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terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010

human rights

(Click on the image above to read)

Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities

After Human Rights? Panel Discussion

This debate will examine, challenge and rethink the tension between ‘particular, nationally-bounded’ citizenship and ‘natural’ human rights drawing on the insights of theoretical and empirical scholarship and of the politics of human rights activism.
Speakers: Costas Douzinas (Birkbeck), Conor Gearty (LSE), Adam Weiss (AIRE Centre - Advice on Individual Rights in Europe)
Co-Chairs: Leah Bassel & Engin Isin

Friday 26th February 6pm - 8pm Room B36 Birkbeck Main Building
Free - open to all - no registration

Julia Eisner
Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities
Birkbeck, University of London
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX

T: (0) 20 3073 8363
F: (0) 20 3073 8359