Well here it is…
I am all about the Christmas holiday normally but I have been “Christmas out” since the start of November. Is that sad? Each year it gets more and more that way and its all because I work at Sears.
Not Sears its self makes me blah on Christmas but the fact that I work in retail and now that I am the Human resource Manager (which I love) I put together a lot of the Holiday events. Which for us as a retail store starts late October early November because we have to be super prepared for Christmas before it arrives.
So by the time everyone else is getting excited about the season I want to pull my hair out and scream horrible things to customers/family but I don't. I still go to the Christmas parties, sing the songs, eat a ton of treats, make a billion more treats and cant wait to wrap presents and see Wyatt on Christmas morning. He is so excited that he is counting down the days which makes me happy.
So far the things we have done so far this holiday season are:
- Saw the Christmas lights in Christmas village in Ogden
- Meet Santa and Mrs Clause
- Made a ginger bread house
- put up our tree
- made a ton of cookies
- ate a ton of cookies
- went to the Christmas parade
- saw the Christmas parade fireworks
- Celebrated Sinter Klaus (since we are Dutch.)
- Went to my moms annual Christmas party where Santa was invited and showed up
- Saw Santa again at Cody's work
- Went and saw the Christmas lights in SLC (or temple square I should say.)
- Went Christmas Shopping
- Went Christmas Shopping
- Wrapped presents
- Went Christmas Shopping
- Watch the Polar Express 4000 times
- Sang a ton of Christmas songs
- Watch Rudolph the red nose reindeer movie
- Ate a ton of treats
And when it comes down to it, I’m still excited to celebrate Christmas and really I cant wait to see Wyatt on Christmas morning. That will make all the stress I have had over the last months completely disappear.