Showing posts with label mailbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mailbox. Show all posts

Friday, March 09, 2018

Snow measurement

Snow measurement
One way to measure the amount of snow. Last time I did that here at Hagavägen 22 in Tungelsta they had a green mail box.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018


When I was a kid Gul&Blå was a very popular jeans brand. But I never owned a pair, I was more of a Wrangler kid. Gul&Blå means Yellow&Blue, which is a good title for this photo. The yellow letterbox is for national mail and the blue for local. As seen outside the kiosk near the Tungelsta commuter station a couple of days ago.

Monday, March 05, 2018

Hmm some odd numbers here

Hmm some odd numbers here
As seen at the new row houses along Lillgårdsvägen, where the first families have now moved in.

Friday, January 13, 2017


After a recent snow fall I decided to go for a photo promenade around Tungelsta. I didn't have any real inspiration but I did come home with a few photos. These mailboxes belong to a biker club, Eager MC. Their headquarters can be found along Södertäljevägen.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Tin Man

Tin Man
The Tin Man doesn't do much. Just stands there, year round waiting for the mail to arrive. I met him at Krigslida yesterday. He wasn't complaining despite the news that the cold weather is likely to stay for at least ten long days. -10C as I'm typing this, where are my long johns?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ghostly Mailbox

I noticed that Alexandria Daily Photo had some cool photos of unique mailboxes a few days ago. I have a flickr set with mailboxes from around Haninge. Only 14 photos so far but whenever I see one I like I add it to the set. Here's my favorite.

Ghostly Mailbox