Showing posts with label Adbusters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adbusters. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Do Oiapoque ao Chuí.

or From sea to shining sea.
(Hey! Wake up! It's the planet eh.)

Up, Down, Appendices, Postscript (OISE General Assembly).

From sea to shining sea.

In Brazil it's 'Do Oiapoque ao Chuí' / From Oiapoque to Chuí: Oiapoque being the northernmost border town and Chuí the southernmost. Chuí, on the border with Uruguay remains the undisputed southerly point. But roads are built and the northerly point is argued about, discussed; it might now be Pacaraima or Monte Caburaí near Boa Vista, or even Uiramutã, depending on which Chamber of Commerce you are listening to.

I like it that things are flexible in Brazil - but Oiapoque (oh-eeya-poke) has a nice ring to it. (Some background if you like, here, in Portuguese.) Chuí is renowned for 'border bargains' - and the guys in the Rio Grande shipyard used to organize road trips ...

Sweet Crude.Sandy Cioffi & friends.Music this time from the soundtrack of Sweet Crude by Julie Wolf: Sympathy for the Devil.

What if the world paid attention before it was too late?

Good question. Watch this movie. I was put off at the beginning, there was an air of ... I can't quite remember what it was - almost didn't carry on with it - but I was mistaken. You can buy a copy on their website, and it's on Demonoid.

(Previously in this blog, Lars Johansson's Poison Fire.)

Occupy Toronto.OCCUPY TORONTO General Assembly on Thursday October 13 5PM OISE.

I love it when an aspiring NDP leader uses phrases like 'blindingly obvious' (I am sure that is what he meant to write before the Globe proof-readers fluffed it):
"It is blindly obvious what the Wall Street occupiers and ordinary people all around the world want.

They want an end to reckless, heedless bingo parlour economics.

       (See Brian Topp here.)
And he goes on to present a thoroughly false distinction between the "fantasist right-wing populism of the American Tea Partiers" and "modern, prudent, determined and fearless social democracy" à la Jack Layton.    Doh?!

Interesting that Kalle Lasn doesn't quite get it either: He seems to think that precision in 'the demand' is desireable and maybe inevitable - it isn't and it isn't. Indeed, one of the most effective features of his poster is precisely that the line after 'What is our one demand?' is blank. And he indulges in ageism - it is not just the young who are engaged here, it is also the older generations and the Boomers finally recognizing their complicity ... and yes, culpability.

'Cormorant' by Lockheed Martin.The 'close but no cigar' editorials are nonetheless getting more numerous, more respectable, and even ... closer to the mark (see Paul Krugman last week: here & here).

They are 'homing in' these pundits, like some flock of wierd (more-or-less) intellectual drones ... this time of year it reminds me of those pesky yellow-jackets hovering around the last outdoor pint of the season as you sit in the fading sun on a patio ...

(Pictured is the 'Cormorant' by Lockheed Martin - a 'surveillance' drone released from a Trident missile tube on an Ohio-class U.S. submarine.)

Something else is obvious as well: Go here and read this petition and consider signing it - Petition: To Chief Bill Blair and the Toronto Police Service.

Carmen Aguirre.Carmen Aguirre.Carmen Aguirre.Carmen Aguirre:

(Two, or three depending how you count, of these photographs are from Alex Waterhouse-Hayward.)

Something fierce: Memoirs of a revolutionary daughter, this year.

You can listen to her back in May on CBC Radio's The Current playing with Anna Maria Tremonti, making that estimable CBC maven tremble (and even quiver) a bit I'll warrant.

Charlie Smith muses on a "political perspective [that] does not normally show up in metropolitan Canadian daily newspapers." Well Charlie, it doesn't show up very often anywhere in k-k-Canada now, does it? Very often!? More like: Not ever!

Carmen Aguirre by Alex Waterhouse-Hayward.
Carmen Aguirre by Alex Waterhouse-Hayward.
I read about half of it in one gulp. It was suddenly 3AM. I looked again at the title ... sure enough 'memoir'. So I got up, and stood up, and cranked up O Computador just to verify a few facts and try to get ... distance ... perspective. Yep, the facts checked out ... finished it at dawn.


No cheap copies of this one at Abe's (yet) so you will have to go to your library. Do it.

One: Couldn't be more timely as we consider facing Bay Street on Saturday. And just nevermind quibbling over issues of degree, overstretched analogies and the like ...

Two: Sure, I know there are others of her calibre in this country - I can even name some of them ... but today my mind is full of the thought that there is certainly this one.


(So much of this kind of dreck [I mean this post of mine not her book] gets assigned to the bin for the wrong reasons. I watched her performances in Endgame - her stature, her strange facial immobility. And, since I have the book for another few weeks, re-reading parts of it, seeing the flaws. She is no paragon, nothing like it. That is not it at all.)


If there is a very-most-important event in this age so far ... it might be the Holocaust (Was it an 'event'? Is it over yet?) - certainly it is in the Top Ten. Even as a relatively small child I think I knew about it. Blurred of course by my Presbyterian & United Church upbringing: When I got around to asking why Jews wear those little hats, my mother explained that it was so God wouldn't see them in their shame over having killed Christ.

And the Holocaust is perennially thought about, reconsidered; because it touches on that fundamental question: Am I my brother's keeper? That so many of the end-run arguments rely upon proofs that some class or group or individual is not really my brother or sister, or is not comprised of brothers and sisters, tells the story for me. QED. (Or not as you like.)

Tarabunka.Tarabunka.Tarabunka.Tarabunka.And there is a quality (a simple and obvious and unremarkable quality) in the word Auschwitz that sticks in the imagination - of a middle class kid in the Toronto of the 50's at least.

Which quality is about perfectly contained in that very first photograph there.

And now, today, this month, this year, there is a whole new collection of exotic names: Dadaab in Kenya, and lately, others: Tarabunka, Sayidka, Badbaado (being locations in Mogadishu, and there are dozens more as you can see on that UNHCR map I posted a few weeks ago).

Sayidka.Sayidka.Sayidka.Sayidka.I started out keeping this map - not very many of the places named in the news show up in the 'Search' feature, so you have to dig around a bit in the ol' Internet dung heap looking for them ... and even so, often end up guessing.

So, what is this then? Hand wringing? Social pornography? Idle curiosity? Peeping Tom-ery? Some other kind of end-run? A psychological avoidance mechanism? Feckless emotion? What?

All of the above?
None of the above?


Can't say. Dunno.

Quacks: (A-and anyways, I've got my own problems eh?)

Can't piss right anymore. Not cancer - I got that much from my doctor in Brasil. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), hypertrophic prostate, (hypertrophy: enlargement of a part or organ of an animal or plant, excessive growth or development, opposite of atrophy from the Greek τροϕή/trofh food, nourishment - some humour in that eh?). An' some other kind'a thing poppin' outa my umbigo. Umbilical hernia I figgure out.

All good. I don't mind sitting down to pee - gives me a clever comeback for the feminist trolls (which, bad as I am, I have never mooted). Naturally lazy. But the gout is a problem.

The walk-in clinics are not so good, hospital emergency wards are better; but I know that using either is wasting resources, including my own. Finally, tipped off by a kindly nurse in the St. Mike's emerg one afternoon: There is a way to find a GP.

So, to the website for a phone number, call it, answer all the questions (mostly, it seems, to determine that I am not a drug addict), wait, get mail, more telephone conversations (someone has lost whatever form it is they use to record that I am not a drug addict), get an appointment, go there ... answer more questions posed by a young woman who seems about 20 but eventually tells me, unwillingly (Uh Oh!), that she is 28, she disappears, a middle-aged woman, who is clearly the Head Honcho über-quack, returns with the young woman and two other young people in white coats - 'doctors' (or close, or something ...), all of 'em - tells me that my opinions are too extreme, doesn't want to hear that I was just doing my best to answer the questions that were put to me, obliges me to apologize, abjectly - not just apologize but retract, I realize that she has convened an impromptu 'lecture' here for her 'students' on how to manage patients, OK, I am here asking for help, I retract ... by way of being gracious she glances at my belly button, gives it a perfunctory poke and pronounces 'not a problem' unless it gets very much larger or discoloured or begins to hurt ... and finally I am left alone with one of them, a young man who wants to schedule a blood test for prostate cancer, I explain (carefully) that this is not necessary, and he explains that he has to ask (has to?), we schedule a general physical in a few weeks and I hobble back to the TTC (it was the gout that took me there y'unnerstan') feeling strangely elated.

Sorry that this is such a long story ... make it short ... I have his card with the appointment written on it on top of the detrius that is my computer desk. I look at it every day for a week. Pick it up and read it again and again. ... Then I call and cancel the appointment.

Boo hoo?    Not at all.

I think the business of adding a consultation to every prescription for Indocid is a racket. This opinion is shared by at least one Canadian doctor - the one in the St. John's emerg who gave me a prescription for (virtually) unlimited refills when I explained the situation. I think the business of using a GP practice as a school is a racket too. If the users of Medicare could ask to see their account - to see what the services provided to them actually cost ... well, who can say? Are services provided by students billed at a reduced fee? I doubt it. Will you find the same group of students there year after year? Hardly likely. Is the Über-Quack getting a cut on all the billings? Indubitably.

I made no insulting remark to the young woman student-doctor. If she thought I had, why couldn't she just tell me herself? There was no need for semi-public humiliation - except possibly in the mind of someone already insecure over being so involved in ... a racket.

I sometimes used to share a bench in the park with a fellow who was often there. A beggar. I shared my cigarettes as well and sometimes a few bucks. He had a chronic hepatitis infection which had moved on to liver cancer. He liked his wine in the summertime - sometimes he would be passed out beside the bench. I know - wine and liver cancer - he really liked his wine, must have. He went missing for a month or so and then turned up again. What happened to you? Well, I made the mistake of telling one of the doctors the truth - that I sometimes think of suicide - and they stuck me in the psych ward to straighten out. Oh yeah. Gotta be careful what you say to those boys.

He got fatter and fatter - in the way that people with liver cancer do - and his face got thinner and thinner. Last time I saw him he was about to go in for some surgical procedure - no hope he said, but it passes the time. That was months ago. I miss him. If he's still alive he knows that - sometimes you can manage to be clear.

Mad. Mad as a hatter, gentle reader. But not dangerously so I don't think, rather the opposite - no risk, not certifiable.

Here's a pome:
Tarabunka, Sayidka, Badbaado

this is no more
than exactly what is before me:
feeding the plants,
a flick of cigarette ash
crushed egg shells
pocket lint,
from the aquarium.

I will go to the Occupy Toronto General Assembly this evening (where I believe the gentle mad are permitted) and report tomorrow.

Be well.

Postscript (OISE General Assembly):

In a word - Yes.
Occupy Toronto.
The Food Committee works - donuts were graciously provided and donations were graciously accepted. A sort of an agenda and a good sort of order and good humour prevailed.

The business of repeating every phrase is somewhat foreign to Torontonian sensibilities; but yesterday evening's experience warrants that (even) they can learn, embrace, expand.

The central (to me) question of how to deal with violent interlopers was not dealt with. A marshalling workshop is planned for this (Friday) evening on the 7th floor of OISE from 7-9 PM on this issue.

I forgot my camera. Doh?! I forgot myself - disconcerting, but inevitable I guess.


1. Occupy protests herald a party that’s almost over, Brian Topp, Tuesday October 11 2011.
2. Petition: To Chief Bill Blair and the Toronto Police Service:,, October 9 2011.
3. Adbusters' Kalle Lasn Talks About OccupyWallStreet, Sam Eifling, 7 October 2011.

Occupy protests herald a party that’s almost over, Brian Topp, Tuesday October 11 2011.

Wall Street is “occupied.” What do the occupiers want? Where to begin? How about here: The top 1 per cent income-earners in North America have appropriated most of the wealth created in the past thirty years. But what do they want, those protesters and their sympathizers?

Here's another fact on their minds. Politicians in North America engineered the good fortune of the wealthy through a systematic assault on the family incomes of everyone else. And simultaneously encouraged access to an ocean of cheap and easy credit.

So, while average families haven't seen a real pay raise in more than a generation, they have drifted into a disastrous dependence on debt (higher in Canada than in the United States). Which helped fuel housing bubbles. Followed by a financial services crisis. Followed by a sovereign debt crisis that now threatens the foundations of the world economy.

But why are they interfering with the lineups in front of the latte counters, those protesters? In Spain, unemployment teeters around 25 per cent. Catastrophically higher for young people. That is depression-level unemployment. The number of people living in poverty in the United States has reached record levels.

But why are those people waving those rude signs at our nice banks and brokerage firms? In Israel, the “occupiers” are talking to the right-wing Netanyahu government about the intolerable cost of housing, of food, of utilities, of health care, of everything else needed to live a normal life. But what do they want, those people? It is blindly obvious what the Wall Street occupiers and ordinary people all around the world want.

They want an end to reckless, heedless bingo parlour economics. In which wealth is concentrated into far too few hands. In which people's savings and pensions are funnelled into unproductive financial game-playing instead of into the real economy. In which the Masters of the Universe, there on Wall Street, keep all the winnings on a good day and slip their losses into the public debt on a bad day.

We like to tell ourselves that Canada has avoided the worst of it, despite the best efforts of our governments in recent years. But the income gap between rich and poor is every bit as depressing in Canada as it is in our friend to the south (see here and here).

After a long sleep, the public interest is waking up in North America and around the world.

There are false roads open – like the fantasist right-wing populism of the American Tea Partiers. And there are better roads open – like modern, prudent, determined and fearless social democracy, of the kind Jack Layton was talking about.

Perhaps we will go down that first road, brought to us in Canada in our mild Canadian way by Stephen Harper and his team. Hopefully we will go down the other, on offer in Canada through Mr. Layton's team.

But the Wall Street occupiers are there to let the Wall Street revellers and bonus-hunters know that their own particular party – and the whole approach to government that made it possible in the United States and here in Canada – has just about had its day.

Brian Topp is running for leader of the federal New Democratic Party.

Petition: To Chief Bill Blair and the Toronto Police Service:,, October 9 2011.

In June, 2010 at the G20 summit Toronto saw the largest mass arrests in Canadian history. Complaints too numerous to mention were filed against police officers and many of the investigations and law suits that resulted from that weekend will be ongoing for years to come. On October 15 another mass demonstration is coming to Toronto as part of the Occupy Everywhere movement. Neither the people of Toronto, nor I'm sure, its police force want to see a repeat of the G20 weekend.

We, the undersigned, expect that officers will be professional, will attempt to communicate with demonstrators at all times, will make any requests or demands clear and will give citizens including demonstrators, passers by, observers and the media every opportunity to comply with those requests before taking any action.

All officers should have their badges visible at all times, be prepared to produce identification and/or provide a business card on request.

If there is violence it should not, under any circumstances, be instigated by the police and in the event it is necessary the minimum possible force should be used. Under no circumstances should police resort to the use of tear gas, pepper spray, tazers, rubber bullets, sound cannons or any other device, substance or method that may harm individuals other than the intended target.

Individuals should neither be arrested nor detained unless there is an intent on the part of the police to charge them with a crime.

Individuals should not be kettled or impeded in any way unless there is a belief on the part of police that they were involved in a crime or are about to commit a crime.

Police should prioritize their concerns and take a realistic view of potential security threats so that this isn't a repeat of the "Officer Bubbles" incident.

Police should not, under any circumstances, threaten, harass or impede medical volunteers attempting to treat the injured.

All individuals, including those who have been detained and arrested, should be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. This includes insuring that their human and civil rights are observed, that they have access to legal council and adequate food, water, sanitation and medical attention if necessary.

Above all individual officers should be prepared to be held accountable for their actions. Toronto, Canada and the world will be watching. The demonstrations will be heavily photographed, recorded to video and otherwise documented. "Following orders" will not be acceptable justification for the mistreatment of individuals.

Canada is a democratic country and its citizens are gathering, in solidarity with individuals around the world, to demand reform. They have every right to do so. It is the responsibility of the Toronto Police Service to insure the safety of citizens, insure that individual rights are upheld and that property is protected, not to act as political agents on behalf of the current government. Many of the reforms being sought would, ultimately, be of benefit to police officers and their families. Perhaps, if the Occupy Toronto actions go well, the rift between Toronto and its police that opened as a result of the 2010 G20 meeting can begin to heal.

Adbusters' Kalle Lasn Talks About OccupyWallStreet, Sam Eifling, 7 October 2011.

The veteran culture-jammer on his role in getting the protest rolling, magic memes, what he would demand, and more.

Since Sept. 17 the streets of south Manhattan have been chockablock with people protesting -- what, exactly? At times not even they seem sure, perhaps because their cause for being there is so vast and miasmic that they can grab hold of any part of it and make a credible claim for anger. Banks too big to fail. Soaring college costs (and debt) in a time of jobless youth. Cronyism, lobbyism, corporatism, deregulation. It all falls under a hashtag that began far from the pepper spray and mass arrests, in the offices of Vancouver's own Adbusters magazine, as #OccupyWallStreet.

The movement has been at turns derided by Republican presidential candidates ("I think it's dangerous, this class warfare," Mitt Romney said) and by major media (quoth a New York Daily News editorial: "This bunch ought to get down on their knees in thanks that America's capitalist Founding Fathers saw fit to protect the privileges of the dumb and obnoxious along with everyone else"). Nonetheless it has mushroomed from a few die-hards in the early going to a pulsing micro-city of thousands and has spawned smaller protests around America. Unions and student groups have joined in solidarity, and on Oct. 15, Toronto and Vancouver will see their own "Occupy" demonstrations.

Although it was inspired by the methods and successes of the Arab Spring, the original expectations were more muted. When Vancouver-based Adbusters presented the idea to the world, it did so in the form of a poster that featured a dancer posed on the shoulders of the Wall Street bull statue, a foggy clamour of demonstrators behind her. The poster asked the question, "What is our one demand?" Activist groups seized on it, as did the hacktivist group Anonymous, and a collective began to form. The arrests of 700 demonstrators on the Brooklyn Bridge on Oct. 1 pushed the event to the fore of media coverage.

To hear tell from Adbusters founder and editor Kalle Lasn now, the question of that one demand still needs to be answered concisely and directly. But as the movement overspills Wall Street, he describes it as the most successful in the 22 years he and his magazine have been advocating "culture jamming," which originally sought to subvert consumerism. The Tyee sat down with Lasn in the office of Adbusters -- south of False Creek, with a fine view of downtown Vancouver -- to address that singular demand, his renewed faith in the left and the soft power of ballerinas.

Wall Street Ballerina.On the ballerina atop bull imagery of Adbusters' original #OccupyWallStreet poster:

"To me it was a sublime symbol of total clarity. Here's a body poised in this beautiful position and it spoke of this crystal-clear sublime idea behind this messy business. On top of the head it said, 'What is our one demand?' To me it was almost like an invitation, like if we get our act together then we can launch a revolution. It had this magical revolutionary feel to it, which you couldn't have with the usual lefty poster which is nasty and visceral and in your face. The magic came from the fact this ballerina is so sublimely tender.

"There's some idea there, and the power of it comes from the fact that most of the time you'll never be able to answer what it is. It's just there. It's just a magic moment that you can feel in your gut that it's there, and you're willing to go there and sleep there and go through the hardship and fight for it. Once you start answering it too clearly then the magic is gone."

On the revolt's many parents:

"We have a network of 90,000 culture jammers who are tuned into us at various levels. The biggest brainstorms happened between myself and Adbusters senior editor Micah White, who lives in Berkeley. We were the two key people who got excited, and more and more excited, morning after morning, and eventually decided on that hashtag, #OccupyWallStreet. When we launched that hashtag, the twittering came on so hard and fast that it drove us. We suddenly said, 'Hey, this could actually happen.'

"Anonymous gave us that -- I don't know what you call it, that sort of anarchy cred. All of a sudden this organization that has this strange mystique to it, they're saying, 'Yeah, occupy Wall Street!' That first video of theirs was quite a delightful little piece of videomaking, and at that moment I could feel that we got a mighty boost forward.

"We always thought of ourselves as the catalyzers, the people who set that meme, as we like to call it, in motion. And right from the start we decided that we're not going to play a part on the street, that if our meme flies, if people love it, then we're happy to come up with posters, and we did send them all kinds of handbills and we sent them corporate America flags. So we left it pretty well up to them.

"But we do try to influence it on the deeper level. Our poster said, 'What is our one demand?' They didn't like that. And we thought it was very important, for them to have peoples' assemblies and for them to demonstrate how radical democracy really works. We thought it was a mistake for them not to discuss what some of the demands could be, and we pushed them very hard to get some of their demands together, so when a New York Times reporter phones you up and says, 'What do you want?' that you can at least answer that question. That debate is still continuing now, about whether we should have that one demand.

"I've felt like this all my life and even though I'm kind of an old guy now, I must admit age doesn't seem to come into it. I feel like this is the first time in the 20-plus year history of Adbusters that we really have a chance to pull something off, and it's we. Let's face it, most of the people, probably 90 per cent of the people camping out on Wall Street are young people, and even though I'm not sleeping there I still feel it's we. It takes old people like me and theoreticians like Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, who are writing for our next issue, and people like David Graeber, the anarchist, and Saul Newman, the guy who recently wrote a book about anarchism. It takes all kinds of people to launch a revolution, but the cutting edge is young people who put their asses on the line."

On watching the occupation from afar:

"I must admit I was very buoyed that people immediately started organizing in New York, and we knew that this thing was going to happen, even weeks in advance, that there were pre-meetings. But, you know, when that first Saturday came, Saturday, Sept. 17, then I did have this feeling that the whole damn thing could fizzle, and that we would be there for a day, and if we were lucky half a dozen people would stay there all night, and the whole thing could be just a puff of wind that came and went.

"It has grown beyond anything I thought was possible in the early days. The mood changes every day, and this realization that all of a sudden it's a nationwide movement in the United States and now it's even creeping into Canada. That's -- what can I say? It's beyond anything I imagined early on. I've been sort of running with it day by day, and now it feels like anything is possible. It's a good lesson for me. I've always been reticent and careful and doing a lot of planning and stuff. For me personally it's told me, don't hold back. Just go for it. You never know what'll happen.

"The most remarkable thing that inspired me, when I first started looking at the original videos that first started appearing on Russian TV, and other videos that were made, and they went up to people in Zuccotti Park and asked people, I just couldn't believe how articulate and how tuned in these people actually were. I'd gone along with this feeling that a lot of the political left is just a loony left, and there's a bunch of granola people running around saying, 'We want to overthrow capitalism,' and that sort of stuff. Here we are brainstorming, trying to come up with slogans, and all of a sudden they were spontaneously saying things in the street that inspired me. They said it better than what we could come up with in our brainstorming sessions! That told me that maybe the political left isn't as loony as I'd been thinking for the past 10 years. Maybe there is a spark of revolutionary fervor there after all."

On harnessing the momentum established thus far:

"We know there's going to be another big moment Oct. 15 when the people in Europe start getting their act together. And then now we are sort of strategically trying to up the level and see if we can't pull off something even crazier than Occupy Wall Street, whether we can pull off a sort of global Tahrir moment.

"I know it sounds kind of grandiose, but it seems like on Nov. 3 and 4, when the G20 meet, it is possible to have millions of people marching around the world, all demanding one thing. And we believe that one thing could be the Robin Hood tax. The Tobin Tax, what we're calling a one per cent tax on all financial transactions. And this could be a tipping point moment where we the people tell our politicians and our leaders what we want to happen to our economy, rather than having to listen to their bullshit about shall we have a stimulus or shall we not, or shall we do this or shall we not. Let's slow down fast money with a Tobin Tax, and we feel that over the next one month we may be able to instigate a global movement where the young people of the world stand up and say, 'We want to have a Robin Hood tax.'"

On the possibility of an American version of regime change:

"For the last 20 years we've been talking about cultural revolution and we've launched various campaigns. Something kind of magical happened around the time that that guy burned himself in Tunisia, and it suddenly sparked that regime change in Egypt. There was something about the way it was generated by Facebook and Twitter and a few key people, very creative people who did something on some web site and called for people to go out in the street and then expecting 500 or 5,000 and all of a sudden they got 50,000. Strategically it suddenly became possible to get a huge number of people who are angry about something, or who are deeply concerned about something, it's possible to get them out and to get them to strut their stuff. So that was the inspirational moment that we talked about a lot in our brainstorms here.

"We decided in our brainstorming sessions that regime change in America wouldn't be like regime change in Egypt, obviously, because it's a totally different kind of a situation. We don't have some torturous dictator that's calling the shots in North America, or in America. But it did feel like there was this kind of a soft regime that was controlled by the power of finances and by the power of lobbyists and by the power of corporations to get their own way. And it felt like some kind of a soft regime change was necessary there. So we felt, to put it succinctly, that a Tahrir moment for America was in the cards, was definitely possible."

On why it took three years after Lehman Brothers' implosion for people to storm the streets:

"When the financial meltdown happened, there was a feeling that, 'Wow, things are going to change. Obama is going to pass all kinds of laws, and we are going to have a different kind of banking system, and we are going to take these financial fraudsters and bring them to justice.' There was a feeling like, 'Hey, we just elected a guy who may actually do this.' In a way, there wasn't this desperate edge. Among the young people there was a very positive feeling. And then slowly this feeling that he's a bit of a gutless wonder slowly crept in, and now we're despondent again.

"On the Egyptian side, even though their techniques were very inspiring, in the beginning there was this feeling that this doesn't apply to us. This applies to nations who have monsters like Mubarak who routinely torture people every day. Theoreticians and pundits say now, people I talk to, that ultimately this Tahrir moment that happened in Egypt, that it ultimately will apply more to first world countries and to young people all around the world, that soft regime change may actually be the great achievement of what Tahrir taught us."


Sunday, 2 October 2011

Ottawa Tar Sands Action on Parliament Hill 26/09/11

or What was that you said? Whither?
or Why the environmental movement is well and truely fucked.
Up, Down, Appendices, Postscript.

¡Ya basta!Maybe 'fucked' is too strong a term? Do you think?

Well ... think again.

Eu faço a minha parte.(In my defence, gentle reader, let me say that I am spending the best part of several days writing this - not only to waste my time but in the faintest of hopes that it may somehow help to get us un-fucked.)

There were about 1,200 arrests in Washington recently - that tells us that 1 in 250,000 Americans really thought the issue was worth going to the wall for. As a percentage it doesn't even compute - too many zeroes. If there were another 1,200 who just absolutely couldn't get there, then consider that this was a pretty soft wall.

On Monday of last week about 200 Canadians went 'over the fence' on Parliament Hill - that tells us that 1 in 175,000 really thought ... &etc. ... low fence.

The American organizers are now planning to encircle the White House - à la Abbie Hoffman & the Yippies in '67, "gonna' levitate the Pentagon" - and this is a very good idea. I might just return to Washington on November 6 to participate (and to prove to the milquetoast Green Party mucky-mucks and David Suzuki and others that one can still cross the border even having been 'arrested' there previously).

(They are so well organized, these Americans, that - having listened to Chris Hedges at the very end of this post - I am now unclear on whether it is October 6th or November 6th, or both? I went and voted early so I would be free to go on October 6 ... was only a little chagrined to find it moved to November when I got home from voting ... but Chris Hedges thinks he is going there in October, and now I have difficulty believing a single word these people say! And they don't answer emails. I am sorry for being such a shit head.)

In lieu of analysis and planning, the Canadian organizers are now exhorting their devotees to write more letters to their MPs (and, to be fair, to the media and their friends). Doh!? But as my old friend Louis Lesosky says, "Let's see ... 42% of the people aren't voting and aren't paying attention to elections - we only have 58% more to convince that there's nothing happening here."

Meanwhile, Tim DeChristopher is sitting in an American penitentiary for having performed a thoughtful and thoroughly peaceful action at an auction that was itself later ruled illegal. And he will still be either sitting there or on probation when we pass the planetary best-before-date in 2015.

Here, listen to him speak at Power Shift in March of this year. And if you have seen this speech before then ... Watch it again!

Or read this article from the Toronto Sun prior to the Washington action: Do as we say, not as we do. The problem is not that Lorrie Goldstein is stupid or self-interested or any of that standard guff. The problem is that he has hit the nail right upon its shiny little head.

OK. There are two fundamental questions in this:

1. What is the sustainable carrying capacity of this planet? A population of 3 or 4 billion? A little more? A lot less? Short of cold fusion turning out not to be a hoax it is certainly nothing like the 7 billion we have now. The 8-10 billion estimated by the eminent bureaucrats at the UN is pure science fiction. And,


2. How long have we got? The easy answer is, "Nobody knows." But we do know that either we have already passed the major tipping points (permafrost methane & methane clathrates on the continental shelves), or we are about to pass them. No one seriously disputes it. You can't dispute it. Both sources of atmospheric methane are already bubbling in places - I have read the journals and reports and seen the photographs which prove it.

So, being an optimist, and having read everything that people like James Hansen and a host of other credible individuals have to say - my guess is that we have until about 2015 to turn CO2 and equivalent greenhouse gas emissions around or we are collectively cooked. That's to say that the Keeling Curve must, at the very least, level off. 350 ppm CO2e is the upper limit of the human comfort zone - we are now at 391. QED.

And if anyone thinks they can realistically walk around either of these two points I would sure like to hear about it.

Toxic k-k-Canada.Maybe you could spare me arguments from the likes of Ezra Levant and his trusty sidekick Alykhan Velshi ... or Joe Oliver or Peter Kent or wazizname ... Stephen Harper. Well ... okay ... I don't want to close any doors - use them if you have to, but be aware beforehand that their arguments are mostly made out of money and tissue paper (possibly a toilet roll thrown in there) and wishful thinking - these men are weasels and stoats and their arguments simply do not wash.

How can you develop a sustainable economy on a finite planet based on some notion of growth? Sooner or later it has to go bust.

The only hopeful sign is that the Globe used the A-word yesterday: Is this an economic apocalypse?. But this is about what the rich are doing with their money. When things get rough they will take as much cash and physical negotiables out as they are able to and hide somewhere - not many of them, not enough anyway, will suffer much.

Meanwhile, to the eminently reasonable people who say that we either have to take the oil out of the ground or freeze (in the Canadian idiom), I say, better to freeze now, gradually, and maybe survive, while we still have a functioning culture, than to freeze (and die) in the brutal every-person-for-themself aftermath of, say, a relentless and not-very-gradual collapse of world economies. And unless it happens quickly this collapse, it will be too late anyway - the major tipping points will have already kicked in. And 'survival' in that context takes on quite a different hue, even for the cached-away nobles and their families and friends.

(I know freezing is the wrong metaphor - but that's how Canadians think, they worry a bit about gas for their cars and so forth but what they are really concerned about is being warm in the wintertime.)

Please look carefully at these images of Mmekutmfon Essien (if you dare).

Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.These first ones were taken by herself as part of a group called 'The Amazon's New Clothes' - when she knew that she was dying;

Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.Mmekutmfon Essien.and these were taken by Barron Claiborne. There seems to be a progression, an order, in each set.

This is what despair looks like when it does not give up. She died in 2001 at the age of 34. But she left us these photographs as a testament, and especially (for me) the last one of each set: of her wound, her arm up and her hand still clenched in a fist; and then, holding a starfish in front of herself so delicately.

I believe this is the energy that is now required if we are to have any effect as an environmental movement. Naked, bereft, strong. The environment is gone; long live the environment.

Martin Buber is best known as a philosopher - but he initially set out in the direction of psychiatry, and this paragraph from his book, On psychology and psychotherapy, is unforgettable:
"The doctor who confronts the effects on the guilty man of an existential guilt must proceed in all seriousness from the situation in which the act of guilt has taken place. Existential guilt occurs when someone injures an order of the human world whose foundations he knows and recognizes as those of his own existence and of all common human existence. The doctor who confronts such a guilt in the living memory of his patient must enter into that situation; he must lay his hand in the wound of the other and learn: this concerns you. But then it may strike him that the orientation of the psychologist and the treatment of the therapist have changed unawares and that if he wishes to persist as a healer he must take upon himself a burden he had not expected to bear."
Here, read just the end of that one sentence again: ... he must lay his hand in the wound ... and learn: this concerns you.

A secular retelling of Donne's meditation, "... and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." (?) ... Perhaps, but Donne is talking specifically about death, and we are not quite talking about death ... yet ... or at least only abstractly, metaphorically.

Not so far away from Sylvia Plath's, "Taste it, dark red!" either, is it?

Aislin: Was it good for you?A few thoughts, in no particular order, about last Monday's action on Parliament Hill:

(I believe that device to the right is what's known as a 'phallocarp'.)

1. Greenpeace: The list of excellent Greenpeace actions is long - except that they are not generally 'mass' actions. (I put mass in quotes because 200 people climbing over a fence is hardly a mass.) When it comes to the logistics of occupying an earthmover in the Albian Hills tar sands or scaling & decorating the House of Commons in Ottawa they are brilliant. But I wonder if it needs a different set of skills & sensibilities to appeal to the person in the street and convince him or her to come together en masse to disobey a trespassing law?


2a. Internet Tools: We all talk about the 'power of the Internet' but I have yet to see anything which effectively addresses the real needs of groups trying to organize actions. There are dozens of packages out there - but each has serious drawbacks: either from too much emphasis by the developper wanting to sell more copies; or user interfaces that are clearly designed by relatively young nerds and adepts who never get around to using the interfaces they build; ... I could go on and on about this ...

"When you're up to your neck in alligators, it's easy to forget you came to drain the swamp," (or something). So, since you don't reach for the tool until you are already planning something - you never get around to building a proper one.

The tool used for the Ottawa action was poor; particularly in the failure of the Forums to get off the ground (people don't like having to register).


2b. Sysadmin: What you see of a tool depends upon a database which is generally not seen. But databases inevitably fill up with things that the designers and programmers never thought of - junk. Without some human person's constant attention the database quickly becomes useless - you absolutely must have a skilled, conscientious and committed Sysadmin.

If the tool is poor, weak, the only fallback is a team to keep things straight 'mandraulically', emails answered and so on. From my experience this did not happen in the Ottawa action.

As of today the Forum: 'The Action! Let us know what you thought of the action!' is empty. I tried to post something there but it never appeared. Everyone has apparently gone home.


3. Bureaucracy & Administration: Bureaucracy is one of the great evils of our age. People prefer to be treated as persons not database transactions or forms that are not properly filled out. Bureaucracies cannot be compassionate or caring. And movements depend upon association - you cannot have a movement unless people have first had conversations in small groups, and the strength of a movement depends exactly & precisely upon whatever strength is in the bonds between each and every associated person.

A lot of bureaucratic and administrative shortcomings were made up for in what I saw of the 'training' session.

Then on Monday I noticed that it took almost an hour to get assigned to a 'wave'. There was a tediously slow lineup. Did anyone look at the line and just decide to skip it? Did anyone join the line and then leave it again in frustration?


4. It's all about ME!: Two sides to this one.

Of course everyone, however humble, is interested in themself, wants to see her or his picture on the web or in the newspaper, wants to be praised, wants recognition (except maybe the FRB's - Fully Realized Beings - and Operating Thetan Level VII's). This is human nature. But that doesn't necessarily mean they put themselves first.

The other side, and when it comes to leadership, is subtler, murky - all I can do is give an example which you will either understand or not: it is the difference between either of, say, Gitz Crazyboy or Graham Saul, and Clayton Thomas-Muller.

My redneck friends look at it about the same way Lorrie Goldstein does and they use this sometimes false evaluation that people are acting out of self-interest or self-promotion to dismiss the whole shebang.


5. Post-game wrap-up: Since this was the first mass civil disobedience on the environmental front in k-k-Canada, or at least the only one I can remember, there had to be a post-mortem (mortem being unfortunately apt in my opinion) to fully get at what was done right, what was done wrong (or not as right as it might have been) and to begin to formulate plans for the next steps. If the Forums had been better they might have served as a location for that discussion. As it is ... the discussion is not happening as far as I can see - and this is a shame.

Just watch some of the Occupy Wall Street videos - THAT is what democracy looks like.


6. Inconvenient Comparisons: You can only tip-toe so far around the elephant in the room. Comparisons with civil rights actions in the 50's and 60's, and with the Vietnam protests are inevitable. And the kinds of hardships we endured last Monday and in Washington three weeks earlier show up pale and wan, even lame, in those comparisons. A-and even so, vanishingly few were ready to face them. (Oops!)


7. Preaching to the choir: This has got to stop. The choir is convinced. It is the mass of people who do not understand root-1 of the problem, who have to be reached, talked with, convinced, brought inside.


8. Comfort and Indifference: It might be time to have another look at Denys Arcand's 1981 documentary film Le confort et l'indifférence, with subtitles I suppose ...

If anyone cares to send me an email (the address is there in my Blogger profile), asking nicely, and including a mailing address, I will send them along a copy.

Following up on a few odds and ends:

Crashing Wall Street.Crashing Wall Street.The occupation of Wall Street is ongoing: Occupy Wall Street - We will not be moved. A report from the NYT on Friday, and this one from yesterday look slightly better than the early NYT response. And, you could say it started in Canada on July 13.
(Cartoon from Marc Roberts, Wednesday 28 September 2011, Crashing Wall Street.)

Tropical Storm Lee, September 9 in Bloomsburg Pennsylvania.Tropical Storm Nock-Ten, September 12 in Saraburi Thailand near Bangkok.What goes around comes around. That's what they say. I didn't set out to compare tropical storms with, say, hurricanes; but I ended up there - these photographs are showing the results of tropical storms Lee and Nock-ten.

A-and then I was following up on the news from Derek Mueller at Carleton that the Ellesmere Island ice shelves lost almost half of their area in 6 years ... 50% in SIX years! Oh fuck oh fuck!

Ellesmere Island Ice Shelves August 2005.Ellesmere Island Ice Shelves August 2005.
Ellesmere Island Ice Shelves August 2011.Ellesmere Island Ice Shelves August 2011.
(Images and text from Derek Mueller - Carleton University, labelling of the maps by myself.)

"In 1906, the Ellesmere Island ice shelves were an estimated 8,900 km2 and were reduced to 1,043 km2 over the last century. The total extent of Ellesmere ice shelves is now 563 km2 or 54 per cent of what it was prior to the loss of the Ayles Ice Shelf in August 2005."

Eventually (but very likely too late to do any good) even Stephen Harper & Peter Kent & Joe Oliver will see that they have painted themselves into a corner. Men of no character ... well ... I don't want to be sexist about it so I'll throw Rona Ambrose in there too and then I can say: "women and men of no character" (in the proper phraseology of correctitude).

What will they do when they finally figgure out they have boxed themselves I wonder? Almost anything I guess: Call out the Army! Pray to the Great Cloud Dragon!

Gordon McBean.Gordon McBean.Gordon McBean.Gordon McBean.Who is Gordon McBean? I had no idea but the title of this Globe article reads, "Top Canadian climate scientist to head international council."

You can see him there with his (I presume) grandchildren.

The list of recent publications on his page at UWO looks to be focussed towards mitigation & adaptation - a long view which seems to me irrelevant, but ok.

In these two videos discussing climate change generally: Part 1 & Part 2 (5 min. each); he is clear and factual, and though he doesn't say it, he seems to understand the ultimate nature of the stakes.

There is not much at Wikipedia on him, yet. A bit more in this CV (.pdf), taking him up to 2007 or 2008.

So. Just wanting to get to know a little about him is all. In the Globe we are told: "In a chat just before the vote, Mr. McBean said he wanted to make the ICSU less bureaucrat [sic] and raise its international profile." What can you say about the ICSU? Is another bureaucracy, however reduced, going to be useful?

I do admire his ability to relate the facts so calmly.

I have no idea how to wrap this up?

Either with the response to despair that retreats & withdraws? That would be easiest. Convenient. Prudent. Safe.

Or in some other way ... a 'way'. That's it! A Tao! (? oh my, how pretentious) ... And what would that look like? Dunno. Everything in here is so derivative - my head goes straight to that line in Tangled Up In Blue: "Keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew," and sticks there.

I was in a house in Duque de Caxias years ago and got handed a young fellow, Hugo, to mind while supper was being made. Someone snapped a picture on my camera ... only because of that maybe that I can remember the sweet happiness of him trusting and being delighted.

Angelique Deng.Angelique Deng.("I got a little lady, she lives upstairs, makes her livin' puttin' on airs.")

Now, where on earth did that tune pop into my ear from? Must be some kinna internalized Anima speakin' up there eh? My inner child is a woman? Is that it? Probably a black woman - that's comforting. Hard to believe that the Sudanese model pictured there, Ajak Deng, is only 22 years old.

Roger Scruton, the now disgraced (for taking money from tobacco companies to plant opinion pieces - £4,500 a month they say back in 2002, not shabby) right-wing philosopher, wrote a book on Sexual Desire in 1986. In it he describes the difficulties of lesbians making contact, and of knowing who is leading (in the dance, so to speak) and who is being led. I can't think how he would have very reliable opinions on the matter - but nevermind. He imagined them waiting ... and you know, it does take two to tango.

:-)That'll have to be it then. Waiting is okay I guess. No choice really.

Be well.

Victory Burlesque.Victory Burlesque.
The email from Dicionário inFormal just arrived - a bit late this week.

In it is the Brazilian expression for 'kick the bucket' - abotoar o paletó (abotoar - to button up, and paletó - jacket).

When we were kids going to high-school in the Toronto of the 50's and 60's, we wore jackets all year round - nerds and grownups wore coats. And, walking to and from school in those halcyon days before school busses, we never, ever zipped or buttoned them up.

But even in those days Toronto didn't get snow and cold like New Liskeard.

Chris Hedges: Here, listen to this: CBC: The Sunday Edition, first hour (starting about 8 min 30 sec. into it); and read this: The World As It Is: Dispatches on the myth of human progress, Chris Hedges, 2010.

It is now 3AM. I often wake like this, in the middle of the night and unable to get back to sleep. It's no good fighting it ... so here I am, up, making coffee, trying to move softly in this old building so the squeaky floors don't bother the neighbours in the other apartments.

I listened (on the earphones) to Chris Hedges again. Interesting to hear Michael Enright denying any pressure to conform, and Hedges' response.

He is a friend of Bill McKibben's apparently. And he quotes John Ralston-Saul - who makes me think of Adrienne Clarkson. None of these three are very high on my list anymore, nor Michael Enright either ... and towards the end of the interview I sense that Hedges might not like me very well either from up-close. Who knows? If I go back to Washington on October 6th, if the event is in fact happening then, I may meet him and find out.

My friend Keith used to say that it all comes down to temperament. I always thought 'truth will out' (and such like nonsense).

How can it be that I am so alone with this? I don't understand. I am lost in this nightThanks Dad. :-) - though some kind of genetic sense-of-humour or maybe just plain old stamina that I seem to have inherited from my father keeps me laffin'.


1. Arresting development: Suzuki, Klein, Barlow: Do as we say, not as we do, Lorrie Goldstein, Sunday June 26 2011.


2. Mfon Essien -- Photographer, 34, NYT Obituary, February 23 2001.

Arresting development: Suzuki, Klein, Barlow: Do as we say, not as we do, Lorrie Goldstein, Sunday June 26 2011.

Calling all Canadians willing to be arrested outside the White House this summer protesting a proposed pipeline from Alberta’s oilsands to Texas.

If that’s your idea of fun, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein, Maude Barlow and a bunch of Americans you’ve probably never heard of, save for actor Danny Glover, want YOU.

And don’t worry, fellow Canucks.

Should you embark on this Gaia-saving mission, Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. will be 100% behind you, right up to the moment you get arrested in the protests planned for mid-August to Labour Day.

But after that? Not so much.

Here’s the clarion call to arms Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. have put their signatures to, urging people to sign up for mass protests at the White House:

“We will, each day through Labour Day, march on the White House, risking arrest with our trespass.”

But here’s the fine print, the escape clause, the old, bait-and-switch.

“Not all of us can actually get arrested — half the signatories to this letter live in Canada and might well find our entry into the U.S. barred.”

In other words, they’re urging others to cross a legal line, while they remain safely behind it.

So what we really have here is another example of the glaring hypocrisy of the warmist elites.

Led by their patron saint, Al Gore, who preaches that everyone else must take a vow of austerity, while he jet-sets around the world leaving a carbon footprint in his wake that could choke a horse. Plus, despite being a father of four, calling for everyone else to have fewer children.

It’s all arrogant, elitist, nonsense, born of an attitude of perpetual entitlement.

Beyond that, the stipulations Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. put on the type of protesters they want are unintentionally hilarious.

To wit:

(1) Political correctness stipulation: While protesting at the White House to call attention to President Barack Obama’s lack of action on stopping the pipeline, they simultaneously want you to indicate deep down you still support Obama — including wearing his 2008 presidential campaign button — if you have one.

(2) Age requirement: They don’t want college kids leading the protests. Instead, Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. want “elders” who’ve “spent their lives pouring carbon in the atmosphere” to agree to be arrested. (The fact they might even have better reasons for travelling to the U.S. than Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. isn’t addressed.)

(3) Dress code. Yep. Seriously. To wit: “Come dressed as if for a business meeting” in what Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. concede will be “the hottest and stickiest weeks of the summer.” Why? Because “this is … serious business.” Yeah, sure.

(4) Deportment: Finally, something that makes sense: “One thing we don’t want is a smash-up: If you can’t control your passions, this action is not for you.”

Protest ... and support

So, to sum up, we have Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. calling for well-behaved, middle-aged, well-dressed protesters to show up daily at the White House “in dignified fashion,” prepared to be arrested for trespassing, while simultaneously demonstrating against Obama and supporting him.


Which raises the question of arrested for what? Since no one can just walk up to the White House, it’s hard to understand what they’re going to be arrested for, if they follow these bizarre instructions to the letter.

Of course, if people want to be arrested there’s always a way, which brings us to what Suzuki, Klein, Barlow and Co. will be doing while others presumably get themselves arrested, at their urging.

These green elites “will be making plans for sympathy demonstrations outside Canadian consulates in the U.S., and U.S. consulates in Canada.”

It’s unclear whether they want Canadians at those protests to be arrested. The only thing that seems clear is they don’t plan to be arrested themselves.

In other words: “Do as we say, not as we do.”

Isn’t it time we made that the official motto of the warmists?

Mfon Essien -- Photographer, 34, NYT Obituary, February 23 2001.

Mfon Essien, a Nigerian-born American photographer, died on Feb. 13 in New York. She was 34.

The cause was breast cancer, according to her publicist and friend, Tonya Miller.

Ms. Essien, whose full name is Mmekutmfon, was born in the village of Ikot Ekpene in Nigeria and came with her family to the United States when she was 2. She studied literature and art at Morgan State University in Baltimore, then moved to New York, where she worked as a fashion photographer.

Her first New York gallery appearance was at Rush Arts in Chelsea in 1996. Her last work, produced after she underwent a radical mastectomy, was a series of nude self-portraits titled ''The Amazon's New Clothes,'' two of which are in the exhibition ''Committed to the Image: Contemporary Black Photographers,'' now at the Brooklyn Museum of Art.

She is survived by her mother, Adiaha Essien, and two brothers, Ebakuwa and Sema Essien, all of Baltimore.
