Showing posts with label Anima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anima. Show all posts

Monday, 22 April 2013

Sink sank sunk (sibilant).

(There, that didn't take very long.)                                                                       Up, Down.                        Earth Day 

I did remember Kateri Tekakwitha on the 17th and am looking towards the full moon on the 25th. Two quick word games: alma/lama Portuguese for soul/mud; and the familiar god/dog (Good dog).

Much of this post is lugubrious & mewling self-pity - that's just the way things are - but there have been two positive & enlightening developments come on the radar recently, three actually ...

Positive Earth Day indications:

1) The 2013 Goldman Environmental Prize recipients. Notable as well because of the well organized website. Discovered via The Guardian: Azzam Alwash wins Goldman prize.


2) A report from Real Climate: Thin Ice — the movie; the movie website: Thin Ice; and the film itself on Vimeo (1 hour 13 minutes). An Earth Day gift from the climate scientists to all - and giving gifts on important occasions is a good habit to cultivate. A little optimistic for me, but not too much.


3) 10 key points for becoming a more compassionate activist, part of the Occupy the Economy handbook by Judy Rebick & Velcrow Ripper.


Let's make it 4) The Toronto Climate Action Network (TCAN) schedule is beginning to be fuller - obviously more used. This could be the best news of all. Congratulations to the organizers.

We have met the enemy and he is us.Pathos at least allows for compassion, bathos not so much. Caved in a limited way on day 5; day 6 back at it lookin' like nothin' ever happened. Smoking is a death-wish; simple as that.

For many months the dominant mantra here has been 'Sorry' (also an s-word). Oh yeah, the Tourette's is still 'Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!' and so on ... 'Fuckin' Bitch!' as the stumbling dropsy gets to the point of ridiculousness and I have to laugh; but the centre core of the boil has been and is unworthiness. Distinguishing guilt and shame is a useful and in some ways rewarding meditation - but in the end they collapse & conflate into a totally unacceptable self-pity (notwithstanding the absurdity of the positive thinking ideology - which is anyway refudiated by 'the conditions that prevail'
[Thank you Sarah Palin & Jimmy Durante.]).

The last good word was from Gabor Maté (talk about a quick study). He said, "You have some work to do," or something like that - but the means he suggested have proven beyond reach and it's back to wazizname, Berger? ... in Hair singin' "I'm falling through a hole in the flag."

From an optimistic New Year's Day and Lucky '13 - the year we turned it around!; through Forward On Climate and The spell has been broken!; to stupid & ineffective activist emails - finally getting a hit and freaked out ditching it; and so inspired by Naomi Klein's "... plan to heal the planet that also heals our broken selves ...", incubating, waiting with bated breath, and at the first positive sign ... on the verge of ditching that too. Bathetic. Sinking. 
Joanna Macy.Joanna Macy.Joanna Macy.What to think about Joanna Macy?

Read the bumph on Wikipedia ... an old lady, early 80's, Buddhist, lives by selling her books looks like ... dunno?

Ram Dass hit Montreal in 67 or 68, not a buddhist grant you; and later on, José Datrino, Profeta de Gentileza, a christian but still; and more recently our own k-k-Canadian Gabor Maté, definitely a buddhist and a very VERY clever fellow; ... but with experience over time my support for the messages of gurus wise or otherwise has changed. Not to mention Iron John, Jesus, (I am thinking of Tom T. Hall and 'Everything From Jesus To Jack Daniels' but I can't find it on YouTube).

So I have a look at her website and near the top somewhere it says, "... including despair work ..." and I am basically hooked.

At least deeply enough to take the next (tentative) step. And yet I am left wondering if at the end of the day I will find that it is me who should be giving the workshops on what to do about despair? 
Global Internet traffic.Global Internet traffic.Global Internet traffic.
Trying to get a feel for where the Internet is and isn't. This is where much of the modern life is lived: fossicking about on an information compost pile. Not difficult to view it as a disease, an epidemic even. That these images correspond to consumption patterns - close to the root of the 'problem' in other words - is no surprise. The good part is that it can (and will) so quickly and easily vanish: In a moment; in the twinkling of an eye; at the last trump; like the morning dew; like smoke. Just pull the plug; or cancel the phone.

[Similes and metaphors from First Corinthians 15:52 & Hosea 13:3. I use these references only because they prove the ubiquity of Launcelot Andrewes' (and his colleagues of course) figurative language. Without the KJV gentle reader, English might require more ... salt.]
And they call it the 'last' trump because?     :-)
Global Internet traffic.Global Internet traffic.Global Internet traffic.
[Best of a bad lot: the top image is in fact a 'heat map' of the 2007-2011 malware infections by DNSChanger from Team Cymru; and the other is from Carna Botnet Internet Census 2012; all very sketchy.] 

Lot leaving Sodom Raphael detail.Lot:   A long and complicated story; but a natural to consider in the context of collapse. Wikipedia sums it up pretty well; or go straight to Genesis, chapters 11 to 19 (both the flight from Sodom and his son's begettings are in 19).

Rendered almost incomprehensible with dangling questions: Why did he offer his daughters to the thugs? Why did his wife look back? How did he not catch on to his daughter's wiles? (to list just a few). 
Jim Hansen retires - photo by Michael Nagle with the NYT article.Jim Hansen:   The last news was: Climate Maverick to Retire From NASA (published April 1 but no joke). He knows how to organize a website coherently; witness his blog. There is a mailing list - what a pleasure to receive regular emails from himself. The latest is this: Making Things Clearer: Exaggeration, Jumping the Gun, and The Venus Syndrome (.pdf). I read it several times. The first time I kept thinking "he is 72 and a prostate cancer survivor, maybe he's tired too?" He ends it with "I am running out of steam for this present communication," and I am looking at the ghostly photograph that accompanied the retirement article.

But on second reading I decide I must be projecting.

He mentions an upcoming paper, 'Climate Sensitivity, Sea Level, and Atmospheric CO2' - advance information is here: abstract & download (pdf). 
Peter Sale:   I have praised his book here a number of times (1, 2, 3) and make comments on his blog which he permits. And I have roots in Huntsville. I thought ... I'll go up there and listen to him on Earth Day! So last week I put up a blurb about it. It is true that I am feeling generally like a leper ... but I go anyway, a pleasant bus ride with a driver who stops to show us the flooding in Bracebridge, a motel overnight ...

Rebecca Francis, Sustainablilty Coordinator.Rebecca Francis, Sustainablilty Coordinator.Grant you it snowed in Huntsville on Saturday morning, but I think very few turned out primarily because of a lack of publicity. The town forgave its fee for the venue but I'll bet single malt that the powers-that-be really want no part of such things. The nexus of inadequacy falls to Rebecca Francis, the 'Sustainability Coordinator' (to be shared with the organizing committee no doubt). I will send them an email - if anyone responds I will publish it here. Tony Clement didn't show up (no surprise there though he is the local MP and could have) - an email to him as well then and ditto on a reply.

Peter Sale.Peter is a good speaker; personable, charming and a professional - he prepares, thoroughly. Relating the global issue to the Friends of the Muskoka Watershed (and here is their blog) complete with some well-explained science on the local situation is canny and effective. Two big ideas fall out of Saturday's experience for me:

1) The planet can support about two billion folks; there are now over seven billion; something's gonna give and it probably won't be pleasant (even if you are watching it from a relatively safe haven like Muskoka).

2) There is no guaranteed reward for righteousness. This is a big step forward from religious notions of a magically equivalent payback - Karma and the like; and a reason to get serious sooner rather than later, There are no reserved or VIP seats in the Elysian Fields and no reward-miles on the spiritual credit card - we must (all) get our thumbs out while there is still time. 
[A friend tells me that it does no good telling people like Rebecca "You blew it!" My friend is probably right, but for now it is the way I know - except to say "Nothing personal. Maybe you will learn from this and do better next time if there is one."]

Not enough publicity; no control of the AV equipment; no video record (that I know of) ...

That said - there is one very positive thing that can be said of the organizing committee: they may just all be church-goers and do it habitually, or maybe it was simply because of the low attendance - but - there were lots of greeters, and no shortage of opportunities for conversation with them. If they didn't all know what 350 represents, there was lots of room to explain. This 'greeting' is an essential activity and one that is often overlooked. Regardless of attendance, the vital results of any such event are the quality and strength of whatever relations are established. We are "l'armée des étoiles jetées dans le ciel" (Jacques et Raïssa Maritain).

A-and there was excellent coffee and lots of half&half if you like it creamy made by two women from Soul Sistas restaurant (thanks again - and who says soul sistas can't be white?).

There is a strong connection apparently with Transition Huntsville (and also here). 
FAO Food Price Index to March 2013.FAO numbers edging up at last:   The FAO Food Price Index is up a few points after a suspiciously long flat spot.

Two articles from John Vidal: How a warming world is a threat to our food supplies, and Millions face starvation as world warms.

Lester Brown is on the case: New Era of Food Scarcity Echoes Collapsed Civilizations, and as usual he has it nicely pinned. Unless we mobilize in a way equivalent to the American effort following Pearl Harbour we're done here. 
Uakti, Oiapok Xui.Uakti, Artur Andrés Ribeiro.Uakti, Décio Ramos.Uakti, Regina Amaral.Uakti, Josefina Cerqueira.Uakti, Paulo Sérgio Santos.Uakti, Marco Antônio Guimarães.Uakti:   Can you really criticise music? Does it work at all? Yes and no: everyone knows about what you mean when you say to someone who likes The Beatles, "I like the Stones," but exactly & precisely not so much. Here's an unrelated story on related issues.

It looks like Águas da Amazônia was the high point. I got curious about them (naturally). They've been at it a long time. Either you are an integrante/member or not, so it was unusually difficult to find the names and pictures of the two women involved (they are not 'members' apparently). They have moved on to Beatles renditions as a main effort recently - the Beatles are always big in Brasil - which I could not be bothered to listen to; before that it was 'Oiapok Xui' which is a slangy way of saying Oiapoque ao Chui/'sea to sea' so I listened, Forró de Larra (?!) ... forgettable. Maybe it's like writing in an invented language: Russel Hoban pulls it off in Riddley Walker but it often presents lame.

Philip Glass with Paulo Sérgio Santos.Philip Glass with Artur Andrés Ribeiro.Philip Glass with  Paulo Sérgio Santos & Artur Andrés Ribeiro.So then: the seminal moments between Uakti and Philip Glass must have been something to behold. Águas is so very strong.

These pictures come from Expo Guanajuato in Mexico taken by Sylvio Coutinho sometime (can't find a date anywhere, late 90s or early oughts I am guessing).

Some details on Wikipedia, and more on their own website (where the pictures are numerous but too small for me to see very well).                         Maybe try listening to this & this again. 
One way of looking at it is my compulsive (what passes for) honesty; that: a) I never learned how to play politely anyway; b) I am lazy and it is easier (especially as memories fade); c) playing it straight has some advantages when you are young and it can become a habit; d) every one says honesty is the best policy though they may not mean it; and e) it has become a tiny keyhole-full of light in the murk to believe that straight talk can make a difference. ... And f) I guess - just don't care much anymore.

"I seen pretty people disappear like smoke."

But what do you do when almost no one will talk to you anymore? When the conversations all dwindle to silence. What happens then painted bird? I guess I'll just have to go along and ... find out.

"I dreamed about you, baby. It was just the other night. Most of you was naked, ah but some of you was light. The sands of time were falling from your fingers and your thumb and you were waiting for the miracle, for the miracle to come." 
If my imagination moves towards beautiful young women it is not (only) because I am a dirty old man gentle reader. Mostly I am just old and harmless and these forays have led me (over the years since 2005) to a doorway and towards an anima I didn't know I had.

These photographs (I tried to buy rights but got no reply so some are watermarked) come from Araquém Alcântara via Terra:
Araquém Alcântara, índia Carajá.Araquém Alcântara, índia Carajá.Araquém Alcântara, índia Carajá.Araquém Alcântara, índia Carajá.Araquém Alcântara, índia Carajá.Araquém Alcântara, índia Carajá.In the lecture I posted the link to a while ago David Suzuki talks about a UN resolution proposed by Bhutan: "The purpose of government is not economic growth and more stuff. The purpose of government is to make sure that people are well and happy." The photographs of this girl look something like wellness and happiness (and security) to me.Araquém Alcântara, índia Carajá, modified by Zala.

And oh yes: the Internet does not know itself. This may be its largest and determining deficit. 
Walking along in the spring sunshine came to me Alzheimer's
'Vantage #11: as memory fades the continual mental background chatter fades too and experience becomes more sensual, or more immediately so at least: visual, auditory, olfactory, the delightful touch of the air (to the extent that the receptors still work).
Peanuts: What am I doing right?Peanuts: What am I doing right?Peanuts: What am I doing right?"I'm junk but I'm still holding up this little wild bouquet."

Here LISTEN! to this, turn up the volume, and keep in mind that it is called Águas da Amazônia - maybe it will move you.

Be well. 
Tom Toles: Fossil Fuel Subsidies.Theo Moudakis: Stephen Harper prefers Panda bears because they don't speak.Pascal: Canadian scientists muzzled.And a few cartoons that simply had to be here.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Occupy the Spirit (pre-lude).

What it's like on this side of the mirror.                                                           Up, Down. 

The music is not optional; either listen to it as you read or go away! Three ten minute pieces of Philip Glass' Águas da Amazônia played by Uakti: at SESC in Brasil (2012); in Rome (2011); and from the album (1999). 
This photograph of a Kayapó girl comes from an otherwise forgettable movie. I think she is ... me - but of course, things are not getting any less crazy around here.
Índia Kayapó.Índia Kayapó.Índia Kayapó.I did a presentation in public school - first ever public speaking - on the Adam Beck hydroelectric plant in Niagara Falls. And as the water ran out of the tub and a renewable topography emerged I continued to believe that hydroelectric generation is clean, good.

I didn't realize how much that had been eroded until I was having a beer with a serious player in the BC hydro hierarchy and stupidly asked him why he didn't focus on renewables? He looked at me as if I had no head at all and said, "What do you think I am doing?" It was a drunken slip - but Freudian I guess. He sold up and cashed out a while later and disappeared from the radar so maybe he figgured it out.

In this blog at one point a few years ago I wondered about the opposition to Belo Monte - simply because I thought it was better to develop hydro resources than, say, nuclear.

So ... changes ... 
Amazon river basin map.O Complexo do Tapajós map.Valdenir Munduruku.Valdenir Munduruku.Valdenir Munduruku.Valdenir Munduruku.Getting a grasp of what is going on in the Amazon basin is difficult. Huge. The struggle over Belo Monte is ongoing; and another struggle is coming to light around the Complexo do Tapajós. You can read about it in English here: Amazon tribe threatens to declare war amid row over Brazilian dam project and follow it up as you care to. These two videos of Valdenir Munduruku are in Portuguese, watch 'em or not: 1½ minutes & 5½ minutes.
Polícia Federal Operação Tapajós.Polícia Federal Operação Tapajós.Polícia Federal Operação Tapajós.
Polícia Federal Operação Tapajós.Polícia Federal Operação Tapajós.Polícia Federal Operação Tapajós.
Tim DeChristopher was dreaming that Obama would not call out the National Guard to defend mountaintop removal. No hesitation from Brazil's Polícia Federal. 
Inia geoffrensis, Boto.Inia geoffrensis, Boto.Inia geoffrensis, Boto.
Philip Glass Uakti Águas da Amazônia.The Lenda do Boto is a powerful myth, as is the story behind Uakti.

Philip Glass.Philip Glass.Philip Glass.When all is said and done this music may be what remains to us of the Amazon. Here, listen again: 2012, 2011, and 1999.

A-and, for the honeybee connection watch a few minutes of Grupo Corpo's 'Sete ou oito peças para um ballet' from 1994.

Be well. 
Carta do povo Mundurukú / Letter from the Munduruku people:
Source: Amigos da Terra.

Pagina 1 / Page 1.Pagina 1 / Page 1.
Carta do povo Mundurukú para a justiçia, para o governo e para a sociedade mundial e os povos indigenas sobre a Operação Tapajós no território Mundurukônia. Letter from the Munduruku people for justice, to the government and to world society and native peoples concerning Operation Tapajos within the Munduruku territory.
Aldeia Sawré Muybú, Itaituba, 29 de março de 2013. Village of Sawré Muybú, Itaituba, March 29 2013.
Nós, povos indigenas Mundurukú do médio e alto Tapajós estamos na Aldeia Sawré Muybú para reafirmar nossa aliança e dizer que o rio Tapajós é um só assim como o povo Mundurukú é um só. We, the native Munduruku people of the middle and upper Tapajos river are in the village of Sawré Muybú to reaffirm our alliance and say that the Tapajós River is one just as the Mundurukú people are also one.
Denunciamos que o representante do governo Tiago Garcia e Nilton da Secretaria Geral da República e o governo todo não cumpriram com o compromisso registrado nos atos das reuniões de 15 de março de 2013. Não aguardaram a reunião das lideranças Mundurukú marcada para 10 de abril de 2013 para dizer como queremos ser consultados e depois reunir com o governo para comunicar nossa decisão. We denounce the government representative James Nilton Garcia of the Secretary General of the Republic and the government which did not fulfill the commitments recorded in the acts of the meetings of March 15, 2013. They did not wait for the meeting of Munduruku leaders scheduled for April 10, 2013 to say how we would be consulted and then meet with the government to communicate our decision.
Pagina 2 / Page 2.Pagina 2 / Page 2.Pagina 2 / Page 2.
Além disso comunicamos que estamos sendo humiliados e ameaçados pela operação das Forcas Armadas do governo criadas pelo decreto 7957 de 12 de março de 2013 que manda pesquisadores invadirem nossas terras junto com as Policia Rodoviária Federal, a Policia Federal, o Exercito e a Força Nacional por causa das hidreletricas do Tapajós. Denunciamos que as Forças Armadas estão espalhados sobre o rio Tapajós sobre o transamazônica e nossas territórios, intimidando e ameaçando as pessoas, impedindo de navegar pelos nossos rios e circularmos livremente pelas estradas nas terras e aldeias. We also announce that we are being threatened and humiliated by the actions of the Armed Forces of the government through Decree 7957 of 12 March 2013 that sends researchers invade our land along with the Federal Highway Police, the Federal Police, the Army and the National Forces to support the Tapajós hydroelectric plants. We denounce the Armed Forces scattered along the Tapajos river, the transamazônica highway and our territories, intimidating and threatening people, preventing us from using our rivers and roads to circulate freely in our lands and villages.
Não podemos pescar, trabalhar, tomar banho no rio, caçar, andar livremente e viver nossa vida. We cannot fish, work, bathe in the river, hunt, or roam freely and live our lives.
O governo esta em nossas terras como bandidos, como ladrões invadindo sem avisar os nossos rios e territórios para destruir o rio Tapajós e explorar nossas riquezas. The government is on our land like bandits, thieves, invading our rivers and territories without warning to destroy the Tapajós river and exploit our riches.
E estar ameaçando nos ferir ou matar se reagirmos. And threatening to injure or kill us if we react.
O governo também estar tentando dividir o nosso povo Mundurukú para conquistar e destruir o rio Tapajós, mas o rio Tapajós não se divide, e o povo Mundurukú também não se divide. The government is trying to divide the Munduruku people in order to conquer and destroy the Tapajós river, but the Tapajos river is not divided, and the Munduruku people are not divided either.
Pagina 3 / Page 3.Pagina 3 / Page 3.Pagina 3 / Page 3.
Nada que o governo oferece paga toda a riqueza que temos. Nothing the government is offering pays for all the richness we have.
Não venderemos nosso rio e território, nosso povo, nossa história nem o futuro dos nossos filhos. We will not sell our river and our territory, neither our people, nor our history, nor the future of our children.
Helicópteros e invadeiros estão circulando pelo rio e pelo ar desde 27 de março de 2013 (videos é em anexo). Os Mundurukú foram intimidados pela Policia Federal Rodoviario e pela Forca Nacional e na transamazônica e no Porto Buburí no Tapajós. Enquanto isso bandidos estão soltos pelas cidades do Brasil. Helicopters have been circling and invaders going about by river and by air since March 27, 2013 (videos attached). The Mundurukú have been intimidated by the Federal Police Force and the National Highway Police on the transamazônica highway and in Porto Buburí on the Tapajos. Meanwhile bandits are loose in the towns of Brazil.
Por isso exigimos que: Because of this we demand:
Todos nossos direitos questionados pelo Ministério Público Federal na Justiça sejam garantido. E fazemos a mesma exigência do Ministerio Público de Santarém por nossos direitos violados pela usina hidreletricas de São Luiz do Tapajós. That all our rights questioned by federal prosecutors in the courts be guaranteed. And we demand the same of the state Ministry in Santarém for our rights violated by the hydroelectric plant of Sao Luiz do Tapajós.
Pedimos ao MPF/PA e a Justiça Federal que esse documento seja anexado ao processo contra as barragens Tapajós. E informamos que nos vamos dizer como queremos ser consultados sobre todas as medidas legislativas e administrativa que afetam nossa vida. Com ajuda do nosso orgão, e instituições que escolhimos. A Convenção 169 da OIT garante aos povos indiginas esse direitos. Somos nós Mundurukú que decidimos como seremos consultados. Somos nõs que decidimos como mudar vida do nosso povo. Exigimos que as Forcas Armadas para imidiatamente de humilar e se retirem de nossas terras e rios e parem de voar sobre nossas aldeias. We ask the state MPF of Para and the Federal Court that this document be attached to the process against the Tapajos dams. We will say how we want to be consulted on all legislative and administrative measures that affect our lives. With the help of our committee and institutions of our choice. ILO Convention 169 assures native people these rights. We Munduruku will decide how we will be consulted. We will decide on changes to the lives of our people. We demand that the armed forces immediately stop humiliating us and withdraw from our lands and rivers and stop flying over our villages.
Pagina 4 / Page 4.Pagina 4 / Page 4.
Se isso não acontecer vamos agir do nosso jeito. Queremos dialogo com o governo e não queremos brigas e nem morte. Já perdemos em novembro passado nosso parente Adenilsom Kirioci assassinado pela Policia na aldeia Teles Pirez. Mas não aceitamos acordo para trocar nossos direitos por hidreletricas do Tapajós. If this does not happen we will act on our own. We want dialogue with the government not fights or death. We lost our relative last November, Adenilsom Kirioci murdered by police in the village of Teles Pirez. But we will not accept an agreement which exchanges our rights for the Tapajos hydroelectric plants.
Por fim exigimos a homologação de todos territórios e que o governo cumpra essas medidas até dia 19 de abril de 2013 que é nosso dia. Finally we require the ratification by all territories and that the government complies with these measures before 19 April 2013 which is our day.
Pedimos que a sociedade brasileira que todos os povos indigenas do Brasil e do mundo se juntem a nós por essa causa e pela Amazônia. E contem com o apoio do povo Munduruku para essa e para todas as lutas dos povos indigenas do planeta. We ask Brazilian society and all native peoples of Brazil and the world to join us in this cause for Amazonia. And count on the the support of the Munduruku people for this and for all the struggles of the native people of the planet.
Assinam esta carta: (41 assinaturas).
 Signed: (41 signatures.)
Pagina 5 / Page 5.

Update: As of April 17 the government appears to have backed down, at least temporarily, the military Operação Tapajós has been stopped, and the 'research' which it was defending/enforcing as well. This is a reprieve not a victory - but a step in the right direction at least.