Showing posts with label Robert E Vardeman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert E Vardeman. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Yukon Target by Robert E Vardeman

In the frozen wilderness of Alaska, 
the AXE Killmaster plays the most dangerous game.....

George Gross Cover
From his Alaskan school of assassins, psychotic ex-AXE agent Russell Chapman sens his cold blooded killers to destroy his former colleagues, including Nick Carter, as the first step in his plan to establish a new world order. But when Nick warms the bed and heart of Chapman's prize pupil, the gorgeous Laraine Shadwell turns against her insane teacher. She and Nick go to Chapman's frigid fortress where his assignment is to bring back the head of the murderous headmaster.

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
441 95305
July 1983

The cover art was once again painted by George Gross. Also this title is the last one to be written in first person. Berkley Publishing Group took over Ace Charter Books in July 1982. The working title was called Those Who Survive.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Kali Death Cult by Robert E Vardeman

Agent N3 enlists the aid of a bizarre cult to stop a Russian takeover!

George Gross Cover
Subduing the Russians single-handedly is an awesome assignment, even for Killmaster Nick Carter. But when David Hawk informs him that the Russian invasion of Afghanistan is an attempt to seize the strategically located Khyber Pass, Nick has no choice. Still, he has to get some help. And the only place to get it is from an ancient religious death cult high in the Hindu Kush. But first Nick has to get to their leader...alive.

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
441 42781
May 1983

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Outback Ghosts by Robert E Vardeman

The Australian desert harbors a deadly enemy.
Nick's mission: Find and destroy!

George Gross Cover
Nick Carter "Killmaster N3" is anxious to test his new desert warfare training when a mission to the Australian Outback offers him the perfect chance. A Russian radar base is hidden somewhere in the cast desert, and it's Nick's job to track it down and eliminate it. Led by beautiful anthropologist Daniela Rhys-Smith, Nick's target is a lonely sheep station deep in the aboriginal wilderness. But when a suspicious plane crash leaves them stranded miles into the barren desert without food or shelter, Nick realizes that he has more to worry about than the aborigines or the KGB. Someone very unexpected and very dangerous, is out to make sure Nick Carter does not get out of this mission alive!

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
March 1983
441 64433

Monday, February 27, 2012

Doctor DNA by Robert E Vardeman

Virulent disease becomes a global threat at Nick Carter races to discover its source.

George Gross Cover
When he witnessed the deadly tsetse fly claim its first victim, Nick Carter knew this would be no ordinary assignment. Dr. Bron Faber, the brilliant Afrikaaner biochemist, would use his genetically mutated flies to carry out his ultimate goals. To become dictator of all Africa, and then the world! Nick's only chance to stop Dr Faber's diabolical scheme is through his beautiful wife, Alleen. Only she can provide him with the information needed to locate the laboratory where the fatal diseases are being engineered. But it looks like Nick is too late when he discovers that the mad doctor is about to release flies infected with his latest disease. One that will cause massive plagues worldwide, wiping out everything in its path!

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
November 1982
441 15676

Monday, January 30, 2012

Norwegian Typhoon by Robert E Vardeman

An unknown force possesses a lethal weapon powerful enough to cripple the entire globe.

George Gross Cover

A routine assignment: Go to Copenhagen and keep an eye on Soviet submarine activity, But when Nick Carter "Killmaster N3" arrives, he finds the Soviets are frantic. They have "lost" their new atomic submarine. Of Typhoon Class, and even larger than their awesome Oscar Class subs, the Lenin is carrying twenty nuclear missiles! As Nick goes in to investigate, another submarine is suddenly "lost". Only this time it is the USS Ohio, carrying enough atomic firepower to destroy an entire country. If Nick does not stop the diabolical force behind the disappearances, the situation threatens to turn into a Norwegian Typhoon...with winds powerful enough to rock the world!

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
April 1982
441 58866

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Earth Shaker by Robert E Vardeman

His bizarre scheme:
To become king of all the Americas!

George Gross Cover
One by one the major countries of the world are rocked with crippling earthquakes. the earth shattering explosions are the workings of a madman who calls himself "Earth Shaker". And the United States is next. Unless Nick Carter, Killmaster, can stop him first. And the race is on as Nick soars from Mediterranean to Paris, and on to Mexico City to thwart the efforts of the mysterious "Earth Shaker". But his only clue is the man with the sloping forehead and the crossed eyes...

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
441 18124
March 1982

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Solar Menace by Robert E Vardeman

The U.S. space shuttle is being sabotaged.
To protect a diabolical new Soviet weapon!

George Gross Cover

Nick Carter "Killmaster N3" is taking a break from the spy game with a luscious woman under the warm Florida sun. But before long that very sun takes on a sinister quality, Since the Russians have found a way to harness and direct its terrible power. First Chinese military posts are struck. Then vital U.S. communication centers. Finally, when a NASA project collapses, Nick begins his desperate mission, taking him into the heart of Soviet Russia, and inevitably, into the arms of the beautiful Martina Dubronik, a U.S. deep cover agent. A bizarre battle with Cossacks and a confrontation in earth's near orbit hurtle Nick Carter and the fate of U.S. security, into a thrilling climax.

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
441 77413
August 1981

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Eighth Card Stud by Robert E. Vardeman

The Soviets are dealing and China holds the wild cards!

George Gross Cover
Eighth Card Stud

In the high desert not for from Las Vegas is the most secret and critical military testing site in the country. And when its chief scientist Dr. Richard Burlison is found dead it means that the enemy is on to Project Eighth Card! With the help of Burlison's very cooperative widow, Nick Carter is betting blind, and the stake are world peace!

Printing History
Written by Robert E Vardeman

Charter Books
19630 (August 1980)