Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Memory Hole

The Artists

I had a sneak preview at an upcoming art exhibition yesterday. This is Arvid Wretman and Jenny Palén. Their exhibition is called Memory Hole and it will open at the Haninge Cultural Centre on Friday. I was having coffee at the cafe and started talking to Åsa Mårtensson who is the Master of Arts at the centre. She told me about the exhibition and we walked into the showroom where Arvid and Jenny were busy working. I wasn't allowed to take any photos inside the showroom so I asked them if we could go outside for a quick portrait. Arvid and Jenny are students at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm. The Memory Hole exhibition will run from this Friday until the 22th of August. If you visit on Friday you will also see a performance by Arvid and hear a musical performance by David Giese aka Joxaren. Later in the summer there will be an open workshop for students between seventh grade and ninth grade.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Artists at the Gallery

Artists at the Gallery


I visited the art gallery in Österhaninge on Saturday, Galleri Kyrkskolan that is located next to the Medieval Church. They have a Easter Exhibition at the gallery over the weekend, so if you live in the area you can visit today or on Monday. To show you some of the artwork I made a collage with a few photos from the artist studios, and a 360 panorama from the show room. The people you see here are Seija Swanberg, and Marie-Anne Kronqvist. There's also two paintings from Karen Nordsø Lundberg, and a sculpture from the show room. As I was talking to Marie-Anne she wanted me to have a look at a painting made by her son. For some reason it was hidden under a blanket (second photo). I thought it looked a bit Daliesque. The obviously talented artist is called Leonard Riem-Vis. That sounded a bit familiar, and when I googled his name I found one of my own posts from a few years ago! After chatting with all the artists and looking at their art I had coffee and cake in the garden. I asked one of the artists Annie Forsberg to snap a photo of me to show you that it was a warm day, despite the snow on the ground. If you want to see more art stuff from Kyrkskolan check out my flickr collection from the last five Art Promenades.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Just another day on the motorway

The Men with the Balloons

The Robot Man
The Tall American?

Surprisingly all the politicians left the scene in a hurry when suddenly a bunch of nearly naked young men took to the same stage. Dressed in white underwear and with gigantic white balls on their heads their sudden appearance made most of the crowd a little uneasy, especially when they walked off the stage to mingle with the now somewhat nervously laughing crowd. The second photo shows Robot Man. His real name in Mikael. He was a big hit with the kids (and everyone else). He has attended the Cirkus Cirkör school and has been working as an artist for a few years. More info about the Robot Man on his website. On the last photo you see what can only be described as a very tall American. He spoke American English and walked around asking people for money. Must be some American tradition! All in all just another day on the motorway...

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Anders Lindgren Quartet

The Anders Lindgren Quartet

The Anders Lindgren Quartet performing in Västerhaninge on Saturday. From left to right. Gustav Rosén, saxophone. On drums Bengt Tideström. Vocals by Ulrika Goliats Fredriksson (more of her tomorrow). The hidden bass player is Hans Carldén. On guitar Anders Ohlsson. And on keyboard, the band leader himself, Anders Lindgren. The band played traditional Christmas songs at the shopping centre before and after the performance by the Swedish Lucia Emma Johansson.

Normally a quartet would be four people, but I count six musicians here, but the more the merrier so why not!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Agnes & Martin

Agnes & Martin ♫

Music from the Middle Ages

There was a concert with music from the Middle Ages, performed by the duo Agnes & Martin at the Art Gallery in Österhaninge this afternoon. I learned about that from a poster I noticed today, so I decided to check it out. I arrived at the gallery 15 minutes before the show started. The duo was sitting in the garden and I had the chance to talk to Martin before their performance, and after the gig I got a few words with Agnes. They are busy people. Martin has a smithy, shop and a museum (opens in November 2008), in Handen where you can also buy jewellery designed by Agnes. Together they have a son, called Lo, and the family lives next to the museum. As I started to talk to Martin we exchanged cards, and that's when I realised who he was. Funnily enough I had a conversation about Martin and Agnes only a week ago when I met one of my previous strangers, the architect Rikard Lundin. Rikard asked me if I knew about the museum, which I did and we then talked about Martin & Agnes, so it's very typical that I should meet the two of them a week later! Agnes comes from Västerhaninge and she's currently taking a course in Museum Education at the Stockholm University. The two of them often tour the country with a group called Tattarklanen. It's like a medieval and Viking tivoli (a travelling theme park), Martin told me. With performances, music and more. We have also played in some of the restaurants in the Old Town in Stockholm he added.

This is my 82th photo for the 100 Strangers project. You can see the rest of my strangers in my Set

Thursday, August 28, 2008



Loulou performing on the big stage at Poseidon's square in Handen during the recent Haninge Day celebrations. More photos from this event in my flickr set.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



The acrobatic members of the Stockholm's Variety Theatre Group entertaining kids of all ages during the Haninge Day celebrations in Handen last Saturday.