Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Should we arrest him?

Should we arrest him?
Strolling around Stureplan in Stockholm. I photographed a few shop windows, people queueing for free coffee, Christmas decorations and then the mounted police. The female officer closed here eyes when she first noticed me.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How many officers does it take...

How many officers does it take...
In this case, six. Four police officers and two security guards. Not sure what the issue was, maybe he just needed some help. A few minutes later when I walked past them, the man was helped into the police van. As seen at Vasagatan in Stockholm. The building was once known as the Central Post Office Building. I "worked" there for a couple of weeks as a ninth-grader. Today a Government building.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Viktor Adolphson

Viktor Adolphson
This is Viktor Adolphson. A well known police officer at Södermalm in Stockholm. Been in the force for some 20 years. Originally from Dalarna. He has a huge following on Twitter, I am one of his readers. Every day he informs us about his work as a police officer in Stockholm, and that is tough work these days. Earlier this year, his first crime novel was released. Götgatsbacken. Written together with Hans-Olov Öberg. I spotted Viktor yesterday at an event that I will show you in a day or two. He was talking with someone on his police-radio as I snapped the portrait at Mynttorget in Stockholm and gave me a little approving nod.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


I got some sort of stomach bug last Friday. Followed by fever and a lot of walking between the bed and the bathroom. Never much fun. But I could watch some TV, a few series and a lot of tennis. We had a fantastic weekend, with 25C. Well, at least for the people not in bed! Still at home today. If not, I would probably have been outside the Parliament building to take a look at the opening of the Riksdag. And I am sure these two police officers from Rytteriet will be there for that. I snapped this photo of them at Nybroplan last week.

Monday, September 04, 2023

I see you!

I see you!
Mikael Ericson, also known as the doctor, in action at Stortorget. He sees everything, so you better not try anything! He moved in to the new police station at Bollhusgränd earlier this year, but is a well known face for everyone in the old town since a number of years, he found and closed down five apartment brothels during one busy year with the help of a few nosy neighbors. The new station is open for anyone to drop in a few hours every week for a chat with Mikael about whatever. He already knows everyone, so if something happens here he will usually get a phone call, or a text message about it and will be on site within a couple of minutes. When I posted this photo at flickr, one of his colleagues, a long time flickr contact to me, left a comment saying that Mikael was a legend without a PhD. Oh, and about the nickname, he once declared a person for dead when in fact the person was very much alive!

Monday, August 28, 2023

The new normal

The new normal
Like I said in a previous post. The Swedish Security Service has raised the terrorist threat level from level 3 to level 4. So this is the new normal. Police armed with automatic weapon patrolling the streets, like here at Sergels torg. The reason behind it. It started with the Danish/Swedish right-wing provocateur Rasmus Paludan burning the Quran. He was followed by another nutter, Salwan Momika who also enjoys burning the Quran. I was in Stockholm last week when he did that. I was on the other side of the water, but I could hear a lot of screaming and shouting as people were protesting about his actions. All of this upset a bunch of religious leaders in the Middle East, and they started talking about a holy war against Sweden. Swedish authorities also claim that Russia have something to do with all of this by planting fake news in social media. If you would like to know more, check out this Wikipedia article.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

On the lookout

On the lookout
I definitely see more police on the streets, and out on the water, like here at Blasieholmen near the Nationalmuseum, since the national terror threat level was raised last week. And while walking around City Hall during the Antiques Roadshow I spotted security everywhere. I always notice things like this as I am always out with my cameras, and it is hard not to reflect on what might actually happen.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Ice cream break

Ice cream break
A bicycle police stopping for an ice cream at the pier Lugnets terrass at Hammarby Sjöstad. Seemed like the smart thing to do as it was one of those warm Summer days. There are around forty police officers riding around Stockholm, all of them using mountainbikes from Santos, a Dutch brand.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The Segway Police

The Segway Police
Out shooting at Swedenborgsgatan, one of many "sommargågator" (a street closed off for traffic during the Summer), I spotted this police officer out patrolling on his Segway. I have seen him in the area before, he reminds me of a British actor, but this was the first time I managed to get a good portrait of him. The police station is just a couple of blocks away at Torkel Knutssonsgatan. Torkel was himself Lord High Constable of Sweden some 700 years ago. As you can see, this modern day officer comes prepared with a fire extinguisher, first aid kit and probably much more. Seconds after spotting me, he gave me a peace sign, but I had already stopped shooting by then.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Lunch Break

Lunch Break
Eight police officers enjoying a bite to eat and drink at Strömkajen, just across the street from the Grand Hotel. Looks like today's lunch came from McDonald's. In the background the Parliament House at Helgeandsholmen.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Protecting and Serving

Keeping the streets safe Sjöpolisen
Two law enforcement photos. The young officers were on a break after controlling the crowds outside the Royal castle the other day. I shot the second photo from the other side of Stockholms ström. It is the first of it's kind. The Marell Boat M15. In use by the Nacka Strand Police since 2020.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto
One of my friends sublets a house on his property. Police were there with a couple of cars on Saturday. Pretty sure my friend's "houseguest" will be goon soon. Sad story really. I don't have all the facts but it looks like "his" Audi belonged to someone else. When we arrived the police had stopped another man who was driving away with the Audi hidden on a trailer, no idea how the police managed to be there just when that happened, so we speculated about that for a while as we were preparing the BBQ. My buddy had a long chat with the female officer before they searched the property. Twenty minutes after the police had left, the houseguest arrived home looking very worried and my buddy had a longish chat with him.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The long arm of the law

The long arm of the law
Police car driving through Tungelsta earlier in the week. Glad we have them. Both murder and a kidnapping here in recent time. I am yet to try Pizzeria Caprese, one reason for that could be that crappy ad on the wall. A few eons ago when I was a teenager one half of the building wasa popular cafe where you could play a few pinball machines. The other half saw the local post office, sadly we don't have post offices any more. Anywhere.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

On Patrol

On Patrol
This is Robert Landén. A familiar face for anyone visiting the mall in Handen, because that's where you can find "Robban" patrolling most days since at least three years. He used to work in the Stockholm Underground and is known to patrol on his own in and around the mall. I met him at Poseidon's Square on Saturday during Haninge Day.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

(not the), Highway Patrol

Fake Highway Patrol car. Spotted in Handen a few days ago. No need to get worried behind the wheel if this guy is following you. Owned by a 27 year old guy from the neighbouring municipality Huddinge.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Smiling Police

The Smiling Police
It was a busy day for the police on Sunday with the big Velothon bike race and the Haninge Day celebrations. They were everywhere, in full force. Arriving to Poseidon's square I noticed a police van and standing next to it talking to a few citizens I spotted a familiar face. And a very pretty face I might add. I had my first encounter with this police officer two years ago at another local event. She happily posed for a few photos and that of course made my day. Oh, and a friend mailed a copy of this photo to the police and it looks like they want to buy the photo and possibly use it in brochures and what have you.

Friday, June 07, 2013

The Swedish Police

The Swedish Police
I had an encounter with the police yesterday. And a very good looking police officer it was. So much so that I managed to forget her name!We met during the National Day celebrations that took place in Brandbergen.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Catching No Criminals

Catching No Criminals A lone fisherman
I walked out onto the frozen Lower Lake Rudan in Handen yesterday, and met a retired police officer. Lasse was ice fishing and as you can see from the evidence in the portrait photo, he had caught one fish when I arrived. I told him about a few of the other police officers I have met while shooting portraits around Haninge, and he knew two of them. The world champion Anne Sundell and, Björn Jansson, which isn't all that surprising considering that he worked for thirty years as a police officer in Stockholm. Lasse is a member of the local fishing club Lilla Fiskelyckan, but I don't think he will win any prices for this catch. Click here to see some big catches from this lake.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The tattooed arm of the law

The tattooed arm of the law

There was a strong police presence during the Haninge Day celebrations at Lake Rudan. Mostly because they wanted to meet the citizens. These two officers stood out a bit I think. The officer with the tattoo is nick named Tessan. Her bearded colleague answers to the name Ulf. Earlier this year I met their boss Max. And earlier this summer I met their colleagues Jacob and Åsa at another event.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Summer Festival

The Smiling Police Officers

The Clown

I visited a Summer Festival on Saturday. In Brandbergen. That's where I met Jacob and Åsa. Two police officers working from the Brandbergen station. It was a warm and sunny day, and everyone seemed happy, so it wasn't a very hard day for the officers. But they were in fact bribed during the day. I happened to overhear that conversation, so I demanded the same bribe, and a minute later we were all enjoying a free ice cream! I also met the new Mayor Martina Mossberg and we talked about politics for a while. I mentioned that I would blog about the festival and Martina told me that she had seen some of my photos. Two good bands were playing. Indoors you could listen to The Taxi Stand Steel Band. I have seen them before and they are always fantastic. The other band I saw was Doktor Krall. They play music from the 50s and 60s. They were joined by a singer called Tess Mercedes. Everyone gets hungry during a festival so there was a BBQ run by a local association called Samarkand. They got a bit exited when they noticed my camera, and a bit disappointed when I wasn't shooting for a newspaper. You could also enjoy African food. I took a portrait of a young man called Hesam, he is a police volunteer and a future police offer, we discussed photography which is one of his new hobbies. I also snapped a photo of a colorful clown who was busy making balloon animals for visiting kids. To see all photos (including a mishap for the police offocers), check out the slideshow above.