and agree on ways forward for the final five years to the 2015 targets. What hasn't been addressed sufficiently in the lead up to the MDG review is the fact that some of the biggest constraints to achieving these global development objectives - the impacts of climate change and other environment-related threats -- continue to be routinely sidelined in development policies and practice. Until this changes, there is little hope of permanent gains in many of the areas covered by the MDGs.

Women leaders must insist we address environmental and development challenges in tandem. That means, for example, integrating national MDG and Poverty Reduction Strategies with the national-level climate change adaptation plans of action being put in place in countries around the globe -- a process that happens all too infrequently today.

A more coherent approach also requires much greater attention and action to address the particular challenges facing women and girls and their role in advancing sustainable development. In Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions, drought exacerbated by climate change is contributing to chronic crop failures, deforestation and water shortages, with devastating impacts for girls and women. The primary food producers and procurers of water and fuel for cooking are women. Environmental changes are resulting in women being forced to travel farther to secure food, water and fuel for their families. This has been shown to have negative impacts on nutritional levels, educational attainment and work opportunities, to say nothing of quality of life issues overall.

But not only are women bearing the brunt of environmental and development setbacks -- they are also a powerful source of hope in tackling climate and other environmental threats, and their voices must be heard. As the success of the Greenbelt Movement in planting millions of trees in Kenya has demonstrated, women can be an extraordinary force for positive change. Their knowledge and experience are fundamental to mitigating the effects as well as adapting to the inevitable changes wrought in local communities by shifting climatic patterns.

The absence of women, particularly those from the global South, from national and international discussions and decision-making on climate change and development must change. The battle to protect the environment is not solely about technological innovation -- it is also about empowering women and their communities to hold their governments accountable for results. They can help ensure that other powerful actors such as the private sector act responsibly as well. To make a real difference, women need greater access to the education, resources and new technologies required to help design adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies must be developed with women, not for them, and women must be involved alongside men in every stage of climate and development policy-making.

From the response in Pakistan to the UN Summit in New York, we must now recognize and act on the connections between climate change and development and ensure that women play a central role in shaping climate and environmental planning in the years ahead.

Proposition 23 poll shows a dead heat among California voters, Margot Roosevelt, September 24 2010.

California voters believe global warming is a significant issue and are inclined to trust scientific views on the subject, but they remain closely divided on a November ballot measure that would suspend the state's global warming statute, according to a new Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California poll.

California’s global warming law, passed in 2006, is aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions by power plants, factories and vehicles.

The ballot initiative, Proposition 23, would delay implementation of the law until California unemployment drops to 5.5% and stays at that level for a year. Unemployment is now over 12%, and a sustained level at or below 5.5% has rarely been achieved, so environmental advocates argue that the initiative would in effect put the law on indefinite hold.

More than two-thirds of likely voters in the survey said that global warming is a “very important” or “somewhat important” issue to them. And more than four in 10 likely voters said they have “complete” or “a lot” of trust in what scientists say on the subject, with more than two in 10 saying they have a “moderate” amount of trust.

On the ballot measure itself, the survey showed that about one-fifth of likely voters had not yet taken a position. Forty percent favor the initiative and 38% oppose it, essentially a dead heat. Typically, experts say that a ballot initiative that has less than 50% support at this stage of a campaign faces trouble because undecided voters usually -- although not always -- tend to end up voting no.

Full results of the Times/USC poll on the races for governor and U.S. Senate will be available Sunday.

Campaigns for and against Proposition 23 are just now gearing up. But candidates in California's sharply contested gubernatorial and Senate races are already attacking each other over Proposition 23, which is a litmus test for many green-leaning voters.

In the battle to succeed Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Democrat Jerry Brown opposes the measure. Republican Meg Whitman said Thursday that she will vote against the initiative, but would nonetheless suspend the global warming law for a year if she is elected.

In the Senate race, incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer, chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, opposes Prop. 23, while her GOP rival Carly Fiorina has endorsed it.

The initiative's main funders are Valero Energy Corp. and Tesoro Corp., two Texas-based oil companies with refineries in California, along with Koch Industries, a Kansas-based oil conglomerate that has fought federal climate change legislation.

The survey of 1,511 registered voters, including 887 considered likely voters, was conducted for The Times and the University of Southern California College of Letters, Arts & Sciences between September 15 and 22. The polling was conducted by two national survey research firms, the Democratic firm of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and the Republican firm American Viewpoint. The margin of error for the likely voter sample is plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.

Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere, warming temperatures on land and in the oceans, according to scientific studies. California has begun to feel the effects, with rising sea levels, the disruption of habitats for plants and animals, and diminishing mountain snowpacks that are critical to the state's water supply.

California's global warming law, also known as AB 32, is the most sweeping in the nation, requiring greenhouse gas pollution to be slashed to 1990 levels by the end of the decade, and setting a goal of an 80% reduction by mid-century.

Over time, the law would affect nearly every industry and household in the state, with regulations to cut the carbon intensity of gasoline, require auto companies to build more fuel-efficient cars, force electrical utilities to switch to solar and wind energy, make buildings and appliances more energy-efficient and encourage denser development with access to public transportation.

The findings of the Los Angeles Times/USC poll are similar to a July poll by the Public Policy Institute of California, a non-partisan think tank. Two-thirds of Californians in the PPIC survey said they favored the existing greenhouse gas law, but likely voters were evenly split on whether the state should “take action right away” or “wait until the state economy and job situation improve to take action.”

The Brothers Koch and AB 32, NYT Editorial, September 20 2010.

Four years ago, bipartisan majorities in the California Legislature approved a landmark clean energy bill that many hoped would serve as a template for a national effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil and mitigate the threat of climate change.

Now a well-financed coalition of right-wing ideologues, out-of-state oil and gas companies and climate-change skeptics is seeking to effectively kill that law with an initiative on the November state ballot. The money men include Charles and David Koch, the Kansas oil and gas billionaires who have played a prominent role in financing the Tea Party movement.

The 2006 law, known as AB 32, is aimed at reducing California’s emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020 and by 80 percent at midcentury. To reach these targets, state agencies are drawing up regulations that would affect businesses and consumers across the board — requiring even cleaner cars, more energy-efficient buildings and appliances, and power plants that use alternative energy sources like wind instead of older fossil fuels.

The prospect that these rules could reduce gasoline consumption strikes terror into some energy companies. A large chunk of the $8.2 million raised in support of the ballot proposition has come from just two Texas-based oil and gas companies, Valero and Tesoro, which have extensive operations in California. The Koch brothers have contributed about $1 million, partly because they worry about damage to the bottom line at Koch Industries, and also because they believe that climate change is a left-wing hoax.

They have argued that the law will lead to higher energy costs and job losses, arguments that resonate with many voters in a state with a 12.4 percent unemployment rate. But this overlooks the enormous increase in investments in clean energy technologies — and the jobs associated with them — since the law was passed.

Overturning AB 32 would be another setback in the effort to fight climate change. The United States Senate has already scuttled President Obama’s goal of putting a price on carbon. The Environmental Protection Agency, while important, can only do so much. This leaves state and regional efforts as crucially important drivers — and if California pulls back, other states like New York that are trying to reduce emissions may do so as well.

The Kochs and their allies are disastrously wrong about the science, which shows that man-made emissions are largely responsible for global warming, and wrong about the economics. AB 32’s many friends — led by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California — have therefore mounted a spirited counterattack in defense of the law.

Another respected Republican, George Shultz — a cabinet member in both the Nixon and Reagan administrations — has signed on as a co-chairman of this effort. Mr. Shultz credits AB 32 for an unprecedented “outburst” of technological creativity and investment.

Who wins if this law is repudiated? The Koch brothers, maybe, but the biggest winners will be the Chinese, who are already moving briskly ahead in the clean technology race. And the losers? The people of California, surely. But the biggest loser will be the planet.

Clean air law is key to our future, George P. Shultz, September 12 2010.

California's vision of a cleaner environment and reduced dependence on foreign oil and dirty fuels is now under attack. Make no mistake: Proposition 23 seeks to derail our future through a process of indefinite postponement of our state's clean energy and clean air standards. A future for California based on clean-power technologies is both an economic and environmental necessity.

It's about preserving clean air for our kids and fostering good jobs for our workers. It's about a California that leads the world in the next great global industry and in facing the next great global challenge. The effort to derail it would be a tragic mistake.

Don't let it happen.

In the United States, we face three major energy issues. Our economy is disrupted by periodically spiking oil prices. Our national security is threatened by dependence on uncertain sources of oil and by the flow of funds to oil-providing countries that do not wish us well. Indirectly, potential terrorist groups are also funded and strengthened. Our climate is threatened by the destructive impact of global warming caused by the accumulation of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels. These ongoing problems are real, important and potentially severe. Yes, severe. As Sen. John McCain put it in a May 2008 speech in Portland, Oregon:

"We have many advantages in the fight against global warming, but time is not one of them. Instead of idly debating the precise extent of global warming, or the precise timeline of global warming, we need to deal with the central facts of rising temperatures, rising waters and all the endless trouble that global warming will bring. We stand warned by serious and credible scientists across the world that time is short and the dangers are great."

As Sen. Richard Lugar wrote in the Washington Post in February last year: "In March 2006, I characterized America's excessive reliance on oil as the albatross of national security."

When oil prices soared to a peak of nearly $150 a barrel last summer, oil riches emboldened authoritarian rulers from Venezuela to Iran to the genocidal regime in Sudan. Poor countries struggling to grow were crushed by the weight of oil import expenses. Allies in Europe have gone cold this winter as Russia wielded its near monopoly on gas supplies as a political weapon. And our own economic woes were exacerbated as we shipped billions of dollars overseas to pay our oil bills.

But these are national and international issues, the naysayers argue, so why should California worry about them? We are one state in 50, and we can't solve these problems by ourselves. But we are not powerless. Our system of federal government is built, in part, on the idea and the experiences of creativity from the bottom up – from innovative individuals, companies and states. We can lead the way in using creative ideas to tackle these problems without harm to our economy. In fact, we have been leading the way.

At first, California's establishment of carbon emissions standards for cars and trucks, which far exceeded the federal requirement, drew a hostile response from the federal government. But early this year, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the EPA followed California's lead and announced national emissions standards that will bring us a cleaner fleet of automobiles. So California's example has had a positive and constructive impact.

There is a long history here of the pessimists underestimating what American ingenuity can do. In the congressional debate over the 1990 Clean Air Act, auto industry executives claimed that reducing auto emissions would have a devastating impact. Congress passed laws that called for a 39 percent reduction in hydrocarbons and a 60 percent reduction in nitrogen oxides in auto emissions. The auto industry met its emissions reductions targets and enjoyed record profits for the next decade. The lesson of history is very clear: Every time we challenge American industries with higher standards, they meet them earlier, for less money and invent new products for export along the way.

California's clean energy and clean air standards will start being phased in next year. The system will have the effect of gradually putting a higher and higher price on the emission of carbon. It can be designed so as to operate on a revenue-neutral basis, that is, so as not to take private money out of the economy. Many other ways of phasing in requirements have been identified so as to minimize short-term drag on the economy and to soften the impact of adjustment to new requirements.

In the meantime, the inevitability that rigorous requirements will soon be put in place here and elsewhere in the world has already led to an outburst of creative activity that itself both stimulates investment and jobs with a future and lowers the cost of reducing our carbon footprint. Businesses are looking for leadership and a clear road map such as that provided by our state's policy so that they can be positioned to prosper in the clean energy economy.

Energetic implementation of new technology is needed. New ways of producing electricity and using it far more efficiently are clearly in prospect, not just on the horizon. New methods are being developed for using genomic tools to produce liquid fuel from biomass and even from algae. New business models are being created to take advantage of technological changes, including cars that rely wholly or in part on electric generation.

In the four years since California's clean air standards were passed, clean energy investment has tripled. About three of every five venture capital dollars nationwide has been invested in California companies, with about $2.1 billion worth of clean energy investments in 2009 alone. Our state's policies are helping draw this activity to California. The United States and, I say proudly, California have always been world leaders in creativity and dynamism, reveling in finding new ways to accomplish important objectives. Now another important effort needs our support.

I remember from my time as secretary of state our success, led by President Ronald Reagan, in dealing with the potential adverse effects of depletion of stratospheric ozone. Yes, as now, there were arguments among scientists about the imminence of the threat. Those who were deeply worried turned out to be right. The necessary agreement, called the Montreal Protocol, came into effect in the nick of time. President Reagan supported our effort from the start to finish and acclaimed the result to be "a monumental achievement."

We have plenty of problems in California, not least the huge unfunded liabilities confronting the taxpayer. But we will only compound our problems if we abandon our aspirations for the quality of our environment. Our future is with a knowledge economy, and there is one thing we know for sure: Knowledge workers have lots of choices where to live, and they like to live in environments with clean air and green spaces. "Silicon Valley" did not sprout in Silicon Valley by accident.

Those who wish to repeal our state's clean energy laws through postponement to some fictitious future are running up the white flag of surrender to a polluted environment. We do not need this defeatist initiative with its sense of pessimism and its can't-do attitude. We need Ronald Reagan's spirit of determination laced with optimism. As he used to say, "America's best days are ahead." And so are California's.

Schwarzenegger defends climate law, slams Texans, Peter Fimrite, September 28 2010.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger used the fourth anniversary of the passage of California's landmark climate change law to slam Texas oil companies Valero and Tesoro for what he described as cynical attempts to manipulate voters into abandoning the law.

The governor's vehement defense of the climate legislation commonly referred to as AB32 comes amid a fierce campaign led by oil interests to win passage in November of Proposition 23, a ballot measure that calls for suspending the climate law until the jobless rate hits 5.5 percent for a year, a level achieved only three times in 40 years.

Schwarzenegger, speaking before several hundred people at the Commonwealth Club in Santa Clara, said the proponents of Prop. 23 are attempting to subvert the democratic process using scare tactics. He likened the campaign to a shell game hiding what he said was the real purpose: "self-serving greed."

"They are creating a shell argument that they are doing this to protect jobs," the governor said. "Does anybody really believe they are doing this out of the goodness of their black oil hearts - spending millions and millions of dollars to save jobs?"

Schwarzenegger said AB32, which he signed into law in 2006, will create jobs by allowing California to establish a "green economy" featuring solar energy, hydrogen power, bio-energy and a renewable electricity standard that will provide "the seed money for the world's energy revolution."

The only job losses or costs, he said, would be in polluting industries like Valero Energy Corp. and Tesoro Corp., both of which have refineries in California that climate experts say are sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

AB32 calls for the state to reduce carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Among other things, it requires the California Air Resources Board to establish and enforce limits on carbon emissions - regulations that will begin to go into effect in 2012. Seven Western states and four Canadian provinces have joined California in writing regulations in anticipation of a regional effort to curb emissions.

One contentious issue is a so-called "cap and trade" system, which would establish a market in which businesses that pollute would buy credits from companies that cut their emissions. Congress chose not to pursue laws against greenhouse gas emissions in part because of that controversial issue. Some states in the regional pact have since wavered, including Arizona, which has said it would not support cap-and-trade.

The two oil companies behind the effort to suspend AB32 are among those who would be obliged under cap-and-trade to clean up operations or pay significant new fees.

Schwarzenegger praised President Obama for his support of climate change legislation but was highly critical of Congress for dropping the bill, a situation he said was due to blatant partisanship.

"Right now in Washington nothing gets done," he said. "It doesn't mean that we should give up. California is the leader."

The Terminator vs. Big Oil, Thomas L. Friedman, October 5 2010.

The Terminator, aka the Governator, is not happy. And you shouldn’t be either.

What has Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California incensed is the fact that two Texas oil companies with two refineries each in California are financing a campaign to roll back California’s landmark laws to slow global warming and promote clean energy innovation, because it would require the refiners to install new emission-control tools. At a time when President Obama and Congress have failed to pass a clean energy bill, California’s laws are the best thing we have going to stimulate clean-tech in America. We don’t want them gutted. C’mon in. This is a fight worth having.

Here are the basics: Next month Californians will vote on “Prop 23,” a proposal to effectively kill implementation of California’s Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, known as A.B. 32. It was supported by Republicans, Democrats, businesses and environmentalists. Prop 23 proposes to suspend implementation of A.B. 32 until California achieves four consecutive quarters of unemployment below 5.5 percent. It is currently above 12 percent. (Sorry for all the numbers. Just remember: A.B. 32, good; Prop 23, bad.)

A.B. 32 was designed to put California on a path to reducing greenhouse gases in its air to 1990 levels by 2020. This would make the state a healthier place, and a more innovative one. Since A.B. 32 was passed, investors have poured billions of dollars into making new technologies to meet these standards.

“It is very clear that the oil companies from outside the state that are trying to take out A.B. 32, and trying to take out our environmental laws, have no interest in suspending it, but just to get rid of it,” Governor Schwarzenegger said at an energy forum we both participated in last week in Sacramento, sponsored by its energetic mayor, Kevin Johnson. “They want to kill A.B. 32. Otherwise they wouldn’t put this provision in there about the 5.5 percent unemployment rate. It’s very rare that California in the last 40 years had an unemployment rate of below 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters. They’re not interested in our environment; they are only interested in greed and filling their pockets with more money.

“And they are very deceptive when they say they want to go and create more jobs in California,” the governor added. “Since when has [an] oil company ever been interested in jobs? Let’s be honest. If they really are interested in jobs, they would want to protect A.B. 32, because actually it’s green technology that is creating the most jobs right now in California, 10 times more than any other sector.”

No, this is not about jobs. As, a progressive research center, reported: Two Texas oil companies, Valero and Tesoro, “have led the charge against the landmark climate law, along with Koch Industries, the giant oil conglomerate owned by right-wing megafunders Charles and David Koch. Koch recently donated $1 million to the effort and has been supporting front groups involved in the campaign.”

Fortunately, Californians from across the political spectrum are trying to raise money to defeat Prop 23, but the vote could be close. George Shultz, a former secretary of state during the Reagan administration, has taken a leading role in the campaign against Prop 23. (See:

“Prop 23 is designed to kill by indefinite postponement California’s effort to clean up the environment,” said Mr. Shultz. “This effort is financed heavily by money from out of state. You have to conclude that the financiers are less concerned about California than they are about the fact that if we get something that is working here to clean up the air and launch a clean-tech industry, it will go national and maybe international. So the stakes are high. I hope we can win here and send a message to the whole country that it’s time to put aside partisan politics and get an energy bill out of Washington.”

Dan Becker, a veteran environmental lobbyist, echoes that view: “Now that industry and their friends in Congress have blocked progress there, the hope for action moves to the states” and the Environmental Protection Agency. “Unfortunately,” he added, “polluter lobbyists are tight on our heels. They’ve offered Senate amendments to block the E.P.A. from using the Clean Air Act to cut power plant pollution. Since that failed, they are trying to block California from moving forward. ... If the people of California see through the misrepresentations of the oil industry, it throws climate denialism off the tracks and opens the door for a return to a science-based approach to the climate. It would be a triumph for the National Academy of Sciences over the National Academy of Fraud.”

The real joke is thinking that if California suspends its climate laws that Mother Nature will also take a timeout. “We can wait to solve this problem as long as we want,” says Nate Lewis, an energy chemist at the California Institute of Technology: “But Nature is balancing its books every day. It was a record 113 degrees in Los Angeles the other day. There are laws of politics and laws of physics. Only the latter can’t be repealed.”

Friday, 1 January 2010

what to do?

Up, Down.

Greg Craven: "Talk about this!"
Greg CravenGreg CravenLooking at climate change in a Decision Grid YouTube.

Greg Craven dot org.
Google Manpollo.
Manpollo dot org.

Albert Bartlett - on Arithmetic: "Think about this!"
Andrew Bartlettnear the beginning he glosses over his tricks for doing mental arithmetic - that 70 is about 100 times the Natural Log of 2 so if you divide a growth factor expressed as a percent into 70 you get the doubling time - it is unfortunate he did not stress these techniques ... if the percent growth happens to be 7% then the doubling time is 10 years, presto whiffo! it would be a good idea to cook up a list of techniques for Unbaffling Bafflegab, maybe later, but watch the video first ...

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Interview.

YouTube gets more and more annoying - it seems as if the object is to fracture information into many many bits so that it becomes more and more difficult to actually follow the video - and the information at the end of the last piece is incorrect - it is not possible to get a DVD from University of Colorado - so, what I find is to get each piece to load in a separate browser tab, wait for them all to load, and then switch from one to the next with a single click - anyway, that's how I get around some of the distractions at least.
OK - What to do?
I wish I were someone who could write a limpidly clear and inspiring treatise on this - but I am not, all I can do is tell you sort of how I got to where I am and hope for the best, lame I know

seems to me the first thing is to actually think, or, as they say, 'think for yourself', although the second formulation has hints of inaccuracy - I'll leave you to think about that :-) ... either way it is not as easy as it sounds, there are stages, things to get over bit-by-bit, being afraid, feeling stupid, and so on, I am no exemplar, over 60 already and still mostly unable to deal with things, but ok, you have to start somewhere, I have often said, jokingly, there is nothing quite like thinking if you are looking for the solution to a problem, so here goes:

here's an exercise, a thought-experiment - I know the example is a bad one, but it is the one that kicked off this process for me some years ago - think about being a homosexual, I am not suggesting to become or endorse or condemn or anything like that, just start out by asking in your mind, "I wonder if I am a homosexual?" there is not a single man who has ever been in a communal shower who has not asked himself this question, but most often it is immediately stifled before it even hits the mental landscape because 1) it is a scary question if the answer happens to be 'yes' and 2) most people do not have the infrastructure to answer it very well - so it is just a question better left un-asked

but as soon as you 'actually ask' you have to wonder, "how could I possibly find an answer?" or "what would an answer look like?"

as for mental infrastructure around this particular question, I was given a simple way of determining if you are or are not by a psychiatrist friend - "Do you regularly have fantasies about naked men which leave you aroused?" - there, if you have read to this point the experiment is done

I also use this example because I spend some time reading and replying to comments on news articles and blogs on the issue of global climate change - and there is a large group, mostly men by the look of it but hard to say because almost all of them operate behind nick-names, and their conversation reminds me of men in a bar discussing (or more often avoiding discussing) homosexuality, it has a certain knee-jerk quality, an assertive quality - all of which adds up to me thinking that they have not actually thought about the question at all

and there is no epiphany here, not something to run about the streets shouting "Eureka!" but possibly a small step towards actually thinking, in fact, shouting eureka might undo it to a point, an important quality of actually thinking is being able to keep it to myself if I want to or until I am ready to say it, the two greatest barriers that I have found are fear of thinking at all and fear of judgement for being stupid, and being able to keep it to myself is a technique for avoiding the fear of judgement - if I don't say it they can't hear me and so can't judge me either, until I have whatever time it takes for me to get it straight
here's the problem I am grappling with just now:
I believe that global climate change is happening and is largely man-made, anthropogenic as they say, and I believe that it could mean extinction for the human race if it is not dealt with quickly, whatever my reasons for these beliefs, suffice to say that I am not able to walk around them, in fact each new bit of evidence that I come across reinforces them

some people say, "to someone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail," and I have spent some considerable time analysing myself to see if this is what I am doing here, disregarding evidence which challenges these beliefs because of some underlying psychological predeliction for disaster, and that's just not it

some people say that the changes we are seeing have all been seen before in the fullness of time, I can't argue that very well but one thing is clear to me just from looking at the temperature graphs - changes, except for those leading up to 'extinction events', don't happen so quickly

since this is a collective problem it is natural to begin looking for a political answer, in Canada this turns out to be simple ... but depressing

the Conservatives are obviously part of the problem, the Liberals are no better, witness their siding with the Conservatives to sideline bill C-311

the New Democrats then? except that bill C-311 is their solution, 25% below 1990 levels by 2020, and 80% below 1990 levels by 2050, which they claim is 'science based' but which, according to the science I know gives us about a 50/50 chance of keeping global warming to 2 degrees C, this is waaaay to high, at 1.5 degrees C we lose Tuvalu and the Maldives, and Bangladesh and a host of others among the poorest and least responsible peoples ... QED

ok then, the rubber-boot-wearing vegans of the Green Party? this is very hard for me to admit but the Greens are just about nowhere, the leader, Elizabeth May turns out to be 1) a silly shrew, witness the Munk Debates - she expressed it all so well, and then shot herself in the foot by getting hysterical and losing control, and 2) "as inconstant as the moon," witness her peripatetic politics - 1980 Cape Breton Highlands—Canso, 2006 London North Centre, 2008 Central Nova, and now Saanich-Gulf Islands, and the Green Party itself, which I have investigated closely here in Toronto 1) is not informed on the issue, incredible as this may sound, and 2) will have nothing to do with me personally for reasons which I cannot even guess at (this story is in my last post)

so politics is out, for me at least, and that may be for the best since a political solution will simply take too long in Canada, you have to bring the current government down, see that a new government is elected, and get them up-to-speed to act, the same logic applies to any kind of a political revolution - takes too long (thanks to Franny Armstrong for that in the last segment of The Stupid Show from Copenhagen)

that the time to peak emissions with any reasonable chance of keeping the temperature rise below 1.5 degrees has already passed naturally leads to considering giving up entirely, it might be worth digressing a bit to deal with this fully, but again, suffice to say that I am not equipped, or un-equipped as the case may be, to fold
so, at the end of all this thought process I am back to just about where I started, but changed a bit from 'think for yourself' to 'act for yourself' or maybe better 'act on your own'

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth,” Arthur Conan Doyle said that, but how on earth can you act for yourself in these circumstances? that's the question now

with a caveat - if this is individuals beginning to think and act for themselves, then every choice and action will be unique and there will be much less of advice to be given, and much more of simply comparing notes

so, for me then:
it will be to become more and more conscious of every single thing I consume, that's more like it eh? and I will imagine that this may starve the system that is killing us, simply by making choices

I am aware that every ride I take on public transit puts pressure on whatever politician is running it to improve the service, and simultaneously takes away revenue from the whole oil/industrial complex who are the very main killers

I got rid of my car, and I imagine that the money I am no longer giving to the insurance companies is no longer being invested in that very same oil/industrial complex either

I have stopped taking flights, if I have to go somewhere I will take a bus or a train, and if the 'somewhere' is across oceans I will see about not going

I am looking at the switch to green energy, in Toronto it is Bullfrog, I imagine that every dollar I might give to Bullfrog strengthens renewable electricity sources, and simultaneously weakens OPG - on this question I am still undecided however, because Bullfrog, from what I have seen so far is ... questionable, I will call them in January and try to see what's what

- remember to consider where food comes from, damn! if I were rich I would have a garden with avocadoes & bananas

- see about using the library for internet access

- to be continued

eventually I will start to talk, telling tell other people what I am doing - but I will try to speak softly and I won't carry any sort of a stick at all, except that enigmatic advice in Matthew 10:13, "And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet," repeated in Mark 6:10, and Luke 9:4, I say 'enigmatic' because, with Paul in Romans 18, it seems unloving to be heaping coals on someone's head - that's ok, none of the the Christians I have tried to talk to about this scripture has answered ... whatever, crazy as a bed-bug in a whore-house, I guess it's true, I think about this now and then
if you listened carefully to Albert Bartlett waaay back up at the top it may have occurred to you that the same exponential rules apply to negative growth - so a 10% annual reduction would halve the thing in 5-7 years depending on how you do the arithmetic, not to mention that the knock-on effects could quite possibly accelerate that rate of decay considerably

and this is the best I can do, both to salve my own conscience, and to send a warning message to the corporations and to the government that GROWTH MUST STOP NOW and that I am going to do my part

here is one of my very favourite stories of all (from Betinho):
Houve um incêndio na floresta e enquanto todos os bichos corriam apavorados, um pequeno beija-flor ia do rio para o incêndio levando gotinhas de água em seu bico. O leão, vendo aquilo, perguntou para o beija-flor: "Ó beija-flor, você acha que vai conseguir apagar o incêndio sozinho?" E o beija-flor respondeu: "Eu não sei se vou conseguir, mas estou fazendo a minha parte".

There was a fire in the forest and while all the animals ran in fear, a little hummingbird went from the river to the fire carrying drops of water in her beak. The lion, seeing this, asked the hummingbird, "O Hummingbird, do you think you will succeed in putting out the fire all by yourself?" And the hummingbird replied, "I do not know if I will succeed or not, but I am doing my part".
Unbaffling Bafflegab 1.
here are five Angus Reid polls (all ,pdf's):
1) Canadians More Worried About Global Warming than Americans, Britons,
2) “Climategate” Does Not Alter How Canadians Perceive Global Warming,
3) Canadians Had a Good Decade, but Americans More Optimistic About 2010s,
4) Mission in Afghanistan is Top Story of the Decade for Canadians, and,
5) Ontarians Had a Rough Decade, But Are Optimistic About 2010s.

and two articles:
A) How we saw the decade, Jane Taber, Dec 28 2009, and
B) Ten stories that will shape Ontario politics in 2010, Adam Radwanski, 29 Dec 2009,

about par for those newsless days between Christmas & New Year's, nothing out of order EXCEPT that nowhere in the Globe articles is there even a mention of climate change - yet if you look at the Angus Reid polls, climate change is the #1 Canadian preoccupation ... doh!? I emailed all the parties, I had answers from the two pollsters which refused to address the question, to be expected ...

one of the problem with conspiracies (there are many) is that once you accept one, even partially, it becomes an order of magnitude easier to accept the next - so, having accepted that big oil is sowing confusion in the news around climate change, it becomes that much easier to imagine that it is the Government orchestrating whatever they feel will calm the masses while they go at the tar sands, the Mackenzie Pipeline, what-fucking-ever ... couldn't be, could it? but if not that, then what?

to be continued ...
Unbaffling Bafflegab 2.
I am adding the New Year NYT Editorial because it bears on how we see time, even points up differences between secular & sacred views of time (though it does not do this explicitly)

but what really piqued my interest was Denis Dutton's It’s Always the End of the World as We Know It, also in the NYT, I sent a letter to NYT and until it is published or not I will stop there, so here are some links to assist & remember:
     a. Denis Dutton dot com,
     b. The Heretical Environmentalist, Feb 2003,
     c. Review of Darwinian Politics by Paul Rubin, Denis Dutton, 2003,
     d. Climate Debate Daily,
     e. ResMed, financing of Climate Daily,
     f. ResMed - Peter C. Farrell, partner in Climate Daily,
     g. Phil 110 - Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus at his site,
     h. Phil 110 - Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus at Canterbury,
     i. Denis Dutton at Wikipedia.

one point, why does Climate Debade Daily not archive referenced articles? just a question y'unnerstan'

also to be continued ...
Dennis Vincent Brutus, 1924-2009:
An Open Letter to the UN Climate Change Gathering in Copenhagen, and A Birthday Greeting on YouTube ...
Dennis Brutus 1967Dennis Brutus 2006 w Fikile NkosiDennis Brutus 2009
... and a poem:

Their Behavior

Their guilt
is not so very different from ours:
— who has not joyed in the arbitrary exercise of
or grasped for himself what might have been
and who has not used superior force in the
moment when he could,
(and who of us has not been tempted to these
          things?) —
so, in their guilt,
the bare ferocity of teeth,
chest-thumping challenge and defiance,
the deafening clamor of their prayers
to a deity made in the image of their prejudice
which drowns the voice of conscience,
is mirrored our predicament
but on a social, massive, organized scale
which magnifies enormously
as the private dehabille of love
becomes obscene in orgies.

Frank Zappa(remembering Pierre Coupey's Bring Forth the Cowards for some reason, walking south on Mansfield from Sherbrooke in the sun & spring dust of the early 60s ... memory is tricky, I thought it was, 'call forth the cowards ... and as I step forward with you ...' but of course if you call them they will not come, and using 'bring' provides for a modicum of heroism in our poet :-)

a-and ... can't think about prostate cancer without thinking about Frank

1-1. Going Cheney on Climate, Thomas Friedman, Dec 8 2009.
1-2. Doutrina antiterrorismo seria útil na questão climática, defende articulista, Thomas Friedman, 25/12/2009.
1-3. Press Release No.869 - 2000-2009 The Warmest Decade, WMO, Dec 8 2009.
     1a. WMO - World Meteorological Organization.
2. Off to the Races, Thomas Friedman, Dec 19 2009.
3. Climate change doesn't scare us. That's frightening, Peter Gorrie, Dec 26 2009.
4. Mackenzie pipeline gets thumbs-up, Nathan VanderKlippe, Dec 30 2009.
5. How we saw the decade, Jane Taber, Dec 28 2009.
6. Ten stories that will shape Ontario politics in 2010, Adam Radwanski, 29 Dec 2009.
7. New Year, NYT Editorial, Dec 31 2009.
8. It’s Always the End of the World as We Know It, Denis Dutton, Dec 31 2009.
9. An Open Letter to the UN Climate Change Gathering in Copenhagen, Dennis Brutus, Dec 10 2009.

Going Cheney on Climate, Thomas Friedman, Dec 8 2009.

In 2006, Ron Suskind published “The One Percent Doctrine,” a book about the U.S. war on terrorists after 9/11. The title was drawn from an assessment by then-Vice President Dick Cheney, who, in the face of concerns that a Pakistani scientist was offering nuclear-weapons expertise to Al Qaeda, reportedly declared: “If there’s a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping Al Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response.” Cheney contended that the U.S. had to confront a very new type of threat: a “low-probability, high-impact event.”

Soon after Suskind’s book came out, the legal scholar Cass Sunstein, who then was at the University of Chicago, pointed out that Mr. Cheney seemed to be endorsing the same “precautionary principle” that also animated environmentalists. Sunstein wrote in his blog: “According to the Precautionary Principle, it is appropriate to respond aggressively to low-probability, high-impact events — such as climate change. Indeed, another vice president — Al Gore — can be understood to be arguing for a precautionary principle for climate change (though he believes that the chance of disaster is well over 1 percent).”

Of course, Mr. Cheney would never accept that analogy. Indeed, many of the same people who defend Mr. Cheney’s One Percent Doctrine on nukes tell us not to worry at all about catastrophic global warming, where the odds are, in fact, a lot higher than 1 percent, if we stick to business as usual. That is unfortunate, because Cheney’s instinct is precisely the right framework with which to think about the climate issue — and this whole “climategate” controversy as well.

“Climategate” was triggered on Nov. 17 when an unidentified person hacked into the e-mails and data files of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, one of the leading climate science centers in the world — and then posted them on the Internet. In a few instances, they revealed some leading climatologists seemingly massaging data to show more global warming and excluding contradictory research.

Frankly, I found it very disappointing to read a leading climate scientist writing that he used a “trick” to “hide” a putative decline in temperatures or was keeping contradictory research from getting a proper hearing. Yes, the climate-denier community, funded by big oil, has published all sorts of bogus science for years — and the world never made a fuss. That, though, is no excuse for serious climatologists not adhering to the highest scientific standards at all times.

That said, be serious: The evidence that our planet, since the Industrial Revolution, has been on a broad warming trend outside the normal variation patterns — with periodic micro-cooling phases — has been documented by a variety of independent research centers.

As this paper just reported: “Despite recent fluctuations in global temperature year to year, which fueled claims of global cooling, a sustained global warming trend shows no signs of ending, according to new analysis by the World Meteorological Organization made public on Tuesday. The decade of the 2000s is very likely the warmest decade in the modern record.”

This is not complicated. We know that our planet is enveloped in a blanket of greenhouse gases that keep the Earth at a comfortable temperature. As we pump more carbon-dioxide and other greenhouse gases into that blanket from cars, buildings, agriculture, forests and industry, more heat gets trapped.

What we don’t know, because the climate system is so complex, is what other factors might over time compensate for that man-driven warming, or how rapidly temperatures might rise, melt more ice and raise sea levels. It’s all a game of odds. We’ve never been here before. We just know two things: one, the CO2 we put into the atmosphere stays there for many years, so it is “irreversible” in real-time (barring some feat of geo-engineering); and two, that CO2 buildup has the potential to unleash “catastrophic” warming.

When I see a problem that has even a 1 percent probability of occurring and is “irreversible” and potentially “catastrophic,” I buy insurance. That is what taking climate change seriously is all about.

If we prepare for climate change by building a clean-power economy, but climate change turns out to be a hoax, what would be the result? Well, during a transition period, we would have higher energy prices. But gradually we would be driving battery-powered electric cars and powering more and more of our homes and factories with wind, solar, nuclear and second-generation biofuels. We would be much less dependent on oil dictators who have drawn a bull’s-eye on our backs; our trade deficit would improve; the dollar would strengthen; and the air we breathe would be cleaner. In short, as a country, we would be stronger, more innovative and more energy independent.

But if we don’t prepare, and climate change turns out to be real, life on this planet could become a living hell. And that’s why I’m for doing the Cheney-thing on climate — preparing for 1 percent.

Doutrina antiterrorismo seria útil na questão climática, defende articulista, Thomas Friedman, 25/12/2009.

Em 2006, Ron Suskind publicou "The One Percent Doctrine", um livro sobre a guerra dos Estados Unidos contra o terrorismo após o 11 de Setembro . O título foi tirado da avaliação do então vice-presidente Dick Cheney: “Se existe 1% de chance de que cientistas paquistaneses estejam ajudando a al-Qaeda a construir ou desenvolver uma arma nuclear, temos de tratar a questão como certa”. Cheney sustentava que os Estados Unidos tinham de confrontar um novo tipo de ameaça, um “evento de baixa probabilidade e alto impacto”.

Quando vejo um problema que tem apenas 1% de probabilidade de ocorrer e é irreversível e catastrófico, eu faço um seguro...

Logo após a publicação do livro de Suskind, o jurista Cass Sunstein, que na época estava na Universidade de Chicago, apontou que Cheney parecia estar endossando o mesmo “princípio de precaução” que também motivava os ambientalistas.

Sunstein escreveu em sue blog: “Segundo o princípio da precaução, é adequado responder agressivamente a eventos de baixa probabilidade e alto impacto – como as mudanças climáticas. De fato, pode-se compreender que outro vice-presidente – Al Gore – defende o princípio da precaução para as mudanças climáticas (embora ele acredite que as chances de acontecer um desastre sejam muito maiores de 1%)”.

Dick Cheney jamais aceitaria essa analogia, é claro. De fato, muitas pessoas, as mesmas que defenderam a doutrina do 1% de Cheney em relação às armas nucleares, agora nos dizem para não nos preocuparmos com o catastrófico aquecimento global – quando, na verdade, as chances de desastre são muito maiores que 1%, se as coisas forem mantidas como estão.

Mas o instinto de Cheney é exatamente a base adequada para lidar com a questão do clima – e toda essa controvérsia do “ climagate ”.

O “climagate” foi deflagrado em 17 de novembro, quando uma pessoa não identificada hackeou e-mails e arquivos de dados da Unidade de Pesquisa Climártica da Universidade de East Anglia, um dos principais centros de ciências climáticas do mundo. Depois, postou os arquivos na internet.

Em pouco tempo, eles revelaram alguns importantes climatologistas aparentemente “recauchutando” dados para mostrar um aquecimento global mais forte e excluir pesquisas com conclusões diferentes.

Francamente, acho muito decepcionante ler um importante cientista do clima escrevendo que ele usou um “truque” para “esconder” uma suposta queda na temperatura ou que omitiu pesquisas discordantes do público. Sim, a comunidade que nega o aquecimento global, financiada pela grande indústria do petróleo, publicou vários tipos de estudos pseudo-científicos por anos – e o mundo nunca fez um grande barulho em torno disso. No entanto, essa não é uma desculpa para que climatologistas sérios não obedeçam aos padrões científicos.

Pingos nos is - Dito isto, falemos sério: a evidência de que nosso planeta, desde a Revolução Industrial, tem estado em uma ampla tendência de aquecimento fora dos padrões de variação normais – com fases periódicas de micro-resfriamento – tem sido documentada por uma variedade de centros de pesquisa independentes.

Como relatou recentemente o “New York Times”: “Apesar das recentes flutuações na temperatura ano após ano, que alimentaram alegações de resfriamento global, uma tendência contínua de aquecimento global não dá sinais de acabar, segundo uma nova análise da Organização Mundial de Meteorologia . Os anos 2000 provavelmente correspondem à década mais quente nos registros modernos.”

Isso não é complicado . Sabemos que nosso planeta é envelopado por um lençol de gases do efeito estufa que mantêm a Terra em uma temperatura confortável. À medida que bombeamos mais dióxido de carbono e outros gases de efeito estufa no lençol, vindos de carros, prédios, agricultura, florestas e indústria, mais calor fica preso ali.

O que não sabemos, porque o sistema climático é bastante complexo, é que outros fatores podem, com o tempo, compensar o aquecimento causado pelo homem, ou a rapidez com que as temperaturas podem aumentar, derreter mais gelo e aumentar o nível do mar.

É um jogo de azar. Nunca estivemos aqui antes.

Só sabemos duas coisas: uma é que o CO2 que lançamos na atmosfera permanece ali por muitos anos, então é “irreversível” em tempo real (com exceção de alguns avanços na geoengenharia); a outra é que o acúmulo de CO2 tem o potencial de liberar um aquecimento “catastrófico”.

Quando vejo um problema que tem apenas 1% de probabilidade de ocorrer e é “irreversível” e potencialmente “catastrófico”, eu faço um seguro. Levar a sério as mudanças climáticas é isso.

Nada a perder - Se os americanos se prepararem para as mudanças climáticas construindo uma economia de energia limpa, mas as mudanças climáticas acabarem sendo um alarme falso, qual seria o resultado?

Durante um período de transição, os preços de energia seriam mais altos.

Porém, gradualmente, eles estariam dirigindo carros elétricos movidos a bateria e cada vez mais suas casas e fábricas teriam energia eólica , solar e nuclear, além de biocombustíveis de segunda geração.

Eles dependeriam menos dos ditadores do petróleo que grudaram um alvo em suas costas; o déficit da balança comercial melhoraria; o dólar se fortaleceria; e o ar que os americanos respirariam seria mais limpo. Resumindo, como país, os Estados Unidos seriam mais fortes, mais inovadores e mais independentes em relação à energia que consomem.

No entanto, se os americanos não se prepararem, e as mudanças climáticas acabarem sendo uma verdade, a vida neste planeta poderia virar um inferno, literalmente. É por isso que eu defendo a maneira Cheney de encarar a questão climática – nos preparando para 1%.

Off to the Races, Thomas L. Friedman, Dec 19 2009.

I’ve long believed there are two basic strategies for dealing with climate change — the “Earth Day” strategy and the “Earth Race” strategy. This Copenhagen climate summit was based on the Earth Day strategy. It was not very impressive. This conference produced a series of limited, conditional, messy compromises, which it is not at all clear will get us any closer to mitigating climate change at the speed and scale we need.

Indeed, anyone who watched the chaotic way this conference was “organized,” and the bickering by delegates with which it finished, has to ask whether this 17-year U.N. process to build a global framework to roll back global warming is broken: too many countries — 193 — and too many moving parts. I leave here feeling more strongly than ever that America needs to focus on its own Earth Race strategy instead. Let me explain.

The Earth Day strategy said that the biggest threat to mankind is climate change, and we as a global community have to hold hands and attack this problem with a collective global mechanism for codifying and verifying everyone’s carbon-dioxide emissions and reductions and to transfer billions of dollars in clean technologies to developing countries to help them take part.

But as President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil told this conference, this Earth Day framework only works “if countries take responsibility to meet their targets” and if the rich nations really help the poor ones buy clean power sources.

That was never going to happen at scale in the present global economic climate. The only way it might happen is if we had “a perfect storm” — a storm big enough to finally end the global warming debate but not so big that it ended the world.

Absent such a storm that literally parts the Red Sea again and drives home to all the doubters that catastrophic climate change is a clear and present danger, the domestic pressures in every country to avoid legally binding and verifiable carbon reductions will remain very powerful.

Does that mean this whole Earth Day strategy is a waste? No. The scientific understanding about the climate that this U.N. process has generated and the general spur to action it provides is valuable. And the mechanism this conference put in place to enable developed countries and companies to offset their emissions by funding protection of tropical rain forests, if it works, would be hugely valuable.

Still, I am an Earth Race guy. I believe that averting catastrophic climate change is a huge scale issue. The only engine big enough to impact Mother Nature is Father Greed: the Market. Only a market, shaped by regulations and incentives to stimulate massive innovation in clean, emission-free power sources can make a dent in global warming. And no market can do that better than America’s.

Therefore, the goal of Earth Racers is to focus on getting the U.S. Senate to pass an energy bill, with a long-term price on carbon that will really stimulate America to become the world leader in clean-tech. If we lead by example, more people will follow us by emulation than by compulsion of some U.N. treaty.

In the cold war, we had the space race: who could be the first to put a man on the moon. Only two countries competed, and there could be only one winner. Today, we need the Earth Race: who can be the first to invent the most clean technologies so men and women can live safely here on Earth.

Maybe the best thing President Obama could have done here in Copenhagen was to make clear that America intends to win that race. All he needed to do in his speech was to look China’s prime minister in the eye and say: “I am going to get our Senate to pass an energy bill with a price on carbon so we can clean your clock in clean-tech. This is my moon shot. Game on.”

Because once we get America racing China, China racing Europe, Europe racing Japan, Japan racing Brazil, we can quickly move down the innovation-manufacturing curve and shrink the cost of electric cars, batteries, solar and wind so these are no longer luxury products for the wealthy nations but commodity items the third world can use and even produce.

If you start the conversation with “climate” you might get half of America to sign up for action. If you start the conversation with giving birth to a “whole new industry” — one that will make us more energy independent, prosperous, secure, innovative, respected and able to out-green China in the next great global industry — you get the country.

For good reason: Even if the world never warms another degree, population is projected to rise from 6.7 billion to 9 billion between now and 2050, and more and more of those people will want to live like Americans. In this world, demand for clean power and energy efficient cars and buildings will go through the roof.

An Earth Race led by America — built on markets, economic competition, national self-interest and strategic advantage — is a much more self-sustaining way to reduce carbon emissions than a festival of voluntary, nonbinding commitments at a U.N. conference. Let the Earth Race begin.

Press Release No.869 - 2000-2009 The Warmest Decade, WMO, Dec 8 2009.

For use of the information media / Not an official record


Geneva, 8 December 2009 (WMO) – The year 2009 is likely to rank in the top 10 warmest on record since the beginning of instrumental climate records in 1850, according to data sources compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The global combined sea surface and land surface air temperature for 2009 (January–October) is currently estimated at 0.44°C ± 0.11°C (0.79°F ± 0.20°F) above the 1961–1990 annual average of 14.00°C/57.2°F. The current nominal ranking of 2009, which does not account for uncertainties in the annual averages, places it as the fifth-warmest year. The decade of the 2000s (2000–2009) was warmer than the decade spanning the 1990s (1990–1999), which in turn was warmer than the 1980s (1980–1989). More complete data for the remainder of the year 2009 will be analysed at the beginning of 2010 to update the current assessment.

This year above-normal temperatures were recorded in most parts of the continents. Only North America (United States and Canada) experienced conditions that were cooler than average. Given the current figures, large parts of southern Asia and central Africa are likely to have the warmest year on record.

Climate extremes, including devastating floods, severe droughts, snowstorms, heatwaves and cold waves, were recorded in many parts of the world. This year the extreme warm events were more frequent and intense in southern South America, Australia and southern Asia, in particular. La Niña conditions shifted into a warm-phase El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in June. The Arctic sea ice extent during the melt season ranked the third lowest, after the lowest and second-lowest records set in 2007 and 2008, respectively.

This preliminary information for 2009 is based on climate data from networks of land-based weather and climate stations, ships and buoys, as well as satellites. The data are continuously collected and disseminated by the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of the 189 Members of WMO and several collaborating research institutions. The data continuously feed three main depository global climate data and analysis centres, which develop and maintain homogeneous global climate datasets based on peer-reviewed methodologies. The WMO global temperature analysis is thus based on three complementary datasets. One is the combined dataset maintained by both the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom. Another dataset is maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the United States Department of Commerce, and the third one is from the Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) operated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The content of the WMO statement is verified and peer-reviewed by leading experts from other international, regional and national climate institutions and centres before its publication.

Final updates and figures for 2009 will be published in March 2010 in the annual WMO Statement on the Status of the Global Climate.

Regional temperature anomalies

The year 2009 (January–October) was again warmer than the 1961–1990 average all over Europe and the Middle East. China had the third-warmest year since 1951; for some regions 2009 was the warmest year. The year started with a mild January in northern Europe and large parts of Asia, while western and central Europe were colder than normal. Russia and the Great Lakes region in Canada experienced colder-than- average temperatures in February and January, respectively. Spring was very warm in Europe and Asia; April in particular was extremely warm in central Europe. Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria reported temperature anomalies of more than +5°C, breaking the previous records for the month in several locations. The European summer was also warmer than the long-term average, particularly over the southern regions. Spain had the third-warmest summer, with hotter summers reported only in 2003 and 2005. Italy recorded a strong heatwave in July, with maximum temperatures above 40°C, and some local temperatures reaching 45°C. A heatwave at the beginning of July affected the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Germany, and some stations in Norway experienced new maximum temperature records.

India had an extreme heatwave event during May, which caused 150 deaths. A heatwave hit northern China during June, with daily maximum temperatures above 40°C; historical maximum temperature records were broken for the summer in some locations.

In late July many cities across Canada recorded their warmest daily temperatures. Vancouver and Victoria set new records, reaching 34.4°C and 35.0°C, respectively. Alaska also had the second-warmest July on record. Conversely, October was a very cold month across large parts of the United States. For the nation as a whole, it was the third-coolest October on record, with an average temperature anomaly of -2.2°C (-4.0°F). Similarly, a very cold October was reported in Scandinavia, with mean temperature anomalies ranging from -2°C to -4°C.

The austral autumn (March to May) was extremely warm in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and southern Brazil. With daily temperatures ranging from 30°C to 40°C, several records were broken during this season. By the end of October, an extreme weather situation affected north and central Argentina, producing unusually high temperatures (above 40°C). Conversely, November was abnormally cold in the southern part of the region, with some rare and late snowfalls.

So far, Australia has had the third-warmest year on record. The year 2009 was marked by three exceptional heatwaves, which affected south-eastern Australia in January/February and November, and subtropical eastern Australia in August. The January/February heatwave was associated with disastrous bushfires that caused more than 173 fatalities. Victoria recorded its highest temperature with 48.8°C. The northern region experienced a cold summer, however, with anomalies reaching -3°C to -4°C in some places. Winter was exceptionally mild over much of Australia. Maximum temperatures were well above normal across the entire continent, reaching 6°C to 7°C above normal in some parts. The national maximum temperature anomaly of +3.2°C was the largest ever recorded for any month.

Severe droughts

China suffered its worst drought in five decades. Water levels in parts of the Gan River and Xiangjiang River were the lowest in the past 50 years. In India the poor monsoon season caused severe drought impacts in 40 per cent of the districts. The north-western and north-eastern parts of the country were badly affected. It was reported to be one of the weakest monsoon seasons since 1972.

In East Africa the drought led to massive food shortages. In Kenya the drought was responsible for severe damage to livestock and a 40 percent decline in the maize harvest.

In North America, Mexico experienced severe-to-exceptional drought conditions by the month of September. In the United States, the western region was the most affected by a moderate-to-exceptional drought by the end of October. Nevertheless, the total area affected by drought in the United States during October was the second-smallest value recorded in this decade.

Drought in Central Argentina caused severe damage to agriculture, livestock and water resources. The situation was most severe at the end of October, with very high temperatures reported as well.

Over the key agricultural areas of the Murray-Darling Basin and the south-western part of Western Australia, rainfall was generally below normal. The passage of another year without any sustained above-normal rainfall has seen long-term rainfall deficits continuing in south-eastern Australia. Sustained dry conditions in the Murray-Darling Basin have now continued for nine years.

Intense storm events and precipitation

At the end of January, Spain and France were severely affected by winter storm Klaus, the worst extra-tropical storm in a decade, with winds similar to a category 3 hurricane. Another winter storm combined with heavy snowfall caused severe damage in western Europe and resulted in serious disruptions of air and rail traffic in several countries. In late spring and summer a large number of thunderstorms with heavy rain, hail and tornadoes caused local flooding and significant damage across Germany. In September, several parts of the Mediterranean region were affected by extreme rainfall events. Total rainfall of more than 300mm was recorded in less than 48 hours in one location of south-eastern Spain, where the long-term average for total annual precipitation does not exceed 450 mm. During the same month, intense rainfall caused devastating damage to infrastructure in several parts of northern Africa, including Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. In a similar pattern, the highest September rainfall recorded in 80 years produced severe flash floods in north-western Turkey. November brought severe flooding to northern areas of the United Kingdom, and a new 24-hour precipitation record was set for the country.

During the beginning of the year heavy rainfall was observed in Colombia, producing landslides and widespread floods. North-east Brazil was severely affected by heavy rainfall and flooding in April and May. Later, in July, a severe snowstorm hit the southern part of Argentina; it was the worst snowstorm in 15 years. During the austral spring, particularly in November, continuous heavy and intense rainfall was seen in north-eastern Argentina, southern Brazil and Uruguay, causing flooding in many places and affecting more than 15,000 people. Total monthly precipitation records were broken, with rainfall exceeding more than 500mm in many locations.

In Canada, Ontario experienced a record number of witnessed tornadoes and a record number of related fatalities. Canadian avalanches were almost double the yearly average for the past decade and the worst since 2002–2003. A total of 25 deaths made it one of the deadliest seasons. The northern plains region of the United States was affected by record flooding during the month of March. As a whole, the United States recorded the wettest October in 115 years.

In Central America, an intense storm in El Salvador in November, associated in part with Hurricane Ida, produced deadly floods and landslides that claimed 192 lives.

In Asia, after the weak 2009 monsoon season, southern India recorded severe flooding due to incessant rain in late September and the first week of October, and more than 250 lives were lost. On the other hand, northern China was severely affected by a snowstorm that occurred during the first half of November as part of a strong cold wave. These snowfalls were one month earlier than normal, breaking local weather records.

In western Africa, heavy and intense rainfall in September caused flooding that affected more than 100,000 people. The worst flooding was observed in Burkina Faso, where 263 mm of rain was recorded in less than 12 hours, breaking a record set 90 years ago. Further south on the continent, nearly 1 million people in Zambia and Namibia were affected by torrential rain that caused rivers to overflow their banks, flooding homes and cropland.

Australia was also affected by local flooding. Coastal Queensland and New South Wales were the hardest hit by several heavy rain events, with daily rainfall totals in excess of 300 mm. On the other hand, numerous duststorms affected eastern Australia in the second half of September and early October, as regular strong winds transported dust from northern South Australia over the eastern states. The most severe duststorm occurred on 22–23 September and covered large parts of New South Wales and Queensland, where the visibility was reduced to 100–200m in both Sydney and Brisbane.

End of La Niña and Development of El Niño

La Niña-like conditions were present in early 2009, followed by the development of El Niño patterns starting in June 2009. During June–September 2009, sea surface temperatures were generally about 1°C warmer than the long-term average across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. An El Niño event is currently underway, with the early phase of the event holding steady at weak-to-moderate levels through July–September. During October, almost all indicators of El Niño became noticeably stronger.

Tropical cyclone season

The 2009 Atlantic hurricane season closed with the fewest named storms and hurricanes since 1997, most likely due to the unfavourable cyclonic conditions caused in part by El Niño. A total of nine named tropical storms were formed, including three hurricanes, two of which were major hurricanes at Category 3 strength or higher. (The averages are 11, 6 and 2, respectively).

In the East Pacific, 20 named tropical storms were recorded, eight of which evolved into hurricanes and five of which became major hurricanes (The averages are 16, 9 and 4, respectively.)

In the western North Pacific, 22 named tropical storms have been recorded so far, and 13 of them reached the intensity of typhoon, compared to the long-term averages of 27 and 14, respectively. Heavy precipitation associated with typhoons Ketsana and Parma was observed across the south of Luzon Island in the Philippines. The resulting flood disaster caused more than 900 fatalities in total. In August, Typhoon Morakot swept across Taiwan Province of China and caused more than 400 deaths and severe damage to agriculture and infrastructure. Hundreds of roads and bridges on the island were destroyed by floods.

The Australian and South Indian Ocean cyclone seasons recorded near-average activity. In the Australian region, there were 10 systems during this season, with Hamish the most significant one, although it did not make landfall. It reached category 5 intensity and was the most intense cyclone observed off the eastern Queensland coast since 1918.

Third-lowest Arctic sea ice

According to scientific measurements, Arctic sea ice has declined dramatically over the past 30 years at least, with the most extreme decline seen in the summer melt season. Arctic sea ice extent during the 2009 melt season was 5.10 million km2, which is the third-lowest on record after the 2007 record (4.3 million km2) and 2008 (4.67 million km2), since satellite measurements began in 1979.

Information sources

This press release was issued in collaboration with the Hadley Centre of the United Kingdom Meteorological Office; the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom; the National Climatic Data Center, National Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service, and the National Weather Service under NOAA; and the National Snow and Ice Data Center in the United States. Other contributors are the NMHSs of Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Japan, Morocco, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey and Uruguay. The African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD, Niamey), the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), the Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno de El Niño (CIIFEN, Guayaquil, Ecuador), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC, Nairobi, Kenya), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Drought Monitoring Centre (SADC DMC, Gabarone, Botswana) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) also contributed.

Global Surface Temperature Trend : Result from three Global datasets: NOAA (NCDC Dataset) , NASA (GISS dataset) and combined Hadley Center and Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia (UK) (HadCRUT3 dataset)

Climate change doesn't scare us. That's frightening, Peter Gorrie, Dec 26 2009.

We've just ended a two-decade experiment in global problem solving.

It failed: Now we must figure out how to manage the consequences.

That's the main conclusion as the dust settles on the uninspiring Copenhagen climate summit, itself the dismal culmination of 20 years of negotiations to reduce the world's greenhouse gas emissions.

The final "accord" says the international community wants to keep Earth's average temperature from rising more than two degrees Celsius but includes nothing that compels any nation to do anything to achieve the target.

What's touted as the major breakthrough – an agreement rich nations will provide billions to help poor countries to cope with climate change – promises less than will be required, contains no indication where most of the money will come from, creates the possibility donations would simply be transfers from foreign-aid budgets and, most important, would do nothing to halt climate change.

The divisions that stymied the 14 previous annual UN conferences remain as wide as ever, despite the self-congratulatory puff that emanated from the Danish capital as 15,000 delegates and many more hangers-on headed home.

In the aftermath, it's being acknowledged that huge international meetings are no place for negotiations. While these costly exercises will continue – the 2010 version is slated for Mexico City – many predict the task of actually cutting emissions will fall to the 30 or so countries – including Canada – responsible for 90 per cent of the human-sourced carbon entering the atmosphere.

The United States is expected to dominate this process if Congress passes legislation to cap greenhouse emissions and establish an emissions trading system.

A major stumbling block at Copenhagen was the unwillingness of China, India and other rapidly expanding economies to agree to caps of their own or allow independent verification if they claim emissions cuts. As the world's biggest importer of manufactured products, the U.S. could insist that if these trading partners want continued access to its huge market they must match its policies.

But this intriguing idea is marred by questionable assumptions about how tough the U.S. would be and how desperately others would want to sell to it. With alternative markets developing, the debt-ridden U.S. might become less significant. Besides, the proposed American law is weak; imposing it on other nations wouldn't accomplish what's required.

Another drawback: This process would exclude the poor nations being hit first and hardest by climate change. Also missing would be the sense of global crisis and shared mission that's been the subtext of the annual conferences. It hasn't provided enough impetus, but what motivation might replace it?

In the obvious absence of political leadership, activists say it's now up to the people, en masse, to take charge. They're correct: Large numbers of individuals must alter their lifestyles and demand governments enact ambitious wider-scale solutions.

But most humans dislike change and act only on threats that are close and imminent. Climate change, so far, is neither: Melting polar ice caps, drought in Africa and the inundation of Pacific islands are too remote to move the majority. "Our perceptions are based on feelings, values, a lot of emotional assumptions toward climate change that conflict with what makes sense," says David Ropeik, a risk-management analyst based in Boston. "Our inability to act is based on our inability to be purely rational."

Nothing that happened in Copenhagen, or that's likely to occur at the conventional political level, will prevent the worst of climate change. Unless people accept that the threat is real, and act as if it is, the coming decade will usher in another experiment – this time, in global crisis response.

Mackenzie pipeline gets thumbs-up, Nathan VanderKlippe, Dec 30 2009.

Northern natural gas conduit ‘would deliver valuable and lasting overall benefits,' review panel says in long-awaited report

Calgary — The review panel assessing the Mackenzie Valley natural gas pipeline has concluded that the $16.2-billion project “would deliver valuable and lasting overall benefits, and avoid significant adverse environmental impacts.”

While the 679-page report does not give formal approval to the project to go ahead, its positive findings are a major step forward, coming more than five years after the pipeline's corporate backers first applied for environmental approval. It includes 176 recommendations aimed at diminishing the pipeline's impact on the people and environments its planners hope it will one day traverse.

The report concludes that the pipeline will “provide the foundation for a sustainable northern future” – one that would be better with the major project than without it. Its recommendations touch on the pipeline's design, as well as on the need for government funding to help protect environmentally sensitive areas and species in the North.

The 1,220-kilometre pipeline would bring up to 1.2-billion cubic feet a day of natural gas from onshore basins near the Arctic Coast to the northern edge of Alberta, where it would connect to the province's distribution system. A separate, smaller line would bring liquids from the Far North to an existing Enbridge Inc. pipeline in Norman Wells, NWT.

The pipeline's corporate backers include Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDS.A-N60.66-0.13-0.21%) , ConocoPhillips Canada (COP-N50.990.190.37%) , ExxonMobil Canada and Imperial Oil Ltd. (IMO-T40.500.160.40%) , which has led the consortium for the past decade. Together, they have proposed a project that would bring a new age of industrialization to one of Canada's most untouched regions.

Though the pipeline dream has stoked fears of cultural and environmental damage – to sensitive permafrost regions, and the delicate caribou and other species that live there – it has also raised hopes among many northerners who yearn for the economic independence it could help to bring.

The seven-member Joint Review Panel consulted trappers, elders, environmentalists and experts as it sought to assess the social and environmental toll the pipeline would take – and ways to lessen that impact.

Yet in many ways, the most contentious decisions remain to be made. The primary one will come from industry itself, which has to choose whether to build a massive new pipeline whose necessity has been called into question by abundant new North American natural gas supplies.

Two other important decisions will come from the National Energy Board, which will take the review panel report as a recommendation before it makes a final approval decision – expected in September – and the federal government.

Ottawa has spent nearly a year in negotiations with the pipeline's corporate backers on a fiscal package that is likely to include spending on infrastructure and other risk-sharing investments.

Industry has compared the pipeline to the western railroad and the St. Lawrence Seaway, arguing federal support has always been needed for such nation-building exercises.

“We really have to take a basin that has been dormant for decades and open it up, and that's why there's a role for the government of Canada to make that happen,” Hal Kvisle, the chief executive officer of TransCanada Corp. (TRP-T35.930.290.81%) , said in an interview in November. “If we could get through that, the Mackenzie story is going to be a great story for Canada for a long time.”

Yet the financial package has yet to be finalized, raising questions about Ottawa's willingness to authorize substantial spending at a time when tens of billions have already been poured into stimulus spending – and the viability of the pipeline itself has been called into question.

Environment Minister Jim Prentice, who has overseen the Mackenzie process, could not be reached for comment on Wednesday. An Environment Canada official said the ministry would not respond until it has completed “the necessary analysis and consultation.”

Ultimately, industry will have to decide whether to embark on the most expensive private construction project in Canadian history now that technological advances have allowed the tapping of expansive shale gas fields once considered impossible to produce. Some now believe North America has enough gas to supply current demand for a century, with no need for Arctic gas.

Mr. Kvisle, however, has argued that shale won't be able to fill all of the continent's gas needs. Imperial parent Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM-N68.77-0.07-0.10%) , too, has shown a real appetite for natural gas, throwing its support behind an Alaska pipeline and buying up extensive reserves in north-eastern British Columbia and the U.S., with its recent $31-billion (U.S.) buyout of XTO Energy Inc.

Still, the Mackenzie pipeline dream has been doused before.

Its first incarnation was blocked in the mid-1970s by Justice Thomas Berger who, after hearing from northern First Nations not ready for a major industrial development, recommended a 10-year moratorium.

But the idea was rekindled in 2000, when gas prices spiked and a group of companies led by Imperial Oil began to reassess the project. Northern First Nations, many of whom had gained significant autonomy in the intervening years, quickly stepped up to request a stake in the project. They were eventually granted a one-third ownership, with some funding for the Aboriginal Pipeline Group coming from TransCanada Pipelines.

The key obstacle has been gaining environmental approval. An arduous review saw officials hold dozens of consultations in tiny northern communities and spend years writing a final report. In the meantime, the project's estimated cost has risen from $3-billion to $16.2-billion.

Negotiators have reached agreement with four of five First Nations whose land the pipeline would cross. They have not yet struck a deal with the Dehcho First Nation, who claim an area comprising 40 per cent of the pipeline route.

Most northerners support the project. Many have spent significant sums of money to prepare for its coming, and may face serious economic loss if it is not built. The Northwest Territories government has warned that the package must be finalized in coming weeks, ahead of the spring budget, or the pipeline could fail and the territory could face a “doomsday scenario” that would leave its economy “in ruins.”

How we saw the decade, Jane Taber, Dec 28 2009.

Canada’s role in the war in Afghanistan and the outbreaks of H1N1 and SARS are the top stories of the decade, according to a new on-line Angus Reid Strategies poll. Nearly 30 per cent of those surveyed mentioned the Afghan mission as the top story. This compares with 20 per cent of respondents who felt that the virus outbreaks were important; 18 per cent of respondents said the Liberal sponsorship scandal was the decade’s top tale. Not surprisingly the Quebec-based scandal that basically pushed the Liberals out of power in 2006 was a most prominent story among Quebeckers (35 per cent of them chose it). Further down the list were the Winter Olympics, and both Stephen Harper and Paul Martin becoming Prime Minister. The poll also looks ahead: 63 per cent of respondents believe the Liberals will return to power in the next decade and 83 per cent do not believe Quebec will become independent in the next 10 years. The online survey of 1,017 Canadians was conducted between Dec. 15 and Dec. 16. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 per cent. The poll can be found on the Angus Reid Web site at:

Ten stories that will shape Ontario politics in 2010, Adam Radwanski, 29 Dec 2009.

Here (in no particular order) are 10 stories that will tell the tale of 2010, and help determine the fate of Dalton McGuinty's Liberals, Adam Radwanski writes


The biggest debate raging within Liberal circles is whether to privatize one of the province's major assets. If so, the easiest option would be Hydro One, but the LCBO and the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. are also candidates. It comes down to whether a deal could be presented as a long-term plan, not a fire sale.


Even setting aside asset sales, the Liberals have to figure out how aggressively to battle their $24.7-billion deficit in the next budget. Are they prepared to do battle with public servants, or face the backlash from freezing spending on key services? Or will they keep belt-tightening to a relative minimum, on the premise that - a year after governments across the Western world went berserk with stimulus spending - a big deficit isn't that big a deal?


Everyone knows health-care spending, set to take up half of program expenditures by 2015, is growing at an unsustainable rate. Less clear is what to do about it.

The government is gearing up for a fight with pharmacies to reduce spending on the Ontario Drug Benefit. But the savings won't be huge. Will it also take on doctors or hospitals?


Starting in July, we'll see just how big a deal the HST is to Ontarians.

The Liberals are counting on consumers to be underwhelmed when the new tax starts being collected - to conclude that it doesn't newly affect that many goods, and that the opposition overhyped it. Their re-election hopes in 2011 will rest largely on that calculation being correct.


The province's energy policy has been in limbo since George Smitherman's departure to run for mayor of Toronto. It can't stay that way.

On green energy, the biggest question is whether to proceed with a controversial multibillion-dollar deal with the Samsung Group, which Mr. Smitherman championed.

No less important is whether the government finally settles on a plan to build new nuclear reactors. Diminished energy demand helped put it on the backburner in 2009. But if the province doesn't have the capacity to meet increasing demand, it will severely impact its economic renewal.


There will be a major cabinet shuffle early in the year; there might even be a second, once former Winnipeg mayor Glen Murray takes his seat in the legislature after a by-election.

The most pressing need for Mr. McGuinty is to replace Mr. Smitherman.


Mr. McGuinty's legacy project, full-day kindergarten, will begin its lengthy rollout in September. Before then, an awful lot - including registration, curriculum development and staffing structures, not to mention finalizing which schools it will be in - has to happen. If that doesn't go smoothly, the ensuing chaos will cause some parents to turn against a policy supposed to win their votes.


Tim Hudak, the novice leader of the Progressive Conservatives, did what he needed to do in 2009 - professionalizing his party's operations, and re-engaging members after a disheartening few years.

Now, Mr. Hudak will need to start worrying about how he presents to other Ontarians. Look for a softening of his image, with other Tories playing attack-dog. The bigger task will be to start carving out a serious alternative vision for the province, not just opposing whatever the Liberals are doing.


By the end of 2009, controversy surrounding spending practices at provincial agencies began dying down. But the Tories have been hinting for months that they have more dirt. If so, they'll be looking to bring it to light early in 2010, lest everyone move on.


Never mind that it might have more to do with what happens in Washington, and to a lesser extent Ottawa, than at Queen's Park. If Ontario's economy shows strong signs of rebounding by the end of 2010, Mr. McGuinty will disproportionately claim credit for it (holding up decisions like the HST). If it's stagnant, he'll be disproportionately blamed by the opposition (holding up decisions like the HST). Either way, it will have an enormous bearing on Ontarians' mood in 2011.

New Year, NYT Editorial, Dec 31 2009.

We’ve been getting and sending a lot of holiday greetings, but one we have yet to hear is: “Have a Very New Year!” Perhaps it sounds too ambiguous for a real felicitation; safer to wish upon each other happiness rather than newness. But what if the newness of the new year was more than a calendrical trope? What if we rolled into January as if we were rolling into undiscovered country — ties cut, wagons loaded, oxen hitched?

For all of the toasts and vows, it is easy to dismiss the new year as an artificial made-for-Champagne-purveyors boundary. If we move past it — and our limited resolutions — quickly it is because life has a profound continuity that has little reference to the calendar’s pages. For most of us, time falls into different, and largely private, patterns. It’s more natural to measure time by how long you’ve lived in the same apartment or worked at a job, how long a relationship has endured and how old the children have grown, how large the trees you planted years ago have gotten.

That’s one thing the new year always offers: a look back across the plains into the past before we move onward into the future. It is a holiday that insists upon our temporality and reminds us that time is, in fact, the strangest thing. No one ever sat you down, when you were young, and explained the workings of time the way the safe way to cross a street was explained. You just grew into it, into the way we trail the past behind us while the future comes rushing forward.

It also offers possibility. We’re all surging forward — some with more impetus than others. And now we have 2010 before us, a year that seemed unimaginable until we were right at its border.

It’s Always the End of the World as We Know It, Denis Dutton, Dec 31 2009.

Christchurch, New Zealand - IT seems so distant, 1999. Bill Clinton had survived impeachment, his popularity hardly dented, Sept. 11 was just another date and music fans were enjoying a young singer named Britney Spears.

But there was a particular unease in the air. The so-called Y2K problem, the inability of computers to read dates beyond 1999 threatened to turn Jan. 1, 2000 into a nightmare. The issue had first been noticed by programmers in the 1950s, but had been ignored. As the turn of the century loomed, though, it seemed that humankind faced a litany of horrors.

Haywire navigation controls might cause aircraft to fall from the skies. Electricity grids, water systems and telephone networks would be knocked out, while nuclear power plants would be subject to meltdown. Savings and pension accounts would be wiped out in a general bank failure. A cascade of breakdowns in communication and commerce would create vast shortages of food and medicine, which would, in turn, produce riots, lawlessness and social collapse. Even worse, ICBMs might rise from their silos unbidden, spreading death across the globe.

Y2K problems would not be limited to mainframe computers that governed the information systems of the modern world, but were going to affect millions of tiny computer chips found everywhere. Thanks to these wonky microprocessors, elevators would die, G.P.S. devices would stop working and dishwashers would dry the food onto the plates before trying to rinse it off. Even ordinary cars might spontaneously accelerate to fatal, uncontrollable speeds, with brakes failing to respond.

The Y2K catastrophe was promoted with increasing shrillness toward century’s end: headlines proclaimed a “computer time bomb” or “a date with disaster.” Vanity Fair’s January 1999 article “The Y2K Nightmare” caught the sensationalist tone, claiming that “folly, greed and denial” had “muffled two decades of warnings from technology experts.”

Among the most reviled of the Y2K deniers was Bill Gates, who not only declared that Microsoft’s PCs would take the date turnover in stride, but had the audacity to blame those who “love to tell tales of fear” for the worldwide anxiety. Mr. Gates’s denialism was ignored as governments and corporations set in place immensely expensive schemes to immunize systems against the Y2K bug.

They weren’t the only ones keen to get in on the end-time spirit. The Rev. Jerry Falwell suggested that Y2K would be the confirmation of Christian prophecy, “God’s instrument to shake this nation, to humble this nation.” The Y2K crisis might incite a worldwide revival that would lead to “the rapture of the church.” Along with many survivalists, Mr. Falwell advised stocking up on food and guns.

So the scene was set here in New Zealand for midnight on Dec. 31, 1999. We are just west of the dateline, and thus would be the first to experience not only popping Champagne corks and fireworks, but the Y2K catastrophe, if any. As clocks hit midnight, Champagne and skyrockets were the only explosions of interest, since telephones, ATMs, cars, computers and airplanes worked just fine. The head of the government’s Y2K Readiness Commission declared victory: “New Zealand’s investment in planning and preparation has paid off.”

Confident that our millions were well spent, we waited for news of the calamities sure to hit countries that had ignored Y2K. Asia, a Deutsche Bank official had predicted, was going to be “burnt toast” on New Year’s Day — not just the lesser-developed areas of Vietnam and China, but South Korea, which by 1999 was a highly computer-dependent society. South Korea, one computer expert told me, had a national telephone system similar to British Telecom’s. But where the British had wisely sunk millions of pounds into Y2K remediation, South Korea had done next to nothing.

However, exactly 10 years ago today, as the date change moved on through the Far East, India, Russia, the Middle East and Europe, it became apparent that it made little difference whether you lived in Britain, which at great expense had revamped many of its computer systems, or the lackadaisical Ukraine, which had ignored the issue.

With minor glitches that would have gone unnoticed any other day of the week, the world kept ticking on. It must have been galling for computer-conscientious Germans to observe how life continued its pleasurable path for feckless Italians, who had generally paid no attention to Y2K. There were problems, to be sure: in Australia, a bus-ticket machine stamped the wrong date, while in Britain a tide gauge in Portsmouth Harbor failed. Still, the South Korean phone system came through unscathed.

By the time midnight reached the United States, where upward of $100 billion had been spent on Y2K fixes, there was little anxiety. Indeed, the general health of American information systems, fixed and not, became clearer in the new year. The Small Business Administration calculated that 1.5 million businesses had undertaken no Y2K remediation. On Jan. 3, it received about 40 phone calls from businesses that had experienced minor faults, like cash registers that misread the year “2000” as “1900” (which seemed everywhere the single most common error caused by Y2K).

KNOWING our computers is difficult enough. Harder still is to know ourselves, including our inner demons. From today’s perspective, the Y2K fiasco seems to be less about technology than about a morbid fascination with end-of-the-world scenarios. This ought to strike us as strange. The cold war was fading in 1999, we were witnessing a worldwide growth in wealth and standards of living, and Islamic terrorism was not yet seen as a serious global threat. It should have been a year of golden weather, a time for the human race to relax and look toward a brighter, more peaceful future. Instead, with computers as a flimsy pretext, many seemed to take pleasure in frightening themselves to death over a coming calamity.

No doubt part of the blame must go to those consultants who took businesses and governments for an expensive ride in the lead-up to New Year’s Day. But doom-laden exaggerations about Y2K fell on ears that were all-too receptive. The Y2K fiasco was about more than simple prudence.

Religions from Zoroastrianism to Judaism to Christianity to U.F.O. cults have been built around notions of sin and the world’s end. The Y2K threat resonated with those ideas. Human beings have constructed an enormous, wasteful, unnatural civilization, filled with sin — or, worse in some minds, pollution and environmental waste. Suppose it turned out that a couple of zeros inadvertently left off old computer codes brought crashing down the very civilization computers helped to create. Cosmic justice!

The theme of our fancy inventions ultimately destroying us has been a favorite in fiction at least since Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.” We can place alongside this a continuous succession of spectacular films built on visions of the end of the world. Such end-time fantasies must have a profound, persistent appeal in order to keep drawing wide-eyed crowds into movie theaters, as historically they have drawn crowds into churches, year after year.

Apocalyptic scenarios are a diversion from real problems — poverty, terrorism, broken financial systems — needing intelligent attention. Even something as down-to-earth as the swine-flu scare has seemed at moments to be less about testing our health care system and its emergency readiness than about the fate of a diseased civilization drowning in its own fluids. We wallow in the idea that one day everything might change in, as St. Paul put it, the “twinkling of an eye” — that a calamity might prove to be the longed-for transformation. But turning practical problems into cosmic cataclysms takes us further away from actual solutions.

This applies, in my view, to the towering seas, storms, droughts and mass extinctions of popular climate catastrophism. Such entertaining visions owe less to scientific climatology than to eschatology, and that familiar sense that modernity and its wasteful comforts are bringing us closer to a biblical day of judgment. As that headline put it for Y2K, predictions of the end of the world are often intertwined with condemnations of human “folly, greed and denial.” Repent and recycle!

Denis Dutton is a professor of philosophy at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

An Open Letter to the UN Climate Change Gathering in Copenhagen, Dennis Brutus, Dec 10 2009.

Allow me to make a few points about the current international negotiations which are likely to make a huge impact on the future of the planet. At the heart of the issue is the trade off that has to be made between those who want to continue on a path of exploitation and the protesters marching in the streets for a new path of being less prodigal.

South Africa, post 1994, eliminated the debt attributed to Namibia in a gesture of reconciliation. We fell short of distancing ourselves from the odious debt of apartheid and subsequently lost momentum in overcoming the backlogs in education, health and housing that doing so would have allowed. We should not fall short again, when a deal is signed to cap the carbon emissions for the industrial countries, with a deferred cap for developing countries in the considerably hotter next decade.

The danger in falling short of setting deep cuts of 45% from 1990 carbon emission levels is that it puts us beyond the tipping point where unknown additional and more catastrophic changes will be wrought in the earth's water and rainfall systems, ultimately killing millions in sudden and violent storms, droughts and fires.

If we would rather act in solidarity, and harness the commitment and vitality brought by the unemployed, women, and youth through skills transfer, and if we funded the transfer of energy saving technology, water saving technology and efficient trickle drip systems of agriculture, that solidarity could produce a realistic dividend or fund (again South Africa created a Trust with the sale of strategic bunkers of fuel, to accelerate development of health and education in particularly rural areas -- with Kagiso and the IDT) for green jobs.

I believe we should all try to educate ourselves on some of the local impacts that are bound to come our way. I mean we know that Africa and the countries of the South least responsible for historical carbon will feel the worst effects. The trade in natural resources that allowed Europe to develop must not translate into a trade in waste byproducts and pollution that again distributes the greatest burdens on the poor. Individual action is important, to reduce our own footprint on the planet's resources, but we should be vigilant about the action of South Africa, brokering a deal that allows the corporations and the oil giants to continue to abuse the earth.

Better that there is no deal, so that ordinary citizens can make their choices and voices heard, against the marketing excesses for the rich allowing some to gorge themselves while others starve. Mahatma Gandhi was asked by a reporter, when India gained its independence, whether his country would seek to be as prosperous as Britain. "It has taken all the resources of one planet to make Britain prosperous," he replied, "how many planets would be needed for India?"

Prof D V Brutus
Cape Town

10 December 2009.