Showing posts with label skogs ekeby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skogs ekeby. Show all posts

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Ekeby Hage

Winter Photography Winter Road
Walking down Skolvägen at Skogs-Ekeby in Tungelsta as the snowing intensified. This is an area with many new houses. Among them seven new houses built by Mecon Bostad in a project called Ekeby Hage. They are very tiny, no more than 20 square meters! But there's a place to park your car and a storage area. And you get your own veranda, the house comes with large windows, very modern and energy-efficient. Might have to wait a few days before you can use the veranda again though. There are also a number of more normally-sized homes here and I'm not 100% sure which I managed to get in this photo. If you follow my link you can see an illustration of the area.

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Image
Out walking again. It started to snow just as I left the house. No plowed roads or sidewalks on this day so it was a good workout. Had to be careful with the traffic on the snowy roads. This is a traffic mirror along Skogs-Ekebyvägen. I will show you a few snowstorm photos tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Winter Gray

Winter Gray
Two newish houses at Skogs-Ekeby in Tungelsta. Looks good in the Winter landscape I think. One of their closest neighbours is a little estate that dates back four hundred years.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Construction

The Builder Two-Car Garage Winter Construction
It was windy yesterday. Adding the wind chill factor to the Winter temperature it can't have been much fun sitting on that garage yesterday. But if you work as a builder in Sweden you can't stop just because it is Winter.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Red Makes It

The red makes it
If you didnt know it before, Falu Red is a very popular color in Sweden. Not surprising perhaps that the man who lives in this Falu Red-painted house at Skogs-Ekeby in Tungelsta is a builder.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Winter Pastoral

Winter Pastoral II
I don't know anything about this house in Tungelsta, except for two things. It is a very beautiful house, and once upon a time a Lieutenant Forsell lived here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Under Wraps

Under Wraps

Under Wraps

Horrible weather this weekend. Perfect for promenades around Tungelsta. This new house wrapped in plastic can be found along Skolvägen (School Road), at Skogs Ekeby. If you walked by here just a few years ago, you would have first seen a few horses, then a small stable, and after that a few greenhouses. Now all that is gone and everywhere you look someone is building a new home. To see some of the recent the changes in this area, have a look at the slideshow.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Abandoned Fox Farm

The Abandoned Mink Farm

There's an abandoned fox and mink farm at Skogs Ekeby in Tungelsta. Back in 1925 a man called Erik Sigfrid Larsson arrived to Tungelsta from Floda. He was thirty years old and married. Larsson started one of Tungelsta's many plant nurseries. Five years later, in 1930 he started Ekbackens Rävfarm, (Oak Hill Fox Farm). The farm was abandoned many years ago and the sad remains can now be found in an oak forest. On my latest visit I noticed a funny sign saying that the recent acts of vandalism had been reported to the police! Erik's son Karl Erik still lives in a house nearby so I'm guessing he is responsible for the sign. My father Sten Harald Jansson bought a dog from Erik Sigfrid Larsson back in the 1940'. It was a rottweiler that my dad named Jack. He used to say that whenever Jack saw or heard Larsson's old car the dog would start to bark.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A White Winter Sky

Winter in Sweden

We have had a white winter sky in Haninge for the last few days. And with that I mean a snow fall or two. Which makes for good photo opportunities. This is a place called Sveaborg. It's located next to the runestone I showed you yesterday. The property was built back in the 1920ths when Josef and Henny Emanuelsson started a greenhouse business here. Later the Roos family bought the plant nursery and they built a new home closer to the greenhouses that are just down the road. This is one of those places that I often photograph, and on this occasion it was the Swedish flag that brought some extra color to this beautiful scene and I decided it would be perfect for Skywatch Friday.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Skogsekeby Runestone

Skogsekeby Runestone

There are 23 known runestones from the Viking Era in Haninge. This is the Skogsekeby runestone at Skolvägen in Tungelsta. The inscription reads: Vigils and Gerhjälm had this stone raised in memory after their brother Gudbjörn- björn cut the stone.

Or as it's written on the stone: in uik-l(s) : a-- kiRhimR : litu : ri(s)- stin : iftiR : burþur sen : kuþbiarn : --biarn : hiuk : stin.

The three brothers Gudbjörn, Virgils och Gerhjälm all lived at Tuna in Tungelsta one thousand years ago. Every time I walk by a runestone I start to think about how it must have been to live here back then.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Home with a Difference

A Home with a Difference II

I always try to document any changes in the landscape, and we have seen a lot of that in Haninge over the last few years. Many of the new housing areas are filled with prefabricated houses, where your new home is up in two days, and then it's just a matter of weeks or sometimes months to fix the interior, depending on whether you do it yourself or leave it to the professionals. But there are exceptions, and this is one of them. From Skogsekeby in Tungelsta, where a plant nursery and a horse farm has closed in recent time and where many new houses have been built over the last two years or so. This looks like a house with a difference. Construction seems to be slow at the moment, could be the cold weather I guess. I don't think I have seen this type of house before.

Monday, January 26, 2009

View From a Hill

View From a Hill

The crappy weather continues. So I will continue to digg into my Canon archive. Back in November of 2004 I decided to climb up to the top of the Limpberget hill at Skogsekeby here in Tungelsta. It's one of the highest points around here, and on a good day equipped with a pair of binoculars you should be able to get a decent view of the surroundings. What you see here are a few buildings along the Tornbergavägen road just below the hill. On that day four years ago I did shoot a panorama, and if you feel like it, you can see it here.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009



For a long time a building at this property at Skolvägen was used as storage for the brewery products made by a man called Falk. Back then the family that lived here was called Johansson and one of the daughters was in school with my mother. Today it's a private residence. A few months ago when I was out on a photo promenade I met the owner, and we chatted for a bit about the big changes that this area has seen over the last few years. He had seen some of my photos so I asked him if I could take his portrait for the 100 Strangers Project that I was busy with at the time. He said thanks, but no thanks. Today he has a few new neighbours as three new houses have been built on both sides of the Skolvägen road.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Summer vs. Winter

Summer vs. Winter

A diptych showing Summer and Winter at Skogsekeby in Tungelsta.

Original Summer version from June 2005. And the Winter version from March 2008.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Spotted this winter horse the other day at Skolvägen in Tungelsta. If you don't know anything about Haninge and Tungelsta I can tell you that there are horse farms all over the place.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pink House

Pink House

A pink house at Skolvägen in Tungelsta. There was a stable here before blocking the view from the road. Now the area is changing as some 80 houses will be built in this part of Tungelsta. Took the photo a couple of days ago, the snow is gone now. Bigger photo.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Haga Cottage

I have shown you this place a couple of times before but not from this angle so here it is again. I walked past the old Hagstugan the other day, and as always I lifted the camera and took a photo. The cottage is 300 years old and today used as a summer house. My last photo is from November. Back in the old days the cottage was known as a Rättarbostad and belonged to the Skogs Ekeby estate.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Skogs Ekeby Rune stone

The Photographers Shadow

For a thousand years people have travelled the old Skogs Ekeby road in Tungelsta. And all that time this rune stone has stood beside the road. The inscription reads: Vigils and Gerhjälm had this stone made after their brother Gudhjälm -björn cut the stone.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Swedish Winter

Wintertime at Skogs Ekeby in Tungelsta. Bigger photo. From a recent promenade. Just a bit different from the summer version.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Skogs Ekeby

Skogs Ekeby

A winter view from Skogs Ekeby in Tungelsta. Bigger photo. This old building painted with Falu Red probably once belonged to the Skogs Ekeby estate.