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segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009

Alain Badiou's words

from lacan dot com

Alain Badiou
Is the Word “Communism” Forever Doomed?

"I name ‘event’, a rupture in the normal disposition of bodies and normal ways of a particular situation. Or if you want, I name ‘event’ a rupture of the laws of the situation. So, in its very importance, an event is not the realization/variation of a possibility that resides inside the situation. An event is the creation of a new possibility. An event changes not only the real, but also the possible. An event is at the level not of simple possibility, but at the level of possibility of possibility. […]
I name ‘state’ or ‘state of the situation’ the system of constraints, which precisely limit the possibility. For example today I name the state of our situation, capitalist economy, constitutional form of government, veridical laws about the order of labor, army, police, and so on – all that composes the state of our situation. The state defines what is possible and what isn’t. So an event is always something which happens beyond the state. And therein lies the difference between an event and a simple fact. […]
I name ‘truth procedure’ or ‘truth’ an organization of consequences of an event. The process or the fact of naming the process of what follows an event. […]"

domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 10/10

Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 9/10


Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 8/10


Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 7/10


Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 6/10


Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 5/10


Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 3/10


Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 2/10


Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 1/10
Alain Badiou, Avital Ronnell talking about the process of negation, objectivity, creation, affirmation, subtraction and destruction as well as literature, poetry, music, Schoenberg, tonality, musical discourse, evolution, revolution, politics, and marxist ideology. Public open video lecture for the faculty and students of the European Graduate School, Media Studies Department Program, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2007. Alain Badiou, born 1937, in Rabat, Morocco is a prominent French Left-wing philosopher, former chair of Philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure ENS. Alain Badiou, Ph.D: Plato and Rene Descartes Chair at EGS, born in Rabat, Morocco in 1937, Alain Badiou was a student at the école Normale Supérieure in the 1950s. He taught at the University of Paris VIII (Vincennes-Saint Denis) from 1969 until 1999, when he returned to ENS as the Chair of the philosophy department. He continues to teach a popular seminar at the Collège International de Philosophie, on topics ranging from the great antiphilosophers Saint-Paul, Paul the Apostle, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jacques Lacan to the major conceptual innovations of the twentieth century. Much of Badiou's life has been shaped by his dedication to the consequences of the May 1968 revolt in Paris. Long a leading member of Union des jeunesses communistes de France (marxistes-léninistes), he remains with Sylvain Lazarus and Natacha Michel at the centre of L'Organisation Politique, a post-party organization concerned with direct popular intervention in a wide range of issues including immigration, labor, and housing. He is the author of several successful novels and plays as well as more than a dozen philosophical works.
He is the author of Philosophy, Le concept de modèle 1969, Théorie du sujet 1982, Peut-on penser la politique? 1985, L'Être et l'Événement 1988, Manifeste pour la philosophie 1989, Le nombre et les nombres 1990, Conditions 1992, L'Éthique 1993, 2005, Deleuze 1997, Saint Paul. La fondation de l'universalisme 1997, 2002, Abrégé de métapolitique 1998, Court traité d'ontologie provisoire 1998, Petit manuel d'inesthétique 1998, D'un désastre obscur 1998, Logiques des mondes. L'être et l'événement, 2. 2006. Badiou wrote several dramas, critical or political essays including Rhapsodie pour le théâtre 1990, Beckett, l'increvable désir 1995, Le Siècle 2005; Literature and drama:Almagestes 1964, Portulans 1967, L'Écharpe rouge 1979, Ahmed le subtil 1994, Ahmed Philosophe, followed by Ahmed se fâche 1995, Les Citrouilles, a comedy 1996, Calme bloc ici-bas 1997; Théorie de la contradiction 1975, De l'idéologie, with F. Balmès 1976, Le Noyau rationnel de la dialectique hégelienne, with L. Mossot and J. Bellassen 1977, Circonstances 1 2003, Circonstances 2 2004, Circonstances 3 2005.
Several articles and essays have been translated into English: Art as a Place for Politics Video Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, 11/16, 2006, Truth Procedure in Politics Video Abreu Gallery, New York, 2006, Truth Procedure in Art Video Tilton Gallery, New York, 11/17, 2006, Jacques Lacan's Seminar On Anxiety Video The Drawing Center, New York, 2006,The Contemporary Figure of the Soldier in Politics and Poetry, UCLA, Destruction, Negation, Subtraction Art Center College of Design Pasadena,The Uses of the Word Jew, The Adventure of French Philosophy, Behind the Scarfed Law, There is Fear On the French headscarf ban, Bodies, Languages Truths, The Cultural Revolution: The Last Revolution, Democratic Materialism and the Materialist Dialectic, The Desire for Philosophy and the Contemporary World, Destruction, Negation, Subtraction on Pier Paolo Pasolini, Eight Theses on the Universal, An Essential Philosophical Thesis: It Is Right to Rebel against the Reactionaries, The Event in Deleuze, Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art, The Formulas of L'Etourdit, The Factory as Event Site, Further Selections from Théorie du sujet on the Cultural Revolution, Highly Speculative Reasoning on the Concept of Democracy from Metapolitics, Lacan and the Pre-Socratics, A Musical Variant of the Metaphysics of the Subject, Number and Numbers, On the European Constitution, On the Truth-Process, One Divides into Two On Lenin, Philosophical Considerations of the Very Singular Custom of Voting, Philosophy as Creative Repetition, Philosophy and Politics, The Political as a Truth Procedure from Metapolitics, Politics: a Non-expressive Dialectics, The Scene of Two English translation from De l'amour, Selections from Théorie du sujet on the Cultural Revolution, The Subject of Art Deitch Projects, New York, 1 April 2005, The Triumphant Restoration, What Happens On Beckett, What is to be Thought What is to be Done On the 2002 French elections; written by Badiou Sylvain Lazarus and Natasha Michel, A Musical Variant of the Metaphysics of the Subject, The Event in Deleuze, What is a Philosophical Institution, What is Love.


quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009

Giorgio Agamben, 'The Power and the Glory,' CSDS 2007 (2/6)


Giorgio Agamben, 'The Power and the Glory,' CSDS 2007 (3/6)


Giorgio Agamben, 'The Power and the Glory,' CSDS 2007 (4/6)


Giorgio Agamben, 'The Power and the Glory,' CSDS 2007 (5/6)


Giorgio Agamben, 'The Power and the Glory,' CSDS 2007 (6/6)

Giorgio Agamben's on 'The Power and the Glory,' 11th B.N. Ganguli Memorial Lecture, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (part 6/6)



Presentacion del libro "Profanaciones", organizada por la carrera de filosofía de la Escuela de Humanidades de la UNSAM
