List members who teach heritage might be interested in the following
series of short video and audio documentaries and academic
perspectives which have been developed as part of the course materials
for the new Open University course 'Understanding global heritage' and
made freely available on iTunes U. The resources, which are a sample
of those studied as part of the course, have been arranged into a
series of albums based around broad themes relating to the study of
heritage and the content of the course. While much of the content is
UK-based, the themes cover areas of global interest (including issues
of particular interest to this List-serv, such as calls for the
reburial of human skeletal remains from pagan groups in Britain,
multicultural heritage and intangible heritage) so you might find they
are useful in your own teaching.
Carnival and the performance of heritage
Social housing and working class heritage
Museums in contemporary society
Changing approaches to heritage
Please feel free to get into contact with me as Course Team Chair with
any queries relating to the course or the audio and video pieces
themselves. A series of course books will shortly be co-published by
the Open University and University of Manchester Press. I will send
more details of these once they are published.
all best regards
Rodney Harrison