Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Where work obligations don’t sneak in on the weekends.


I am currently waiting for the laundry to dry so I can get ready for work. Wyatt is currently destroying my clean living room by bringing any toy he can find to just put it on the floor to go grab another one and the baby is currently cooking in my belly.

I am a little bummed that I have to go to work today and not only go but that I have to close. I keep looking out the window wishing I washed all our clothes last night so I could at least have a moment in the sun with Wyatt before I go to work but instead we are stuck in pjs looking out the window at others having fun. 

These are the days that I long to be a stay at home mom where work obligations don’t sneak in on the weekends. Where we could be at a splash pad running through the water or we could be at park sliding down slides or I could be preparing for a BBQ but instead I am still waiting for the laundry to dry so I can slip into my work clothes.

This summer my plan is to do. Just to do. This will be the last summer I have with only Wyatt. The last summer with our family of three. The last summer where Wyatt is the only child.


Our summer to do list:

  • Camp in the backyard
  • Camp in the mountains
  • Tube down the river
  • Make smores
  • BBQ
  • Go on bike rides
  • Picnic
  • Go to the zoo
  • Get a pool for the backyard
  • Build a birdhouse
  • Visit the farmers market
  • Go to an amusement park
  • Mini golf
  • Bowl
  • Sparklers
  • Eat a whole watermelon
  • Make mud pies
  • Look at the stars
  • Go to the swimming pool
  • Go to the lake
  • Feed the ducks
  • Roll down a hill
  • Go to the drive in movies
  • Watch fireworks
  • Go to a baseball game
  • Go to festivals
  • Eat a lot of cotton candy
  • Eat a ton of popsicles
  • Go to a waterpark
  • Get a slip and slide
  • Go on a train
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Build a fort outside

and hopefully a lot more. What are you guys going to do this summer?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Oh Hello Summer.


Hello summer, you are slowly making your way to us. We’ve spent our days as of late basked in your warmth and allowed the grass to tickle us as we laid to watch the puff clouds you make so graciously for us to gaze at in your bright blue sky.

Oh hello summer, your sunshine is like powdered gold over the grassy hillside where we will beg for ice cream cones, lakes to cool our toes in and craved only barbeque treats.

We ask for fire pits in your cool evenings to help melt sticky marshmallows and clear nights to see nothing but the thousand stars in your deep night sky.

Oh hello summer,  you come to slow and leave to quick but this year, this year we will do nothing but enjoy you.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

A lot more adventures to come.


I still recall last summer where we spent our days in the pool and our nights in the shaded trees playing until that last evening light disappeared.

I remember feeling the sun on our shoulders when we took those secret adventures as we dressed up as pirates, super hero's or who ever we felt like at that moment.


We’ve done very little of that this year. Its one thing or another but mostly its be nothing but summer for us and I am sorry for that Wyatt.

Truly I am.

I plan on more trips to the pool, more days at parks and a lot more adventures to come.

Be prepared.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I’m sorry its just not time yet.

I have written, deleted and rewritten this post a thousand times but I just seem to sit and stare at the screen, whipping off the sleep from my face while I try think how to tell you but the words just don’t come. I’m sorry its just not time yet.
Instead, try and enjoy the photos from our recent pool trip.
Because the summer is slowly coming to an end and its making me sad. I’ve enjoyed so much of it. Especially watching Wyatt and Brooklyn become great friends.
  the 1st photo I’m entering into:
  and then, she {snapped}Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory FridayLive Every MomentPhotobucketFavorite Fridays at Skinned Knees

Friday, July 22, 2011

Shh, don’t tell the husband but I’m in love…

Excuse me while I go out of order in the family events Wyatt and I attended this week and expect a lot post in the next coming days as I slowing sort and edit over the THOUSAND pictures I took. (Yes, I literally I took over a thousand pictures. Will I use them all? No. but I DO need to sort through them and find my favorites which is really time consuming. blah.)
Any who,
I live in a semi small town (or city I guess) and we celebrate a thing called Pioneer Days. Which is a annual celebration of when the settlers came and well settled our town.
Basically for a whole month we have different parades, fireworks, and activity's that go on and I try to go to as many of them as I can. So on Monday we went to the horse parade.
(Some of the family that came…in order left to right: Sister’s soon to be: Devin Sister: Janae Dad: Dad (ha) Mom, Sister: Alisha and of course Wyatt.)
Now my mother she is all about being to places early. So early that no one else is even there. We of course were that early. So we had plenty of time to kill. We talked, ate a ton of snacks and Wyatt played with his aunts.
(Spinning in circles with his Aunt Janae.The Paper Mama<--- entering it into these.)
Wyatt was so excited to be at the horse parade that when the cops came on their motorcycles to clear the road he ran and sat next to me screaming “its time! its time!” and I just laughed.
We saw a bunch of horses, wagons pulled by horses, different kids on horses and a ton of cowboys and some Indians. It started and finished very quickly but that was not the end of the night for us. We went to a cowboy/country concert after.
and I was in love.
I think my exact Twitter post was… “Sometimes I think I should have dated a cowboy.” and that guy pictured above was why I twitted that. His name is John Wayne Schulz and oh my was he charming. He was humble, a great singer and funny! I could have ran away with him. Seriously I would have.
Wyatt and I danced to the songs, screamed, whistled and laughed along with him until the sky was dark. I left that night with a heavy sleeping toddler and a secret crush.
Shh, don't tell the husband but I’m in love lust with a cowboy.

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk